Page 1 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, October 2020
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“We train the world’s greatest fighter pilots and combat ready Airmen” October 2020
Vol. 19, No. 10
INSIDE Senior Airman Marcus
Wallace, 56th Equipment
Maintenance Squadron
line delivery technician
(left), and Airman 1st
Class Preston Melker-
StorIES son, 56th EMS stockpile
management technician,
Disaster awaits driver who take inventory on small
drinks, 2 arms ammunition during
the semi-annual 100%
From the SECAF, 2 munitions count Sept. 12,
2020, at Luke Air Force
Fire Prevention Week, 3 Base, Arizona. During the
ALS grads, 4 counting process, every-
thing in the stockpile is
World War II vet tells story, 6 inventoried including mis-
Chaplain thoughts, 10 siles, bomb components,
explosive cartridges and
TBolt has story fit for silver more. The 56th EMS Muni-
screen, 12 tions Flight performs an
inventory count which
F-35 to get “threat” paint, 13 maintains accountability
for more than 3,470 muni-
tion components worth an
estimated $72 million.
AMMO utilizes new system for
Continue to get Luke’s latest
news and information from
these sources: https://www. 100% munition inventory count
and social media
Story and photos by During the semi-annual inventory count, the reconciler and they enter the number
Airman 1st Class everything in the stockpile is accounted into the software to see if it’s correct or not. If
Luke56thFW @LukeAFB BROOKE MOEDER for except outside agency custody account it’s incorrect, another team will have to do a
assets, including security forces and explo- recount through the same process. Accuracy
Date of publication 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs sive ordnance disposal items. The stockpile is paramount.”
First Friday The 56th Equipment Maintenance includes ammunition, missiles, bomb com- According to Tech. Sgt. Tatiana Greer, 56th
of the month Squadron Munitions Flight is utilizing the ponents, explosive cartridges, small arm EMS custody accounts supervisor, using the
new Theater Integrated Combat Munitions
new method, teams were reduced from 160
grenades and more.
Submission deadline System (TICMS) to perform 100% muni- The Combat Ammunition System, the personnel to 45, saving manpower and allow-
15th day of the month tions inventory count which validates for former method used to perform inventory, ing fewer Airmen to work on a non-duty day.
The process is projected to reduce the need
involves teams using count sheets and hand-
more than 3,470 munition components
prior to date of publication worth an estimated $72 million. counting the number of assets in boxes for recounts due to human error by 66%.
The new system, TICMS - an Air Force-
“They’ll input the numbers on the screen
Veterans wide program released in January 2020 stored in each facility. The semi-annual then hit enter and when it’s complete they
inventory is takes approximately one week
to complete, starting on Monday and ending
will digitally sign,” Greer said. “That gets
- saves manpower and time by allowing
Tell us Your Story individuals to use a Getac. This handheld Saturday. processed through TICMS and eliminates
Active-duty, Reserve, Retirees device is used to input number values, “You’ll have a counter and a verifier, so the need for reconcilers. All our reconcilers
All military branches are included and insert the number of assets digitally, there’s always two people,” said Tech. Sgt. and munitions operations Airmen must do
Email name, phone number and a avoiding the hand-counting process. If the Jesus Garcia, 56th EMS NCO in charge of is clear the structure on their screen until
brief description of your service to Getac finds a discrepancy in the number of munitions operations. “Each person signs everything is processed and verified. Every- assets, then a digital recount is automati- their name on it saying they’ve counted and thing will be digital.”
cally generated. verified it. Then they give the count sheet to See ammo, Page 8 & 9
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