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7UDLQWKHZRUOG·VJUHDWHVW)DQG)ÀJKWHUSLORWV                                                                                                        June 19, 2015
                                                                                                                                                              Vol. 15, No. 23

INSIDE Emerald Knights lift off for New Mexico

„ 944th FW Det. 1, 3
„ Shaping up, 4
„ Aussies fly 100 sorties, 5
„ Men’s health month, 6
„ PT waist size, 7


                                    Tech. Sgt. Tim Boyer                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tech. Sgt. Timothy Boyer

  VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL                                   F-16 Fighting Falcons from the 308th Fighter Squadron’s Emerald Knights line up at the North End of Runway Tuesday
                                                          at Luke Air Force Base. The aircraft were part of a 12-jet launch that took place to move the aircraft to their new home
                                       See Page 18        at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, becoming part of the 314th FS. The 314th is a Luke AFB 56th Fighter Wing squadron
                                                          assigned to Holloman AFB as a tenant unit. Nine more Emerald Knight F-16s left for Holloman Wednesday.
                                                          F-35s gas up on fly
Action line ............................. 2
Briefs..................................... 3                             by Staff Sgt.                         ´$LU UHIXHOLQJ LV KRZ ZH Á\ H[WHQGHG   KC-135 Stratotanker, communicating the
Spotlight ................................ 4                            67$&,0,//(5                         sorties or go longer distances in combat,”       position of the plane receiving the fuel and
Diversions ........................... 20                                                                    said Maj. John Wilson, 61st FS assistant         insuring a smooth connection is made. The
Sports.................................. 23                                56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  GLUHFWRU RI RSHUDWLRQV ´:H URXWLQHO\ Á\   -XQHWUDLQLQJPLVVLRQZDVWKHÀUVWWLPH
                                                                                                             sorties lasting between four to eight hours      many of the 161st ARW boom operators have
QUOTE OF THE WEEK                                            )/LJKWQLQJ,,ÀJKWHUSLORWVIURPWKH       and provide sensor coverage over an area         worked with the Luke F-35 Lightning IIs.
                                                          61st Fighter Squadron connected with Air-          or protection in support of ground forces.
   “Excellence in all we are requires a                   men from the Arizona Air National Guard’s          AAR enables a persistent presence in an             ´,W·VWKHÀUVWWLPHZH·UHDFWXDOO\JHWWLQJ
lifetime effort of improvement. Most                      161st Air Refueling Wing June 5 to practice        area or the ability to strike further behind     to see the F-35s,” Madorski said. “It brought
people have “to do” lists, but very few                   air-to-air refueling.                              enemy lines.”                                    PHEDFNWRUHIXHOLQJP\ÀUVW)5DSWRU
people have “to be” lists. Why? Be-                                                                                                                           You hear the pilots telling you where they
cause to do lists can easily be checked                      The 161st ARW is right down the road in            :KLOHÀJKWHUSLORWVJHWORWVRISUDFWLFHLQ  are coming from so you’re just looking, and
off, one by one, measuring out the item                   Phoenix and provides a valuable service to         simulators, it does not completely replicate     looking. All of a sudden, there they are and
as completed. “To be” lists are never                     Luke Air Force Base and its pilots.                the real thing.                                  you have four beautiful jets come up and
done, but require constant effort,                                                                                                                            take their spots. It was a little Arizona on
honing, shaping and development. To                          “Luke is our active-duty sister unit,”             “You can’t duplicate the real-world fac-      Arizona.”
be lists require all four pillars of resil-               said Senior Master Sgt. Jeffrey Madorski,          tors that can complicate AAR such as the
iency to be in place. To be balanced is                   161st ARW boom operator. “We’ve worked             sun in your eyes, busy radios, dim director         The relationship between the sister units
also an admirable attribute.”                             with them and the F-16 for years and look          lights, turbulence or weather or manual          is strong and continues to strengthen.
                                                          forward to working with them and the F-35          tanker operation,” Wilson said. “As with
                              Col. Daniel Smith           in the future.”                                    many types of training, the simulator can           “We’re always here, we have all the tank-
  WK$HURVSDFH0HGLFLQH6TXDGURQ                                                                           JHW\RXSHUFHQWRIWKHZD\EXWRQO\Á\-      ers we need and we’re always willing to
                                                             With AAR, pilots can extend the combat          ing can teach the last 20 percent.”              provide support.”
WEATHER                                                   radius of their aircraft, and more complex
                                                          missions can be performed. Essentially,               The boom operator is in the rear of the                                        For photos, see Page 12
                 Today                                    being able to refuel in the air is crucial.

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