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Thunderbolt NEWS June 19, 2015 7
Don’t throw a fit — get fit
by Senior Airman ponent of the fitness assessment, then fails to comply Courtesy photo
*5$&(/(( with Air Force standards, he fails the test,” said Senior
Airman Philemon Sehne, 56th Force Support Squadron not run correctly. Just learning the right way to run
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs fitness assessment cell monitor. “However, there is one will decrease your run time. There’s more to running
exception to this rule, if an Airman scores 75 out of 80 than most think — the way you breathe, move your
It’s a controversial topic that has been brought up by points on the rest of the test, then they are eligible to legs, land your feet and how you carry your hands will
many Airmen — changing the abdominal circumference have their body fat percentage measured. If they pass play a great role in your performance.”
standards on the Air Force fitness assessment test. that screening, they’ll pass the overall test.”
In addition, Sachan advises running at least three
After months of debate, it was decided by Air Force To date, no one at Luke who has failed the abdominal times per week for a minimum of 30 minutes.
Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh III that the standards circumference has been able to score high enough to
will stay the same. qualify for the body fat percentage measurement. For the two strength components of the fitness as-
sessment, practice is key.
For one Luke Air Force Base first sergeant, Welsh’s There are many ways one can prepare for the abdomi-
decision to keep the current abdominal circumference nal circumference portion of the fitness assessment test. “For pushups, I advise people to ensure they are doing
standards was a wise decision. them properly and breaking 90 degrees,” Sachan said.
For those who feel they are borderline in the ab- “The best thing is to do them at least three times per
“Concerning the decision made by General Welsh, dominal circumference or other components of the week. For sit-ups, I recommend doing them after cardio
he said he’s not a very small guy, and he has to abide test, Master Sgt. Vikram Sachan, 56th Force Support so muscles are loose and warmed up. If you’re not sure
by the same standards that everybody else does,” said Squadron fitness assessment cell manager, recommends how to perform the exercises, talk to the unit PTL.”
Master Sgt. Carmina Beedle, 56th Fighter Wing staff first finding out what your waist measurement is and
agencies first sergeant. “I know he didn’t go into that develop a plan. Staying fit should be a personal goal.
decision blindly. He did his research and consulted with “It’s good to stay in shape for yourself,” Beedle said.
people to come to that choice.” “If you know or feel that you will fail the abdominal “Ensuring you’re in shape for the Air Force fitness as-
circumference portion of the test, have your unit’s PTL sessment test is one thing but for your own health down
Although it’s expected for Airmen to comply with Air measure your waist as soon as possible to allow for the road, it’s beneficial to stay in shape now.”
Force abdominal circumference standards, those with sufficient time to reduce your waist size,” Sachan said. For more information on exercises, call Health Pro-
possible medical conditions should see their doctor “Some ways you can go about this is taking nutritional motions at 623-856-8902, and for information on diet,
before their test. classes available at Health Promotions, which used to be call 623-856-8902.
referred to as the Health and Wellness Center, working
“I don’t think it’s unreasonable for an individual not out or getting involved in some kind of physical activity.
to pass the waist measurement,” Beedle said. “For some, Your success is also dependent on the amount of effort
it’s justified. It could be a medical condition preventing you put into your health and fitness goals.”
them from passing. These individuals should get medi-
cally evaluated.” Sachan recommends finding a running mentor if it’s
the cardio portion of the test one struggles with.
For Airmen who fail the waist measurement portion
of the fitness assessment test, there is a way they can “What will help you on the run is learning from those
pass the PT test. who run well,” Sachan said. “A lot of people I test do
“If an Airman fails the abdominal circumference com-
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