Page 23 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-19-15
P. 23

Thunderbolt                                                                   SPORTS                                                                                                           June 19, 2015

                                                                                                                                             Tyler Watkins, 56th          Sports Shorts
                                                                                                                                             Logistics Readiness
                                                                                                                                             Squadron, gets a hit dur-  Intro. to scuba
                                                                                                                                             ing an intramural playoff
                                                                                                                                             softball game against         A two-day Introduction to Scuba class
                                                                                                                                             the 310th Aircraft Main-   is July 11 and 12, and Aug. 8 and 9 at
                                                                                                                                             tenance Unit team June     the Silver Wings Pool. The cost is $99
                                                                                                                                             9 at Luke Air Force Base.  SHU LGHQWLÀFDWLRQFDUG KROGHUDQG 
                                                                                                                                             LRS defeated the 310th     per single airman program. Register by
                                                                                                                                             18-2 and moves on to the   July 6 for the July class and Aug. 3 for
                                                                                                                                             next round.                the August class. For more information,
                                                                                                                                                                        call 623-856-6267.
LRS defeats 310th in scorcher
                                                                                                                                                                        4th of July Pool Party
          6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\                      rhythm to get on the scoreboard.                         well for the 310th either. LRS continued
              Senior Airman                           It seemed as though the game would be a               its run in the fourth inning to bring the                      The Silver Wings Pool is hosting a
                                                                                                            score to 18-2.                                              4th of July pool party 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
        '(9$17(:,//,$06                           low scorer since neither team scored in the                                                                          July 4. Admission is free. For more
                                                   second inning, but LRS had a few plays up                   With the 310th at bat, they were looking                 information, call 623-856-7120.
                56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs   their sleeves and were determined to make                to close the gap, unfortunately, the LRS
                                                   it to the next round.                                    defense got three quick outs, causing the                   Intramural basketball
   The 56th Logistics Readiness softball                                                                    umpire to end the game by mercy rule.
team defeated the 310th Aircraft Mainte-              “We need to make sure we keep our out-                                                                               The intramural basketball season
nance Unit softball team 18-2 during an            ÀHOG HUURUV WR D PLQLPXPµ VDLG 0LFKDHO              The 56th Logistics Readiness Squadron                    begins June 29. Squadrons interested
intramural softball playoff game June 9 at         3DQHWK/56RXWÀHOGHU´0DNLQJVPDUW                 softball team hopes to continue its streak                  in playing must submit a letter-of-
the Luke Air Force Base Bryant Fitness             plays and getting quick, easy outs will be               and bring the trophy home.                                  intent by June 19 to the Bryant Fitness
Center softball field. This game marks             our key to victory.”                                                                                                 Center. Game times are 6, 7 and 8 p.m.
the beginning of the intramural softball                                                                       “For the next game, our goal is to keep                  Monday through Thursday. There is a
playoffs.                                             The 310th failed to make any runs into                hitting and making smart plays,” said Jose                  PDQGDWRU\FRDFKHVPHHWLQJDWSP
                                                   the third inning, but LRS woke up and used               Diaz, 56th LRS teammate. “Defense is our                    -XQHDWWKHÀWQHVVFHQWHU)RUPRUH
   The 310th opened the game by scoring            310th’s mistakes as an advantage to go on a              number one priority and we have to keep                     information, call 623-856-6241.
WZR UXQV LQ WKH ÀUVW LQQLQJ 7KH ÀUVW LQ-  lopsided 14-0 run to bring the score to 14-2.            it up in order to make it to the champion-
QLQJZRXOGHQGEHIRUH/56FRXOGÀQGWKH                                                                    ship round.”                                                Start Smart Tennis
                                                      The top of the fourth inning didn’t fare
                                                                                                                                                                           Start Smart Tennis is 5 to 6 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                        Tuesdays June 23 through July 28
                                                                                                                                                                        for children ages 4 to 6. Parents work
                                                                                                                                                                        one-on-one with their child. The cost is
                                                                                                                                                                        $20 and includes a T-shirt. For more
                                                                                                                                                                        information, call 623-856-7470.

