Page 13 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, October 2020
P. 13

12  October 2020  news  Thunderbolt               news                                       13
                                                                                                                                            October 2020
 Luke Airman’s story is tale for big screen  57th Wing plans ‘threat’ paint color scheme for aggressor F-35s

 by Airman 1st Class    connected with his dad’s old college friend   Staff Sgt. Olek-  Officials at Nellis Air Force Base confirmed the the
 BROOKE MOEDER  who helped them settle into a two-bedroom   sandr Kalinin, 56th   65th Aggressor Squadron will give their F-35 Lightning II
 apartment.  Force Support   stealth jets a “threat representative” color scheme.
 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
 Soon Kalinin realized that the U.S. is a   Squadron Airman   The 57th Wing has begun working on camouflage color
 Imagine discovering a once in a lifetime   country filled with experiences he wasn’t   Leadership School   schemes for the future Aggressor F-35A jets ahead of the
 chance to change your life forever. Taking   used to. He said one thing that amazed him   instructor, poses   reactivation of an Aggressor Squadron at Nellis AFB. Last
 that chance meant you had to leave your   was that you could get free refills.  for a portrait while   year the U.S. Air Force announced the plan to reactivate
 home, move to a new country and face a   “In Ukraine that’s not a thing,” Kalinin   holding a fam-  the 65th AGRS, a unit previously flying the F-15C/D,
 new adventure. This Luke Air Force Base   said. “If you want another one you have to   ily heirloom Aug.   inactivated on Sept. 26, 2014, due to fiscal 2015 budget
 Airman’s story could be one for the big   purchase it.”  26, 2020, at Luke   constraints.
 screen.  Kalinin explained that after leaving   Air Force Base,   The 65th AGRS will receive about a dozen early produc-
 Staff Sgt. Oleksandr Kalinin, 56th   the world he knew, he was initially lonely   Arizona. Kalinin   tion non-combat capable 5th generation aircraft and art-
 Force Support Squadron Airman Leader-  because he didn’t know anyone and felt   brought the amu-  ists have been invited to submit proposals for the future
 ship School instructor, exchanged his old   isolated. However, he is thankful for the   let with him from   Aggressor F-35 paint scheme.
 memories for the idea of making new ones   openness and the help he has received thus   Ukraine when   F-16s of the 64th Aggressor Squadron, based at Nellis Air
 in a new place.  far on his journey in the United States.   he moved to the   Force Base, and 18th AGRS, based at Eielson AFB, Alaska,
 “My story is almost like a movie,” Ka-  Before graduating high school, he decided   United States in   are well-known for sporting paint schemes that make them
 linin said. “Born and raised in Ukraine, I   to join the Air Force in 2014.  2010. The amulet   similar to Russian or Chinese counterparts. Red Air liver-
 lived there until I was close to 15 years   “I joined the military because I didn’t   is traditionally kept   ies replicate the paint schemes, markings and insignia of
 old. The 2008 recession hit, my parents   know how to fill out a college application,”   in a household   their near-peer adversaries, so that pilots in training who
 owned a business which was struggling.   he joked. “Actually, I wanted to fly, and my   and is thought to   come within visual range of these adversary jets get the
 So my parents, out of desperation, started   dad saw how much the service takes care of   bring an abundant   same sight they would see if they were engaging an actual
 looking for ways out.”  you because he enlisted as internal troops   harvest, good luck   threat. Some famous “splinter” patterns worn by Nellis
 Kalinin’s parents discovered and ap-  in the Soviet Army back in the ‘80s. He said   and keep spirits   AFB’s Aggressors as well as more traditional camouflages,   artwork courtesy of Sean Hampton aviation art
 plied for the Diversity Immigrant Visa   it was tough, so he kind of prepared me for   U.S. air force photo by airman 1st Class Brooke moeder   away.  like the one applied to U.S. Marine Corps F/A-18 Hornets   The Wraith, based on the existing F-16 Viper color scheme is among the designs submitted by Sean Hampton for
 Program, also known as the “green card   it. It’s a good foundation.”  in past years, have been inspired by Russian air force and   the 65th AGRS F-35. Artwork for illustration purposes only.
 lottery.”  Kalinin enlisted as a heating, ventila-  it took another five years for it to sink in   military but would also like to be a movie   navy aircraft.
 Through the program, applicants of   tion and air conditioning technician. He   and think how much I really want to fly,”   actor one day.  An article  published  Sept. 10, con-  other liveries that are not based on   To learn more about the future of   proval to use a threat representative
 low-admission countries — any country   mentioned that HVAC technical training   Kalinin said. “Now I’m taking steps. I see   “It suits me,” Kalinin said. “It’s easy to   tained seven designs made by artist Sean Hampton,   existing Viper camouflages but has   the 65th AGRS and the alleged plan to   color scheme on the Aggressor F-35s”,
 with fewer than 50,000 natives admitted   was challenging to learn because of all the   the progress and this progress fuels further   get along with people, to do the mission.   which were the artistic renderings of current Aggressor   decided not to release them until the   give it an Aggressor paint scheme, we   said the PAO Media OPS in an email.
 to the United States in the previous five   materials the job encompasses, but he over-  progress.”  It’s a wonderful joy ride. I can see myself   camouflage schemes sported by 64th AGRS and 18th   squadron have their unveiling of the   reached out to the 57th Wing.  “The current timeline [to receive the
 years — are eligible to enter the lottery   came it while making many lifelong friends.  Kalinin said he has embraced all the   serving for 20 years unless I get picked up   AGRS’ F-16s, applied to the F-35. Sean has submitted   chosen schemes.   “The current plan is to seek ACC ap-  first F-35] is Oct. 1, 2021.”
 for a U.S. Visa. However, according to the   Kalinin arrived at Luke AFB in October   opportunities the Air Force has given him,   for a new Hollywood blockbuster.”
