Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, October 2020
P. 7

6  October 2020  news  Thunderbolt                                                           7
                                                                                                                                            October 2020
 Remembering: A WWII vet’s story

 by Senior Airman    invade Kyushu, the kamikaze pilots were   with no brakes, no hydraulics. I still don’t
 LEALA MARQUEZ  really killing them,” Hayes said. “We were   know how he did it.”
 assigned to bomb some of those airfields   While his squadron helped cripple Japa-
 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
 in Kyushu. Of course, I don’t think we did   nese combat lethality and disrupt enemy
 Black and white photos portray a strong,   much damage, they had so many kamikazes.   shipping, another squadron determined the
 smiling young man preparing for war, a   They’d teach those kids how to take off but   outcome of the war.
 beautiful snow-covered Mount Fuji with   wouldn’t teach them how to land.”  “The 504th Bomb Group was put together
 B-29 Superfortresses flying by and aerial   Because Hayes had so much experience   in the United States and we had three squad-
 photos exhibiting the remains of war-torn   as an instructor, he said his squadron usu-  rons within the group,” said Hayes. “They
 Hiroshima.  ally led the daylight missions.  took one of these squadrons and formed the
 Today the image is much different. Cur-  “I always felt the responsibility,” Hayes   atomic bomb group. We went overseas with
            More time for
 rent photos of the man feature an individual   said. “If you miss the target you put a hun-  just two squadrons, normally it’d be three.”
 who is much older; time had changed his   dred guys at extreme risk for no reason. You   The 393rd Bombardment Squadron, which   Mo r e  tim e  f or
 face and had taken its toll on his health.   had to concentrate on what you were doing.”  dropped the atomic bombs, was in the 504th
 Organs failing, the World War II veteran   Attention to detail paid off during one of   BG until September 1944, when it transi-
 spent the rest of his days in hospice sur-  his most memorable missions targeting a   tioned to the 509th Composite Group.
 rounded by his family. But in this man   chemical plant in Koriyama.  “We’d been overseas for about six months   the things you love.
 there lived a story, one of his service during   “Our group destroyed 70% of the target   and here comes our other squadron,” Hayes   Courtesy photo
 World War II as a bombardier in Japan. His   and was the only group to hit the correct   said. “They set them up in a separate squad-  1st Lt. Ralph Richard Hayes, 20th Air
 history changed the world’s history and   target,” Hayes said.  ron on Tinian. We built an officer’s club, so   Force, Army Air Corps, 421st Bombard-
 he was the last one in his crew who could   His group was awarded a Distinguished   they’d come down there and start bragging,   ment Squadron bombardier, poses for   More cash for what matters
 share the story.  Flying Cross for the mission. Today, the   and we told them ‘you’re going to win the   a photo June 7, 1945, during World War
 In 1941, 21-year-old Ralph Richard Hayes   decoration is proudly displayed amongst   war, when we’ve been here winning it with-  II. Hayes and his crew of 10 men com-  ®  KASASA CASH
 joined the U.S. Army Air Forces following   pleted 35 missions during the war: 14   Kasasa Cash  Checking can help you save more over time by paying
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 “The war started, and I hitchhiked from   perfortresses fly   fire raids and 10 night-mining missions   • Earn up to 25x the national average APY 2  Start Saving Today  1.55APY 1
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 brother was already there, and we decided I   in Japan during                                                              that pays you!
 might as well enlist because we were going   World War II. The   officer and served until Dec. 29, 1979, retir-  • FREE nationwide ATMs  as little as 5 minutes. Visit
 to get drafted anyway. They were drafting   photo was in pos-  ing as a lieutenant colonel. He was a father
 everybody.”  session of Ralph   of five kids, grandfather to six and great   1 A n n u a l P e rc e n ta g e Y ie ld (A P Y ) is v a ria b le a n d s u b je c t to c h a n g e b e fo re a n d a fte r a c c o u n t o p e n in g . R a te is c u rre n t a s o f O c to b e r 1, 2 0 2 0 . N e w C re d it U n io n W e s t m e m b e rs h ip a c c o u n ts re q u ire a $ 5
 Traveling from two schools in Texas, one   Richard Hayes, for-  grandfather to nine. His children explained   m in im u m b a la n c e a n d a re s u b je c t to n o rm a l a p p ro v a l p ro c e s s . F o r a d d itio n a l a c c o u n t d e ta ils p le a s e v is it w w w .c u w e s t.o rg / c h e c k in g a n d re fe r to Q u a lific a tio n s D e ta ils .
 in Florida and one in Nebraska, then 1st   mer 20th Air Force,   their father never spoke about his time in   2 B a s e d on th e U .S . N a tio n a l R a te a n d R a te C a p W e e k ly U p d a te fo r th e w e e k o f S e p te m b e r 2 1, 2 0 2 0  F e d e ra lly In s u re d b y N C U A
 Lt. Hayes taught other aviators as a bom-  Army Air Corps,   the war until he visited reunions.
 bardier instructor and received additional   421st Bombard-  “He had one of his reunions and asked
 training in radar school before leaving to   ment Squadron   me if I’d go to it with him,” said Bill Hayes,
 employ his skills in combat. His squadron   bombardier, who   Richard Hayes’s son. “I got to meet a lot of
 left on Christmas Eve of 1944 to Hawaii,   served during   the people that were in his group and it was   It’s Your Day.
 then Saipan, an island in the Northern   WWII in Japan. The   kind of an eye opener. They had some pretty
 Mariana Islands and south of Japan.  B-29 was a heavy   hairy missions. My dad started talking about   We Have Your Back.
