Page 9 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, March 4, 2022
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8 March 4, 2022 veterans’ news Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Desert lightning news s. nevaDa March 4, 2022 9
VA encourages donating blood amid blood crisis ReSilieNCe, from Page 2 __ there’s a way. Dentistry For Children
McCullough said he was able
presenting another obstacle. He to use his brief BMT experience
The Department of Veterans Affairs and its masks, following social distancing guidelines and was also approaching his 40th as part of his age waiver pack- Specializing in dentistry for children of all ages, including those with special needs.
participating VA medical centers across the enhancing their disinfection protocols. These birthday. age, and was ultimately given Board Certified Pediatric Dentists Special ServiceS
country are in the midst of “Roll Up Your Sleeve practices help ensure the safety of blood donors, Julie provided comfort, he the green light for military • Nitrous Oxide
2022” blood drives through March in response to blood drive hosts and staff at blood drives. said, telling him that it was service. His second round of Dr. Jon P. Galea • Sedation
the ongoing national need for blood during the “As Americans, we recognize that our civic “okay” to stop his pursuit and basic military training began Dr. Elizabeth J. McGee • Hospital Dentistry
continuing COVID-19 public health emergency. duty is to help our fellow neighbors and stand that he had done more than April 20, 2021.
VA teamed up with the American Red Cross ready to always support those in need. During anyone else would’ve done. The resilient Airman gradu- 702-853-7322 Most insurances accepted.
and America’s Blood Centers’ regional blood this national blood crisis, the Red Cross asks our “I was like, ‘I can’t stop!’” he ated technical training from
collection organizations, in December — activat- country to come together and roll up a sleeve to said. “There’s a way and there’s the 365th Training Squadron • 6365 Simmons St., Suite 100 • North Las Vegas • Located at the SW corner of Aliante and Centennial Parkway
ing its extensive network of medical facilities to help ensure veterans and all patients receive the still a little bit of time and I’m in September 2021, realizing his
support the nation’s need to replenish the blood care and lifesaving blood products they need,” not dead. You know, if you’re goal of becoming a productive Creative Real
supply. said President and CEO Gail McGovern. still breathing, you’ve got to Airman in the Air Force Re- Finding cures. Estate Associates
The department is exercising its “fourth mis- “Veterans are some of our most dedicated keep kicking forward.” serves. He didn’t just graduate, Saving children. ®
sion” to back up the country’s health care systems blood donors in this country. We greatly appre- Despite his persistent na- though. He “aced” the bomber/ RENTAL HOMES IN
in times of emergency. Eligible individuals are en- ciate both their service and commitment. The ture, the denials kept coming special avionics surveillance • North Las Vegas
couraged to donate blood. Donors may give blood partnership between the VA and community in — five, to be exact. He was course, scoring 100 percent in • Las Vegas
no matter their COVID-19 vaccination status. blood centers is a way to help ensure all patients encouraged to check into other all blocks of instruction. • Henderson
“In an effort to continue to save lives, exer- have access to blood, while spreading awareness military branches, he said, but McCullough encouraged Rents from $750
cising VA’s fourth mission at this critical time of the ongoing need for blood donations,” said he wanted to be an Airman in others to not give up when Contact us
greatly helps the department meet the need America’s Blood Centers CEO Kate Fry. the Air Force. faced with adversity. Push 800-822-6344 702-450-5778
for blood and blood products in communities To find blood donation locations in your com- Good news finally arrived in through and fight to attain
across the nation,” said VA Secretary Denis Mc- munity visit or Americas- late October 2020 — just after goals. A CFC participant. Provided as a public service.
Donough. “While we continue to focus heavily to make an appointment. Individuals his 40th birthday — that his “You’ve got to do your best
on the care of veterans during this challenging can mention the VA “Roll Up Your Sleeve 2022” medical waiver had been ap- in whatever you do,” he said.
pandemic, blood donation is more important or use #ROLLUPYOURSLEEVEVA2022 at their proved. But, he had technically “You’ve got to help other peo-
than ever, and its impact can result in as many community blood collection site and their dona- aged out of enlisting. He said ple around you be their best.
as three lives saved through one blood donation.” tion will be linked to the VA national campaign. his recruiter at the time said You’ve got to put that effort in.” Buying | Selling | Investing
VA facility-based blood drives have instituted VA-hosted blood drives are scheduled on a an age waiver wasn’t going to For information about the Julio Carrillo
safety precautions recommended by the Centers rolling basis. Those wishing to donate blood at a happen. Air Force Resilience program, Realtor ® | Navy Veteran
for Disease Control and Prevention — requiring VA facility should contact them directly. Where there’s a will, though, visit NVRE 0182425
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A CFC Participant. Provided as a public service.