                                                                                                                                                                        Silver Wings Pool

                                                                                                                                                                           The Silver Wings Pool is open 6 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                        to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday,
                                                                                                                                                                        11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                        to 7 p.m. Sunday. For more informa-
                                                                                                                                                                        tion, call 623-856-7120.

of the

                        June 19-21 WNBA                       Tech. Sgt.                      1st Lt.                Airman 1st Class            Senior Airman                           Capt.
                                                        Michael Jackson                 Drew Clasen                    Jordan Ashton             Adrian Moreno               Ambrosia Tomaino
                             Tulsa Shock vs.           56th Fighter Wing        56th Operations Group                                    56th Maintenance Group              56th Medical Group
                       :DVKLQJWRQ0\VWLFV                                          :DVKLQJWRQ0\VWLFV       56th Mission Support Group        :DVKLQJWRQ0\VWLFV              :DVKLQJWRQ0\VWLFV
,QGLDQD)HYHUYV1HZ<RUN/LEHUW\                           Tulsa Shock                                                  Tulsa Shock
     &KLFDJR6N\YV$WODQWD'UHDP                                                      ,QGLDQD)HYHU                                           1HZ<RUN/LEHUW\                1HZ<RUN/LEHUW\
                        0LQQHVRWD/\Q[YV              1HZ<RUN/LEHUW\                &KLFDJR6N\                     ,QGLDQD)HYHU             &KLFDJR6N\                    $WODQWD'UHDP
                                                            &KLFDJR6N\                0LQQHVRWD/\Q[                     &KLFDJR6N\                                            0LQQHVRWD/\Q[
                          San Antonio Stars                                                                          San Antonio Stars         San Antonio Stars
                       &RQQHFWLFXW6XQYV               0LQQHVRWD/\Q[              3KRHQL[0HUFXU\                                                                           3KRHQL[0HUFXU\
                                                                                                                      3KRHQL[0HUFXU\           &RQQHFWLFXW6XQ
                            3KRHQL[0HUFXU\              &RQQHFWLFXW6XQ                ,QGLDQD)HYHU                                                                             ,QGLDQD)HYHU
                 :DVKLQJWRQ0\VWLFVYV                                                                                 ,QGLDQD)HYHU       :DVKLQJWRQ0\VWLFV
                                                            ,QGLDQD)HYHU                &KLFDJR6N\                                                                               &KLFDJR6N\
                                 ,QGLDQD)HYHU                                          $WODQWD'UHDP                     &KLFDJR6N\          San Antonio Stars                1HZ<RUN/LEHUW\
&KLFDJR6N\YV6DQ$QWRQLR6WDUV                           &KLFDJR6N\                                               1HZ<RUN/LEHUW\          1HZ<RUN/LEHUW\
1HZ<RUN/LEHUW\YV$WODQWD'UHDP                       1HZ<RUN/LEHUW\                  %DOWLPRUH                                                                                  %DOWLPRUH
                                                                                    &KLFDJR:KLWH6R[                         Toronto                 %DOWLPRUH               &KLFDJR:KLWH6R[
                                 June 20 MLB                   %DOWLPRUH                                                       7H[DV                     7H[DV
                     %DOWLPRUHYV7RURQWR                        7H[DV                 &KLFDJR&XEV                    &KLFDJR&XEV                                              &KLFDJR&XEV
        7H[DVYV&KLFDJR:KLWH6R[                                                      3KLODGHOSKLD                        St. Louis            &KLFDJR&XEV                        St. Louis
         &KLFDJR&XEVYV0LQQHVRWD                           Minnesota            Los Angeles Angels                        2DNODQG                  St. Louis                        2DNODQG
               6W/RXLVYV3KLODGHOSKLD                       St. Louis                                                 Washington                                                 Pittsburgh
    /RV$QJHOHV$QJHOVYV2DNODQG                     Los Angeles Angels                  Pittsburgh                         Atlanta         Los Angeles Angels                        Atlanta
                                                              Pittsburgh                     Atlanta                       0LOZDXNHH                 Pittsburgh                      0LOZDXNHH
             Pittsburgh vs. Washington                     1HZ<RUN0HWV                                                   44 percent                   Atlanta                      50 percent
             1HZ<RUN0HWVYV$WODQWD                         &RORUDGR                    0LOZDXNHH                       45 percent                0LOZDXNHH                       52 percent
                                                              56 percent                   44 percent                     ,
PRQ¿UH              50 percent
                 0LOZDXNHHYV&RORUDGR                       45 percent                   50 percent                                                SHUFHQW         7KHUH
                                                   ³'HÀDWLQJP\RSSRQHQWV         ,ZLOOGHVWUR\\RXLQ                                                               ZKHQ\RXZHUHEHDWHQE\
               Last week’s percentage             IDVWHUWKDQD1HZ(QJODQG     WKHPRVWEHDXWLIXOZD\                                       0D\EDFKPXVLF               WKHEHVW$.$PH
                                                         Patriots football.”    SRVVLEOH<RXZLOO¿QDOO\
              Year to date percentage                                         XQGHUVWDQGZK\VWRUPVDUH
                                      Trash talk
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