Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt - Luke AFB History and Heritage, March 18 2022
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4  March 18, 2022  History of Luke  Thunderbolt  History of Luke                             5
                                                                                                                                           March 18, 2022
 Thunderbirds take flight at Luke   Nearly 40 years of Fighting Falcons over Luke

 by    mand’s 3600th Combat Crew Train-  Capts. Robert Kanaga, William Brock   by    for the United States and allied nations.
 rick GriSET Jr.  ing Wing at Luke Air Force Base. The   and Robert McCormick were also on   JENNA BiGHAm  Using the approximately 77 assigned
 following March, his brother arrived.   base. McCormick had been a member   F-16s, including U.S. and foreign military
 56th Fighter Wing Historian  Aerotech News staff
 Catledge, a WWII fighter pilot and   of  Air Defense Command’s Sabre   sales, roughly 188 F-16 pilots graduate
 Almost 70 years ago, on May 25,   POW, also arrived at Luke about the   Dancers demonstration team.  The F-16 Fighting Falcon has been a   annually, and go on to join the combat air
 1953, the 3600th U.S. Air Force Air   same time as Charles Pattillo to com-  staple of the flightline at Luke Air Force   forces following completion of their train-
 Demonstration Flight activated.  mand one of the training squadrons.   See THUNDERBiRDS, Page 12  Base, Arizona, for nearly 40 years. The   ing at Luke.
 The history of the now famous   first F-16 arrived in December of 1982, as   Prior to the arrival of the F-35, the wing
 Thunderbirds began at the end of   the base began phasing out the F-4s and   had several fighter squadrons flying the
 World War II.  they’ve been flying the skies above the West   F-16. Today, some of those now fly the F-35,
 The U.S. Army Air Forces’ fighter   Valley ever since.   with just two U.S. squadrons still flying the
 arm only had piston engine aircraft.   The F-16 is a compact, multi-role fighter   F-16, the 310th and 309th Fighter Squad-
 The first jet fighter was just coming   aircraft. It is highly maneuverable and has   rons, along with two FMS squadrons.
 into the inventory. After the war,   proven itself in air-to-air combat and air-  In 2021, pilots combined for a total of
 a number of commands decided to   to-surface attack. It provides a relatively   9,898 flight hours in the F-16, with almost
 develop teams to demonstrate the   low-cost, high-performance weapon system   8,000 sorties flown.
 capabilities and flying precision of
 their pilots and new jet aircraft.
 In 1948 in Europe, Capt. Charles
 Pattillo, a WWII 352nd Fighter Group                                                                                                  Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder
 fighter pilot, helped organize the                                                             An F-16D Fighting Falcon from the 310th Fighter Squadron takes off,
 U.S. Air Force aerial demonstration                                                            Dec. 15, 2020, at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. Luke AFB graduates
 team, the Skyblazers, where he flew                                                            more than 188 F-16 fighter pilots annually. There are four F-35A Light-
 left wing. His twin brother, Capt.                                                             ning II fighter squadrons and four F-16 fighter squadrons that directly
 Courtesy photo
 Cuthbert Pattillo, flew in the same   Capt. Cuthbert Pattillo, left; 1st Lt. Aubry Brown, stand-  support the base’s mission of training the world’s greatest fighter pi-
 WWII group until he was shot down   ing; Capt. Robert McCormick, middle, Maj. Richard Cat-     lots.
 and became a prisoner of war. Start-  ledge, front middle; and Capt. Charles Pattillo. August
 ing in 1948, he was assigned to the   1953.                                                    A U.S. Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon assigned to the 56th Fighter Wing,
 same fighter wing as his brother and                                                           Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, flies over Phoenix during the NASCAR
 also helped organize and fly in the                                                            Cup Series Championship Nov. 7, 2021. F-16 pilots assigned to the 56th
 Skyblazers.  LEFT: The original Thunderbird pilots, from left: Capts.                          and 944th FW, which train U.S. Air Force F-16 pilots, performed a 4-ship
 In August 1952, Charles Pattillo   Robert Kanaga and Charles Pattillo; Maj. Richard Cat-       formation flyover at the conclusion of the U.S. National Anthem at the
 was assigned to Air Training Com-  Courtesy photo   ledge; Capts. Robert McCormick and Cuthbert Pattillo.  Airman 1st Class Dominic Tyler  Phoenix Raceway to kick-off the championship race.

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