Page 3 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-19-15
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Thunderbolt NEWS June 19, 2015 3
Staff Sgt. Joshua Nason IN BRIEF
Master Sgt. Steven Joubert, left, and Senior Airman Brandon Simmons, 944th Fighter Wing Detachment 1 308th FS inactivation
crew chiefs, perform safe-for-cockpit-entry training on an F-16 Fighting Falcon June 7 at Luke Air Force
the aircraft that they will be maintaining. tivate in a ceremony at 8 a.m. Thursday in Hangar 999. The
squadron’s new home is at the 314th FS at Holloman Air Force
944th Det. 1 hits maintenance milestone Base, New Mexico.
by Tech. Sgt. members to maintain the aircraft. The 56th Mainte- 61st FS change of command
%$5%$5$3/$17( nance Group will be the organization with primary
responsibility for mission accomplishment and will Lt. Col. Michael Ebner will relinquish command of the 61st Fight-
944th Fighter Wing Public Affairs be assigned the majority of the primary physical HU6TXDGURQWR/W&RO0LFKDHO*HWWHLQDFHUHPRQ\DWDP
resources (e.g. aircraft, weapon system equipment, June 26 in Hangar 999.
)RUWKHÀUVWWLPHDWHDPRIPDLQWDLQHUVIURPWKH weapon system support, and production facilities).
944th Fighter Wing Detachment 1 Maintenance CPTS change of command
Squadron spent time during the June Unit Train- After spending time on active duty as an F-16 crew
ing Assembly providing hands-on maintenance and chief and working with the Guard on KC-135s, Senior Maj. Scott Smith will relinquish command of the 56th Comp-
received training on the F-16 Fighting Falcon. Airman Brandon Simmons, a traditional reservist troller Squadron to Maj. Joseph Nicholas in a ceremony at
with Det. 1, is grateful to be back. 10 a.m. June 26 in Hangar 999. For more information or to RSVP
Working out of the 309th Aircraft Maintenance by Tuesday, call Master Sgt. Adria Baker at 623-856-7779.
Unit and the 56th Equipment Maintenance Squad- ´,ORYHÀJKWHUVWKH\DUHP\EUHDGDQGEXWWHUµKH
ron’s Munitions Flight, 20 Reserve maintainers said. “Being a new unit can be chaotic, but the leader- AMDS change of command
worked on scheduled aircraft and equipment main- ship has been awesome from the top down. The crawl,
tenance. walk, run concept has made for a great transition.” Col. Daniel Smith will relinquish command of the 56th Aero-
space Medicine Squadron to Lt. Col. Robert Craig-Gray in a
“We are doing the crawl, walk, run method to This implementation of maintenance TFI combines FHUHPRQ\DWDP-XQHLQ+DQJDU
UHIDPLOLDUL]H WKH PDLQWDLQHUV ZLWK WKH ÁLJKWOLQH the talent of active-duty and Reserve maintainers
and ensure the maintenance we intended to do can WR LPSDFW WKH DELOLW\ RI ÀJKWHU PDLQWHQDQFH XQLWV 607th ACS change of command
actually be performed,” said Chief Master Sgt. Scott to meet their full mission capable rate. There are
Jongewaard, 944th FW Det. 1 superintendent. currently 61 maintainers assigned to the 944th FW Lt. Col. Charles Jones will relinquish command of the 607th
'HW WKDW QXPEHU ZLOO HYHQWXDOO\ OHYHO RII DW Air Control Squadron to Lt. Col. Jerald Canny in a ceremony
Total Force Integration initiatives are on-going reserve maintainers over the next three or four years. at 8 a.m. July 1 in Hangar 999.
across the entire Air Force, and it could not be more
evident here. The detachment stood up at the base “We are excited to provide additional experienced CMS change of command
as a classic association with the 56th Fighter Wing maintainers to help the 56th Fighter Wing conduct their
in 2014, and their mission is to “Train combat-ready maintenance and they have been great in accepting us Maj. Scott Hall will relinquish command of the 56th Com-
Airmen and provide mission-ready equipment.” as part of the team,” said Major Karwin Weaver, 944th ponent Maintenance Squadron to Maj. Anthony Sutton in a
FW Det. 1 commander. “We are already well integrated ceremony at 8 a.m. July 10 in Hangar 999.
In a classic association, the aircraft belong to the into the 56th with eight full-time Air Reserve Techni-
active-duty element while the Reserve individuals cians and that number will steadily increase over time.” Club Beyond pool party
provide manpower and work side-by-side active-duty
The Luke Air Force Base Chapel Club Beyond is hosting a
Pool. Admission, food and drinks are free. Preregistration is
Fiscal 2015 graduates required by Monday. For more information or to register, email
Alicia Siefert at
61st FS............................................................ 0 425th FS .................................................... N/A
62nd FS........................................................... 0 56th TRS...................................................... 61 )LQDQFHRI¿FHFORVHG
308th FS ....................................................... 36 607th ACS ..................................................... 0
309th FS ....................................................... 16 372nd TRS, Det. 12................................... 205 7KH WK &RPSWUROOHU 6TXDGURQ ÀQDQFH FXVWRPHU VHUYLFH
310th FS ....................................................... 34 56th OSS (IFTU)......................................... 47 RIÀFH ZLOO EH FORVHG IURP PRUQLQJ XQWLO SP -XQH DQG
311th FS ....................................................... 28 DPWRSP-XQHIRURIÀFLDOIXQFWLRQV
+RXUVÁRZQ 6RUWLHVÁRZQ T-Bolts 33 Luke Airmen Lightning Leadership
F-35 2,135.7 1,360 Deployed are deployed to
F-16 14,278.0 10,826 Leadership Gold will be offered 8 to 11 a.m. or 1 to 4 p.m.
7 countries July 7 at the Naval Operational Support Center, Room 412.
To sign up, email
‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’ auditions
The Luke Experience theater group is holding auditions for
parts in the “Rocky Horror Picture Show” at 6 p.m. July 8 and
9 at the Luke Air Force Base theater. For more information,
email Nicholas Cripe.
AF ROTC commissioning packages due
All Air Force ROTC commissioning packages are due in the
upcoming months. The Scholarship for Outstanding Airman to
ROTC packages are due to Air Education and Training Com-
mand by Sept. 15. The Airmen Scholarship & Commissioning
Oct. 15. There have been many recent changes to the programs.
Airmen interested in these programs are required to attend a
Education Center. For more information about applying for this
EFMP respite care providers
The Exceptional Family Member Program is recruiting for
EFMP Respite Care providers. Respite Care is available to
active-duty Airmen and Air Guard and Reserve who have been
activated for at least 31 days free of charge. Providers will be
paid hourly by the contracted provider. An exceptional family
member child is age birth through 18 and is diagnosed with
severe or moderate special needs. Siblings, age birth through
12, are also covered for respite care. Families receive 12 hours
per month of free respite care per EFM child. For more infor-
mation, call Marjorie Thompson at 623-856-6841.
See BRIEFS, Page 11