Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-19-15
P. 10

June 19, 2015                                    NEWS                                                                      Thunderbolt

This week in history

1965: B-52 goes on first combat mission

   The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress dropped bombs for the     increased structural fatigue. That operational change                                                                                        Coutesy photo
ÀUVWWLPHLQFRPEDWRQ-XQH\HDUVDJR              resulted in a number of expensive repairs to extend the
                                                            life of the aircraft.                                          nately two of the bombers collided mid-air. Eight of the
   Originally designed in 1945, the B-52 was to be an                                                                      12 crewmembers and both aircraft were lost. Another
intercontinental high-altitude, straight-wing bomber.          During 1964, combat efforts in Southeast Asia in-           aircraft developed a mechanical problem and returned
With six engines, its propellers would allow it to cruise   FUHDVHG7KHUHIRUH6$&PRGLÀHG%)VZLWKH[WHU-          to base. But, the other 27 B-52s struck the one-mile by
at 300 mph at 34,000 feet with a range of 5,000 miles.      nal racks. Those racks carried an additional 24 750-pound      two-mile target box from between 19,000 and 22,000 feet.
,WVERPEORDGZDVSRXQGV$ÀYHPDQFUHZÁHZ        ERPEV6KRUWO\DIWHU6$&PRGLÀHGDQRWKHUDLUFUDIW        Just over half of the bombs fell within the target area.
it along with a six-man relief crew. For defense, its       7KRVHPRGLÀFDWLRQVDOORZHGWKHPWRFDUU\VPDOOHUPL[HG
The design changed numerous times prior to the start        ing its nuclear B-52 crews to drop conventional bombs.         RSHUDWLRQV ,Q IDFW 6$&PRGLÀHG WKH 'PRGHO WR GURS
of production.                                              In March 1965, Operation Rolling Thunder began over            108 500-pound bombs.
                                                            Southeast Asia. With Rolling Thunder began sustained
   1LQH\HDUVODWHU%RHLQJGHOLYHUHGWKHÀUVWSURGXFWLRQ  U.S. Air Force bombing operations.                                Since then, the B-52 has taken part in almost all major
aircraft, a B-52B. It was a swept-wing, eight-engine tur-                                                                  operations to include Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Iraqi
bojet with a range of 6,900 miles at high altitude. Over       Operation Arc Light was the deployment of conven-           Freedom and Enduring Freedom.
the next eight years, Boeing delivered over 700 B-52s,      tional bombers to Thailand and Guam to support ground
ranging from the B-model to the H-model.                    combat operations. On June18, 1965, 30 B-52Fs from the                    &RXUWHV\RI5LFN*ULVHWWK)LJKWHU:LQJ+LVWRU\2I¿FH
                                                            9th and 441st bombardment squadrons launched from
   ,QWKH6RYLHWVVKRWGRZQDKLJKÁ\LQJ8ZLWK    Andersen Air Force Base in Guam. Their mission was to
a surface-to-air missile. That development caused Stra-     carpet bomb a communist stronghold near Saigon, South
tegic Air Command to change its planned employment          Vietnam. For the mission, weapons crews loaded a mix
of the B-52 from a high altitude bomber to a low-level      of 750- and 1,000-pound bombs.
penetrator. The low altitude approach would help shield
the aircraft from radar and thus surface-to-air missiles.      $UULYLQJ HDUO\ RYHU WKH UHQGH]YRXV SRLQW WKH ÀUVW
However, it also caused more stress on the airframe and     wave maneuvered to maintain their station. Unfortu-

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