Page 16 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-19-15
P. 16
June 19, 2015
‘The L Word’
,Q´%DWWOHÀHOG+DUGOLQHµ\RXWDNHRQWKHUROHRI'HWHFWLYH1LFN Your weekly guide Years ago I discovered a show called “The L Word.” Right
0HQGR]D LQ WKH VWRU\ PRGH 8QOLNH WKH SUHYLRXV ´%DWWOHÀHOGµ to entertainment away, I was hooked.
play style resembles a cops and robbers storyline. WHOFRPHWRWKH)O\2YHU/XNH·VVRXUFHIRU Set in West Hollywood, the series first introduces Bette
Porter (Jennifer Beals) and Tina Kennard (Laurel Hollo-
In story mode, Mendoza faces off against the world of drugs PRYLHERRNYLGHRJDPHPXVLFDQGDOOWKLQJV man), a couple in a seven-year relationship who want to
and corruption in his police force. As you play through the story, HQWHUWDLQPHQWUHYLHZV8VLQJDIRXUSRLQW have a child.
you are able to investigate behind the scenes evidence of what VFDOHWKH7KXQGHUEROWVWDIISURYLGHVLQGHSWK
is going on in the story. The story is set up like a TV show with UHYLHZVDOORZLQJWKHYLHZHUDQRSSRUWXQLW\WR Thereafter, Tim Haspel (Eric Mabius) and his girlfriend
episodes. Anytime you quit the game or start up a mission or GHFLGHZKDWQHZDQGFODVVLFHQWHUWDLQPHQWRS Jenny Schecter (Mia Kirshner) are introduced. They’re crazy
“episode” it will recap what events happened before your last WLRQVDUHZRUWKWKHLUWLPH7KH.QRZD&ULWLF about each other. Shane McCutcheon (Katherine Moennig),
time playing or it will show little segments of the next episode. VHFWLRQKHOSVWKHUHDGHUFKRRVHFULWLFVZKR the player of the series, is also introduced along with Alice
KDYHWDVWHVVLPLODUWRWKHLURZQ Pieszecki (Leisha Hailey), a girly bisexual, and Dana Fair-
7KH VWRU\ LV LQWHUHVWLQJ EXW PRVW ÀUVW SHUVRQ VKRRWHU IDQV banks (Erin Daniels), a professional tennis player, who is
get the game for multiplayer and this game offers a fun mix of 1/4 - Save your money still in the closet afraid that being “out” will ruin her career.
game modes from classics like Team Death Match to Small and
Large Conquests. The new game modes set this game apart from 2/4 - Wait for Netflix release Throughout the first season Porter and Kennard have is-
SUHYLRXV´%DWWOHÀHOGµJDPHV2QHQHZPRGHZKLFKLVUDWKHUIXQ sues finding a donor and when they do, Kennard has a hard
and similar to Conquest, is called Hotwire. In Hotwire, the goal 3/4 - Worthy of Dine-in Theater time accepting that the donor is African-American. Porter is
is to take control of the marked vehicles on the map, similar to upset to hear this since she is African-American and wants
control points from conquest, and drive them at a high speed 4/4 - Bombs on Target the child to reflect her and Kennard. Eventually they work
to rack up points while depleting the enemy team’s respawn out their differences and continue with their plans.
tickets. Easy ways to shut down the vehicles taken by the enemy Know a critic
include destroying them or the occupants. I recommend using Haspel and Schecter’s relationship also takes a turn when
WKHPHFKDQLFFODVVIRUÀUVWWLPHSOD\HUVRIWKLVJDPHPRGHVLQFH James Hensley likes to Schecter finds herself falling for a woman named Marina
it starts with explosives. give a movie a chance be- Ferrer (Karina Lombard), who is in an open relationship.
fore taking the critic’s word Pieszecki is struggling to find love and will take it any way
While in Heist mode, the criminal’s team has to steal all the on it. He enjoys watching she can. Fairbanks falls for a sous chef named Lara Perkins
cash from a vault and return it to their extraction point while the action, thrillers, shooters (Lauren Lee Smith) but she continues to hide her sexuality.
