Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-19-15
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Thunderbolt                                                                            NEWS                                                                                           June 19, 2015  9                                                                                                                               

 PEOPLE                                                Sept. 30 will not get an EPR until the Sept.        a man doesn’t get diagnosed early, things           ‡ 6HDWWOH  7DFRPD ,QWHUQDWLRQDO $LUSRUW
   FIRST                                               30 closeout date.                                   have the potential to get much worse.”                 Washington area

   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is           Additional enlisted evaluation and pro-    ‡7DPSD)ORULGD²0DF'LOO$LU)RUFH%DVH
compiled from information from the Air Force           motion system changes will be announced                                                                 ‡7ZHQW\QLQH3DOPV&DOLIRUQLD³0DULQH
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Support          as they are approved for implementation.                        Article/600287/mens-health-month.aspx
Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness Flight,                                                                                                                     Corps Air Ground Combat Center
armed forces news services. For the complete story,                                                                                                    
go to the web address listed at the end of the story.    Article/600379/total-force-current-selected-mas-  for lodging program                                  Article/600163/dod-launches-integrated-lodging-

Selected MSgt evals                                      ter-sergeant-evaluations-close-out-sept-30.aspx      The Defense Department will launch an                                                     program-pilot.aspx
close out Sept. 30                                                                                         Integrated Lodging Program Pilot June 15,
                                                       June: Men’s Health Month                            which will provide quality government and           AF focuses 3rd round of
   Regular Air Force, Air National Guard                                                                   commercial lodging, with greater safety             VERA/VSIP for civilians
and Air Force Reserve master sergeant                     Each June, a congressional health educa-         and security and better services at reduced
and master sergeant-select enlisted perfor-            tion program is promoted to heighten the            rates.                                                 In an effort to lead its force management
mance reports will now close out annually              awareness of preventable health problems                                                                actions with voluntary programs, Air Force
on Sept. 30. In addition, as of June 3, ,              and encourage early detection and treat-               Travelers TDY, for 30 days or less, to se-       RIÀFLDOVDQQRXQFHGDWKLUGURXQGRIFLYLOLDQ
master sergeants and selects will no longer            ment of disease among men and boys.                 lect DOD locations will be directed to book         workforce shaping measures beginning
UHFHLYHFKDQJHRIUHSRUWLQJRIÀFLDO(35V                                                                  lodging in the Defense Travel System and            June 15.
                                                          Screenings, health fairs, media appear-          use government or preferred commercial
   Enlisted Evaluation System and Weight-              ances and other health education activities         lodging before other lodging accommoda-                The measures are necessary to meet the Air
ed Airman Promotion System changes                     are held to raise awareness for male health         tions.                                              )RUFH·VKHDGTXDUWHUVRUJDQL]DWLRQDQGVWDIÀQJ
initiated in July 2014, including EPR                  concerns.                                                                                               reductions, which were designed to eliminate
static closeout dates for each grade, focus                                                                   The effort to develop an enterprise-wide         UHGXQGDQWDFWLYLWLHVLPSURYHHIÀFLHQFLHVDQG
on ensuring job performance is the most                   The increased visibility of Men’s Health         program was facilitated by the National De-         satisfy previous secretary of Defense direction
important factor when evaluating Airmen.               Month encourages men and boys to seek               fense Authorization Act 2015, which autho-          to reduce management headquarters costs and
                                                       regular medical advice and early treatment          rizes the secretary of Defense to institute         staff levels by 20 percent.
   Master sergeants and selects, whose                 for disease and injury.                             a government lodging program to provide
EPRs closed out before June 3, will get an-                                                                quality government or commercial lodging               Voluntary early retirement authority and
other EPR that closes out Sept. 30 covering               One main problem among males is their            for civilians or members of the military            voluntary separation incentive pay will be
performance during the months between                  reluctance to see medical professionals.            VHUYLFHVSHUIRUPLQJGXW\RQRIÀFLDOWUDYHO         used to realign and rebalance the civilian
their most recent EPR and Sept. 30.                    According to the Agency for Healthcare                                                                  force during the third round of the program.
                                                       Research and Quality, American men are                 ,QWHJUDWHG /RGJLQJ 3URJUDP 3LORW             The final round of voluntary measures
   Master sergeants and selects whose EPRs             25 percent less likely than their female            sites:                                              focuses primarily on Headquarters Air
would have closed out between June 3 and               counterparts to visit a doctor.                     ‡&KDUOHVWRQ6RXWK&DUROLQD²-RLQW%DVH          Force-assigned civilian employees.

                                                          “For whatever reason, men in general just           Charleston                                          “As in past years, we will continue to of-
                                                       do not go to the doctor as often as women,”         ‡ 'D\WRQ 2KLR ² :ULJKW3DWWHUVRQ $LU         fer voluntary early retirement authority,”
                                                       said Capt. Amanda Killinger, a 19th Aero-                                                               said Debra Warner, the director of Civilian
                                                       VSDFH 0HGLFLQH 6TXDGURQ ÁLJKW VXUJHRQ            Force Base                                       Force Policy.
                                                       “Men shouldn’t hesitate to get checked out.”        ‡1RUIRON9LUJLQLD²6HOHFWDUHD86PLOL-
                                                          “Prevention is much easier than treat-              tary installations                                Article/600075/af-focuses-3rd-round-of-veravsip-
                                                       ment,” Killinger continued. “Take prostate          ‡6DUDWRJD6SULQJV1HZ<RUN²1DYDO6XS-
                                                       cancer as an example, it is treatable, but if                                                                                                       for-civilians.aspx
                                                                                                              port Activity Saratoga Springs

SOUND                                                            “Ride my Har-                             “Take my bike                  “Stay in and                      “Swimming laps
 OFF!                                                            ley to where                              and ride up to                 watch movies in                   in the base pool.
                                                                 I can get a                               Flagstaff for the              the air condi-                    It’s good exercise
                                                                 cool drink and                            weekend.”                      tioning.”                         too.”
                                                                 sit out on the

What’s your favorite       Sgt. 1st Class                                        Spc.                                         Senior Airman                    Master Sgt.
way to beat the heat                                                                                                          STEPHANIE SHORTS                 DOUGLAS MCGRAW
                           ELLIS MURPHY                                          TREVOR WILLIAMS                              56th Medical Group               56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
   in the summer?          285th Aviation Reconnaissance Battalion 285th ARB

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                           Worship Service              6:30 pm                                                                           602-434-3454NMLS 60134
                           Wednesday:                   7:00 pm
                           Prayer                                                                                                         AZMB 0911335
                           Bible Study
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