 American Immigration Council, the odds   2014. He attended Airman Leadership   such as the chance to go to school and buy
 of being randomly selected are slim, with   School in March of 2019 without knowing   a house, and suggests others do the same.
 an average of 13.3 million people submit-  he’d later become an instructor.   Kalinin earned his U.S. Certificate of Citi-  PAST & PRESENT MILITARY AND DEPENDENTS
 ting applications every year.  Kalinin said the five weeks students   zenship Aug. 21, 2014, while in technical
 “About six or so months later my parents   spend at ALS is a little snapshot of what   training at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas.
 received a letter in the mail,” Kalinin said.   leadership looks like in action. Students   “Overall, the military tells you how to
 “They sent it to my English tutor and we   are presented with situations where they’re   succeed,” Kalinin said. “Which tells me
 sat there with him while he opened it. He   forced to adapt to build their leadership   the people that don’t succeed are actively
 briefly scanned it and said, ‘Congratula-  skills. He also encourages them to return   refusing to succeed. If you’re here to do
 tions, you’re going to America!’”  to their unit and change the Air Force from   something, put your mind to it and do it
 Kalinin, his parents and his brother   within it, or if they choose to get out, use   the best you can. Don’t be afraid to ask if
 moved to Seattle in April 2010. They re-  the skillsets learned to change the world   you need help. People are always willing
 from outside the military.  to help.”                                         FOR YOUR SERVICE
 Eight months later, he became an ALS   Kalinin returned to Ukraine in 2019 to
 instructor himself and now teaches Air-  visit family, a trip that brought back memo-
 men the skillsets and criteria needed to   ries but reminded him that his home is in   Your plasma is urgently needed to help create medicines
 become NCOs.  the States. He said he plans to stay in the
 “He told me before he came to ALS he                                                                      for people with immune deficiencies.
 was planning to get out of the military after
 his time was up,” said Master Sgt. Bradford                                       Download the BioLife Plasma Services App
 Doyon, 56th FSS ALS commandant. “ALS
 made such a big impression on him that
 he wanted to be part of the team and give
 back what he received. When he was being                                         Show your MILITARY ID
 evaluated during the selection process,   Courtesy Photo by
 you’d never know he was teaching his first   Staff Sgt. Oleksandr Kalinin
 class — you’d think he’d been doing it for   Staff Sgt. Oleksandr                  for an extra 50 BONUS
 a year or two already.”  Kalinin, 56th Force
 As an extrovert, Kalinin said he loves   Support Squadron Air-
 working with people and emphasized the   man Leadership School
 fact that experiences can’t be bought.  instructor, teaches
 “My first class was graduating at Club   an ALS class Jan. 14,                                      1655 N 107th Ave, Avondale, AZ 85392
 Five Six and all my students were looking   2020, at Luke Air Force
 Courtesy photo  sharp,” Kalinin said. “I just remembered   Base, Arizona. Kalinin                   16480 N 59th Ave, Glendale, AZ 85306
 Staff Sgt. Oleksandr Kalinin, 56th Force   how they walked up to me and thanked me.   became an ALS instruc-
 Support Squadron Airman Leadership   I stood there and thought, in no other point   Courtesy Photo by Staff Sgt. Oleksandr Kalinin   tor in November 2019
 School instructor, holds his United   of time can I buy this, this is real.”  Staff Sgt. Oleksandr Kalinin, 56th Force Support Squadron   and teaches Airmen
 States Certificate of Citizenship Aug. 14,   Apart from being an ALS instructor,   Airman Leadership School instructor (right), his brother   the skillsets and crite-  NEW DONORS ONLY
 2020, at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas.   Kalinin is working on his bachelor’s degree   Vladimir Kalinin and father pose for a photo in Vinnytsia,   ria needed to become   Military personnel and Military dependents present this coupon along with your Military ID prior to the initial donation and
                                                                             cannot have made any prior plasma donations at any BioLife Plasma facility. Initial donation must be completed between
 Kalinin earned his citizenship during   in management and plans to complete it   Ukraine. Kalinin and his family moved to the Seattle area in   NCOs. The course puts   6.5” AD SPACE
                                                                           10.1.20 and 12.31.20. Donation fees will be paid in the following order $10, $20, $10 and $10. Subsequent donations must be
 technical training. Kalinin and his family   within the next year. Once achieved, he   2010 from Ukraine and Kalinin joined the Air Force in 2014   students into situations   completed within 30 days. Coupon redeemable only upon completing successful donations. Non-transferable.
 moved to Seattle in 2010 from Ukraine.   is going to apply for the Air Force Officer   after graduating high school. Kalinin is working on his   where they’re forced to   OFFER CODE 67021- 1002
 Kalinin joined the U.S. Air Force in 2014   Training School program.  bachelor’s degree in management and plans to apply for   adapt in order to build
 after graduating high school.  “When I came in I wanted to fly jets, but   the Air Force Officer Training School and become a pilot.   their leadership skills.   Copyright © 2020 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited. All rights reserved.
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