 Hayes was assigned to the 20th Air   bomber used by   some of the missions, flying back with a plane
 Force, Army Air Corps, 504th Bombard-  the United States   that had a hundred holes in it, some in his
 ment Group in the 421st Bombardment   during WWII and   diaries, he’d just sit and show you pictures.”
 Squadron. He was the bombardier on a B-29   Courtesy photo  the Korean War.   His children shared the pride they felt in
 with an 11-person crew including aircraft   their father’s history and the importance of
 commander/pilot, co-pilot, bombardier,   other medals and tokens from his time   out them the whole time?’ Finally, one day   telling his story.
 navigator, gunners, an engineer, and radio   overseas — among them were small shards   they did. They dropped the damn bomb then   “I think it’s important for everyone to un-
 and radar specialists.  of metal — shrapnel that had been lodged   dropped another bomb, and pretty soon, after   derstand what sacrifice is,” Bill said. “People
 “Our 35 missions consisted of 14 precision   into their B-29s during missions. Damaged   Japan finally gave it up, we had the signing   made [these sacrifices] when they were 20
 daylight, 11 low-altitude night fire raids and   aircraft were a regular occurrence and, he   of peace.”  years old. I think we were very fortunate,
 10-night mining missions in Japanese and   explained, when a B-29 was too damaged it   On Aug. 6, 1945, the B-29 Enola Gay, flew   none of us had to make any sacrifices like
 Korean waters,” Hayes said.  was simply swapped out for a new one. He   over Hiroshima and dropped the first atomic   that.”
 Low-altitude night fire raids entailed   shared stories of gaping holes in the aircraft   bomb. Three days later the B-29 Bockscar,   As Hayes relayed his stories, he showed
 firebombing major cities in Japan. The   wing and treacherous missions home.  dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki.   remorse for lives lost, for his fellow soldiers,
 crew’s mission to Tokyo was the first mission   One mission over Iwo Jima was much   Shortly after, Japan surrendered and so   and for Japanese civilians and pilots.
 executed at the low altitude of 6,000-7,000   worse than others.  marked the end of the war for Hayes.  “I think one thing that people don’t under-
 feet. Hayes said he could see the light from   “I couldn’t believe our airplane could fly,”   According to Hayes, 150 Airmen from the   stand was there was a lot of post-traumatic
 the fires for hundreds of miles. In the end,   Hayes said.  504th made the ultimate sacrifice during   stress disorder (PTSD) that was not diag-
 firebombing left a fifth of Tokyo destroyed.  He said the aircraft had been hit hun-  the war. Hayes left behind the chaos of war   nosed or treated, that’s why the war was
 “The first raid on Tokyo was something   dreds of times and was littered with holes.  aboard a naval vessel on a three-week jour-  never talked about,” said his daughter Mary
 you never want to see again,” Hayes said.   “The life rafts were blown out of the air-  ney to return home.  Scherdnik. “He still carries that, the amount
 “The fire was so intense you could see it for   plane and they hit the vertical stabilizer.   Seventy-five years later Hayes remem-  of killing. Even though it wasn’t face-to-face
 mile after mile. Seventeen square miles was   Our hydraulics were shot out. The brakes   bered his experiences and recalled his crew,   they all came home with some real scars that
 burned right out of the middle of Tokyo.”  were shot out. I don’t think anyone had been   fondly knowing they were the reason he   they carried around for 75 years.”
 Some missions the crew completed sup-  able to make a forced landing yet.”  returned home safely and that he was the   Despite the scars, as Hayes shared his
 ported the U.S. Navy, including destroying   Hayes’ crew made the harrowing flight   last of them alive to share their story.  WWII stories for one of the last times, he
 kamikaze airfields. Kamikaze pilots from   from Iwo Jima to Tinian Island in their   “[Our] radio operator was scared to death   laughed at the drinking antics of his old crew
 the Japanese Special Attack Units were   battle-damaged aircraft. He said the odds   all the time but did a hell of a good job,” re-  and the interesting people he met, all the   Special U.S. Military rateS  45 minutes north of anthem in camp Verde, aZ
 developed to counter U.S. advancement in   were against them because, even if the B-29   called Hayes fondly. “We had a radar operator   while his story continued. It continued until
 the Pacific. Their mission was to fly their   survived the 730-mile trip, their pilot would   who was only 17 — really good-looking kid.   his last breath. At 100 and a half years old   In honor of the brave men and women who serve this country, Out of Africa    3 miles west of i-17 on Hwy 260
 aircraft into U.S. naval vessels. During   have to land the nearly decimated aircraft.   We had one gunner who was the old man in   on Aug. 27, 2020, Hayes passed away peace-  is proud to offer special military rates on general admission. The discout applies to
 WWII, according to Britannica, Kamikaze   Hayes said, through incredible skill and a   the crew and the only guy I ever knew that   fully in his home while surrounded by loved   active U.S. active duty military, U.S. cadets, and veterans. Must show proper I.D.    928-567-2840
 pilots sank more than 30 Allied vessels and   miracle, their pilot landed the aircraft safely.  enjoyed war — you couldn’t keep him out of   ones. He is one of the last to have actually   at our admission gate (DD214 or State Veterans ID card), whether ticket is   facebook/OutofAfricaPark • twitter/OutofAfricaPark
 damaged hundreds more.  “I’ll swear he’s an amazing pilot, Sid   the airplane. They all died several years ago.”  lived what many people just learn about. He   purchased at the park or online. Please note that no additional discounts apply.
 “When [the Navy was] getting ready to   Hale,” said Hayes. “He landed that airplane   After the war, Hayes became a Reserve   is the history of this nation.  Family members of active and retired military can receive military discount with
                        proper ID such as a DD Form 1172-1 or DD Form 1173.
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