Page 9 - Nellis, Creech and NTTR Bullseye 11-13-15
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BULLSEYE                                                        Feature                                                             9November 13, 2015                                                                                            

BALANCE, from page 8_________               the throttle pinned,” Gabriel said. “For   USAFWS, from page 7________                  our own. In turn, there’s much better
                                            that time, you’re one with the car and                                                  synchronization and teamwork. The
who gets the best time. In preparation for  moment and untouchable to any other        also for the active duty and Reserve.        experience helps all of us in numerous
his first competition, he attended a track  worries. You’re free for that time; at     Today’s total force Air Force is a seamless  ways,” said Martinez.
day in California in September to test the  least that’s what it does for me.”         team that can integrate at a moment’s
new setup on his car.                                                                  notice to defeat any adversary. With            The 104th FW’s Weapons School
                                               He competed in the high intermedi-      the drawdown of our active forces and        deployment is the first of four signifi-
   “Last month was my first event and it    ate class claiming second place at the     decreasing defense budgets, we, the          cant events for the wing in fiscal year
was mostly a shakedown, getting used        end of the weekend. Starting with a        ANG, need to fill in wherever we can         2016, followed by Red Flag, a EUCOM
to the car since this is a completely new   lap time in the 2:20’s he whittled his     to ensure the security of our homeland       deployment and an airshow.
setup,” he said. “It was a great time so    time down to 2:08 around the 2.8 mile      and our allies.”
hopefully I can adapt and get on the        course, that time rivaling those in the                                                    “All of this experience ensures that
podium for the street class within the      next and highest class.                       “Each person on this deployment           we are ready when our nation needs
next year, even though I’m at a bit of a                                               plays an important role,” said Maj. Mi-      us and we can demonstrate to our
disadvantage compared to some of the           “Overall I’m happy with my time and     chael Dibrindisi, project officer for the    community what the members of the
drivers who have been competing and         the event was a blast,” he said. “I could  104th FW’s Weapons School support            104th Fighter Wing do every day to be
have known the tracks for years.”           have made up some more time but I’m        effort. “On top of primary jobs, there       the most respected fighter wing in the
                                            getting more familiar with the car and     are multiple additional duties that our      Combat Air Force,” said Keefe. “Mean-
   When the day for his first competi-      I look forward to the next event.”         members pick up to ensure that our           while, back at the Barnes, we are still
tion arrived over Halloween weekend,                                                   group is working collaboratively and         performing our 24/7 air sovereignty
Gabriel was ready to attack the track.         He exceeded his goal, claiming a po-    our performance is top notch.”               alert mission to protect the northeast
                                            dium spot in his first-ever competition,                                                corridor of the United States. The
   He pushed his car and himself to         leaving him satisfied, yet eager for his      “For example,” added Master Sgt.          Massachusetts Air National Guard also
the limits, again and again, shaving        next taste of competition. Until then,     Elvis Martinez, “I am a non-destructive      recently announced another state part-
seconds off of his times with every ses-    Gabriel will continue to fly the MQ-9      testing technician as my primary air         nership program with Kenya, in addi-
sion, the only thing on his mind, going     in support of global operations while      force specialty code, but on this trip, I    tion to our existing partnership with
faster than the last time. Slowed only      working on his car when he can.            am also helping with taking pictures of      Paraguay. I think all of this speaks to
by traffic, Gabriel adapted not to, but                                                incentive rides, providing transporta-       the versatility of the Air National Guard
with the car, appearing to be at home          By day he sits right-hand drive in      tion and more.” he said. “I really like      and its people, and the importance of
on the track.                               a GCS saving lives, by night he sits       that because we are getting hands-on         our collaborative contribution on many
                                            right-hand drive in a racecar balancing    exposure to other career fields beyond       fronts … home and abroad.”
   “There’s nothing else that can bother    himself to be a stronger leader, Airman,
you when you’re on the track and have       and driver.

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