Page 11 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-19-15
P. 11
Thunderbolt NEWS June 19, 2015
Chaplain’s thoughts ... QUESTION (from Page 2) tire life. Being excellent wives, BRIEFS (from Page 3)
husbands, parents, daughters,
“Resiliency” is the present day focus of our military service. ers, while be without do portrays a sons, students, friends, workers, Give parents a break
Leaders at all levels want their followers to be resilient. Why? false image to oneself.” wingmen, leaders and Airmen,
Because, resilient people bounce back from the adversities of will always translate over into The 56th Force Support
life more quickly. Signing up for the Air Force excellence in all we do, and will Squadron Child Development
was a 24/7 decision. I am still an go far to keep us out of jail, out of Center and Youth Center are
In our Air Force “resiliency” is embodied in the Compre- Airman whether I’m on-duty or off- court, out of the doghouse and in offering free childcare in a safe,
hensive Airman Fitness program. CAF has four domains, four duty, whether I’m leading a critical good standing with God and man. age-appropriate learning envi-
key aspects, that when properly maintained, tend to result in care air transport team from Kan- ronment 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. July
a happier more meaningful life for our Airmen. The domains dahar to Landstuhl or coaching a Excellence in all we are requires 11. The reservation deadline is
are physical, mental, social and spiritual. Each of them is im- little league game on the weekend. a lifetime effort of improvement. July 2. The service is for active-
portant because if any one of them is lacking it has a negative I am an American Airman, whether Most people have “to do” lists, but duty Air Force families who
impact on the Airman’s life and productivity. I’m in uniform or whether I’m in very few people have “to be” lists. are experiencing stress due to
civilian clothes. I’m an American Why? Because to do lists can easily a temporary duty assignment,
At one level it is a highly utilitarian concept, namely re- Airman as I teach resiliency and be checked off, one by one, measur- deployment or unique hardships
VLOLHQW SHRSOH JHW PRUH ZRUN GRQH VR RQ D PDFUR OHYHO RXU sexual assault prevention and re- ing out the item as completed. “To associated with military life.
service seeks to promote resiliency to simultaneously promote sponse principles in my squadron, be” lists are never done, but require Lunch and a snack are included.
mission completion. Seen in a more positive light, when we or head to the mountains to play constant effort, honing, shaping and For children from infant to age 5,
are living in a way that properly manages all aspects of CAF, with my family. I’m an American development. To be lists require call (623) 856-6338. For children
we are happier and healthier. Airman when I perform my duties all four pillars of resiliency to be ages 6 to 12, call (623) 856-7471.
at work and when I perform my in place. To be balanced is also an
Trappist Monk Thomas Merton said, “If a man is to live, he duties as a father, husband, son admirable attribute. DFAC closed
must be all alive, body, soul, mind, heart, spirit.” or brother.
I am grateful for the wonderful The 56th Fighter Wing Ray V.
The sensible reality of life is that when any one area of life If I try to change who or what I men and women of the Air Force Hensman Dining Facility will
is out of sorts, it can have a negative impact on other areas am and live by different standards who have inspired me, encouraged be closed today for equipment
of one’s life. depending on the location I am in, me and helped me along my jour- maintenance and an official
then I start to experience somewhat ney. I am thankful for the opportu- function. Meal card members
As a chaplain, I invite you to remember the spiritual domain of a fractionated, psychosocial nity I have had to serve our great will be placed on basic allowance
RI\RXUOLIH)RUKDYLQJDÀWERG\DNHHQPLQGDQGEXV\VRFLDO schizophrenia. I can’t do excellently nation and to care for the sick and for subsistence for the day. Regu-
life are of little value if one is empty spiritually. I have observed at work and then go home and dis- injured service members across the lar hours will resume Saturday.
that those who possess a strong faith often have the ability to respect my wife or children, drink globe. What a blessing it has been in
ZDONWKURXJKDGYHUVLW\ZLWKJUDFHDQGGLJQLW\WKH\ERXQFHEDFN too much, or kick the dog without my life to serve side by side with so Motorcycle course
affecting other areas of my life. many Airmen, who have made great
Nineteenth century Christian writer Hannah Whitall Smith effort to exemplify and teach others A basic rider course 2 will be
put it this way, “Where the soul is full of peace and joy, out- Conversely, I can’t have a virtu- to live by the implied core value of offered at 7 a.m. Saturday at the
ward surroundings and circumstances are of comparatively ous family life at home and return excellence in all we are. motor cycle safety track near
little account.” Don’t forget the spiritual domain … to work and sexually harass my outdoor recreation. For more in-
fellow Airmen without grave Wishing you tailwinds and a formation, call Michael Hunt at
7KDQNVIRU\RXUVHUYLFHDQGVDFULÀFH consequences that affect my en- clear six. 623-856-7982.
Courtesy of Chaplain (Maj.) Larry Fowler
56th Fighter Wing Chapel
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