cops try and stop them. Similar to Heist, Blood Money involves and more. He also enjoys
obtaining money, but this time each team needs to obtain the gaming and dominates in Throughout the seasons, the show brings up real life is-
money from an open crate at the center of a map and return it the Titanfall multiplayer sues, from race and religious issues, transgenderism, sexual
to their team’s armored vehicle. In Rescue, cops have to either game and the Halo fran- orientation confusion, and discrimination.
kill all the criminals or rescue the hostages while the criminals chise. He’ll take you one-
need to kill the cops, the big twist for this mode and Crosshair Hensley on-one, but believes the My favorite is season four with the introduction of Army
mode is each player only has one life. In Crosshair, one player National Guard member Capt. Tasha Williams (Rose Rollins).
assumes the role of a VIP which cops must protect from crimi- UHDO WHVW LV WHDP ÀJKWLQJ +LV JDPHU WDJ RQ ;ER[ In the show, Williams is a sharp officer who leads by the
nals. The cops need to get the VIP to an extraction point to win Live is Overwhatch. That’s right, it has an extra “h.” book on everything and would be the perfect officer, except
and the criminals win by taking out the VIP. for one thing — she’s gay. Back then “don’t ask, don’t tell”
Grace Lee is a public was still in effect, so Williams had to constantly be on the
'XULQJRQOLQHSOD\WKHUHDUHIRXUFODVVHVDYDLODEOHRSHUDWRU affairs journalist who lookout for her troop members in public. She also begins
mechanic, professional and enforcer. Operator is the all-purpose loves watching documen- dating Pieszecki, who’s the opposite of Williams in that she’s
class for teams having items available like the revive tool and taries such as “Supersize out of the closet and very vocal about gay issues. Williams
DVVDXOW ULÁHV 7KH PHFKDQLF LV PRUH RI D UXQDQGJXQ FODVV Me.” She enjoys watching and Pieszecki grow as a couple when Williams is accused of
VW\OHIHDWXULQJVHYHUDOVXEPDFKLQHJXQVDQGLWHPVIRUÀ[LQJRU food shows where people homosexual misconduct. They go through an investigation
destroying vehicles. The professional is the sniper class which try strange, exotic or and court proceedings. In the end, Williams has to decide
uses long-range weaponry and also has explosives for creeping oversized meals. Her fa- whether she wants to continue to deny who she is or choose
up on objectives and destroying them. The enforcer class features vorite types of movies are to serve her country.
port for teammates. One issue with the classes I’ve found is they Lee her spare time, she loves Now, whenever I see the scenes of Williams going through
don’t have antiair capability beyond radar blockage, stealth or what she went through, I feel truly blessed I live in a time
unguided explosives. singing, playing guitar, writing songs or reading when those who are gay aren’t condemned for being who
self-help books. they are. I’m very happy to be serving in an Air Force and
In this game, each team typically has one helicopter and an military that accepts people for who they are and fosters an
assortment of ground vehicles, depending on the game mode. atmosphere of love and acceptance.
If a team works really well together and has a good pilot in
their helicopter, it’s nearly impossible to take down a helicopter Looking back at how things have changed in the world with
without the use of one of the pickup weapons spread throughout the gay rights movement, I would say “The L Word” has made
each map. I’ve had matches which have 60-minute time frames a great impact on not just me but others who’ve watched the
end in less than ten minutes because the chopper has everyone entire series. Personally, it has opened my eyes to a world I’d
pinned down, and no one can shoot it down. It can be frustrating, never seen. It really put things in perspective for what gay
but play with some friends and the odds can shift in your favor. people are going through but also what transgender people
go through as well.
As far as shooters go, this game comes up short, both in story
and number of maps available to play. This should have been a Although “The L Word” is primarily a lesbian and gay
GRZQORDGDEOHFRQWHQWIRU´%DWWOHÀHOGµUDWKHUWKDQDIXOOJDPH show, it does have straight characters and story lines. To my
release. That said, it is a fun, multiplayer game that will keep surprise, not all the actors are gay in real life. I’m amazed
fans happy until the next big new thing. at how great their acting skills are because not only do they
need to play the role of a lesbian, but act it out as well.
Rated M for Mature for blood and gore, intense violence, strong
language, use of drugs. I recommend “The L Word” to those who are interested in
shows that include gay issues or for those who want a fun
drama to watch.
“The L Word” is rated TV-MA for sex scenes, brief nudity
and some profanity.