Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-19-15
P. 8

June 19, 2015                                                                                 NEWS                                                                                         Thunderbolt

               Poland                                                                                                                                        Afghanistan

                In support of Baltic Operations 2015 June                                                                                                          Maintainers from their home station at
                5 through 20, a team of Airmen from the                                                                                                            Aviano Air Base, Italy, deployed to the
                1st Combat Communications Squadron                                                                                                                 455th Air Expeditionary Wing at Ba-
                deployed to Powidz Air Base, maintained                                                                                                            JUDP$LU¿HOGDUHDOZD\VDWZRUNPDLQ-
                communication requirements for the Air                                                                                                             taining a squadron of combat-ready
                Force at the installation. Baltops is a mul-                                                                                                       F-16 Fighting Falcons. Without them,
                tinational maritime exercise designed to                                                                                                           the mission would come to a halt.
                                    Southwest Asia
                                                             Since Aug. 8, coalition airpower has signif-                                                  Flag instructors from the 554th Red
                                                             icantly degraded ISIL’s ability to organize,                                                  Horse Squadron train service mem-
                                                             project and sustain combat power while                                                        bers from Air Force bases, other mili-
                                                             taking care to limit civilian casualties.                                                     tary branches and different nations
                                                             Made up of 18 nations, the coalition team                                                     once a month on how to produce,
                                                             has helped ground forces regain territory,                                                    store and establish a potable water
                                                             UHPRYHGQXPHURXV¿JKWHUVIURPWKHEDW-                                                        source for self-sustainment and sup-
                                                             WOH¿HOGDQGHOLPLQDWHGWKHPDMRULW\RI,6,/                                                 port purposes.

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