Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-19-15
P. 15

Thunderbolt                                              NEWS                                                                                                                                                   June 19, 2015
Then &

Luke’s main gate

            by Senior Airman                       Jackson Jr., 56th Civil Engineer Squad-                                                                                                                                            Courtesy photo
          0$5&<&23(/$1'                           ron NCO-in-charge of execution support.
                                                                                               In 1941 the base became fully operational with its main gate and bus depot located
                 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs     The construction schedule was de-        RQWKHZHVWVLGHRI/LWFK¿HOG5RDG
                                                   signed to build 134 buildings within
   In 1941, the land lease was approved            75 days with construction taking place      and Weary Housing projects East of                                                          ing which housed base leaders. In 2001,
and construction began on Luke Air                 24-hours-a-day. Eight months and 13         Litchfield Road, expanded the base to a                                                     the 56th FW commander and staff relo-
Force Base, which consisted of two                 days later, the base became fully opera-    total of 2,975 acres.”                                                                      cated to Bldg. 452, placing it a consider-
phases during the World War II era with            tional with its main gate and bus depot                                                                                                 able distance from the main gate.
three runways, a parking apron and a               located on the West side of Litchfield         The main gate to Luke operated with
drainage system for the flying field.              Road.                                       an in-bound and out-bound lane located                                                                                            See GATE, Page 19
                                                                                               on either side of the headquarters build-
   The main construction goal of the                  The Army Air Corps Base inactivated
project was to turn the desert landscape           in 1946 after the end of WWII. With the
into a fully functional air base with one          start of the Korean War, the base was
entry point and a railroad spur to deliver         reactivated in 1951, opening its main
material for construction.                         gate once again as a fully functional Air
                                                   Force Base.
   “The original base layout was a tradi-
tional triangle crosswind runway config-              “The base nearly doubled in size due to
uration and encompassed approximately              runways being extended around 1951,”
1,440 acres,” said Tech. Sgt. Charles              Jackson said. “The addition of Capehart

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