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Vol. 80, No. 36                                             March Air Reserve Base, California                                         Friday, September 11, 2015

    NEWS BRIEFS                     March Airmen are published authors

EARLY-MORNING 9-11                  by Linda Welz
CEREMONY AT MARCH                   452 AMW public affairs

         FIRE DEPT.                    Some Airmen at March Air Reserve                                                                                                                            Courtesy photo
   The March Field Fire and         Base have taken Air Force leadership’s
Emergency Services Depart-          encouragement to tell his or her story one         (L-R) Michael “Q” Quiboloy, (former 163rd Reconnaissance Wing); Chief Master Sgt.
ment will be honoring those         step further by writing and publishing their       Rogers, 163rd Communications Squadron; MSgt. Monika Ros, 163rd Communica-
lives lost on September 11, 2001    own books. A recent book signing near the          tions Squadron; Kat Lange (military spouse); Senior Master Sgt. Michael Leocadio,
at an early-morning ceremony        reserve base revealed several such Team            163 CS; and Capt. Perry Covington, 452nd Air Mobility Wing, display their company
Friday, Sept. 11, 6:45 a.m. at the  March, Airmen-authors.                             banner at a book signing in Moreno Valley, California. Think Kings Publishing was
9-11 Memorial outside the sta-                                                         created as a way to help one another self-publish books they were writing.
tion, Bldg. 1290 on base. All are      Chief Master Sgt. Jerry J.K. Rogers, 163rd
welcomed to join them.              Communications Flight, California Air Na-             Think Kings was started in 2013 as a way     the third, “Child of Atlantis-Catalyst,” will
                                    tional Guard (CAANG), has served in the            to help themselves, and other up-and-com-       be out the end of October.
  COMMISSARY CASE                   military for 35 years, and has a passion for       ing writers and illustrators, work through
  LOT SALE SEP 17-20                writing that began in high school, although        the challenges of writing, illustrating, pub-      Covington credits his daughters for
   The March Commissary’s           he didn’t pursue it seriously until four or five    lishing, marketing, etc., Rogers said.          helping write his first book.
next case lot sale is scheduled     years ago, he said. That’s when he said he
for September 17 - 20. Sale         knew he was really meant to write.                    Joining Rogers at the book signing,             Story-share was something he started
hours will be Thursday, Friday                                                         Covington, spoke about how he became in-        with my daughters, Jennavieve, 6, and
and Saturday, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.         “I used to dart off and my mom was like,        terested in writing in high school because      Lilyana, 4, a few years back, he said.
and Sunday, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. In     ‘Where’s Jerry?’ and I would be at the li-         of an English teacher he had who high-
addition to the case lot sale out-  brary. It was only half a block away,” Rog-        lighted his writings to other classes which        “One of them begins a story and then at
side, there will be extra savings   ers said.                                          bolstered his confidence.                        any given point they say someone else’s name
on items in the meat and pro-                                                                                                          and that person has to continue the story,”
duce departments inside! Save          It’s there that his love of reading let to his     “From that point on I started taking writ-   Covington said. “That’s basically how the
the dates.                          passion for writing.                               ing more seriously, writing short stories and   idea for Child of Atlantis came about.”
                                                                                       novellas, culminating to the point where I got
     MILITARY OPEN                     “I had some high school teachers who            to write an entire book.”                          As Story-share continues, so do the
             HOUSE                  encouraged me over the years. I had some                                                           ideas for the rest of the series.
                                    ideas (for stories) and I still have the notes,”      Covington said his military career has
   Sam’s Club at 6378 Valley        Rogers said.                                       enhanced his writing through journalism            “I’m trying to do two books each year,
Spring Pkwy, Riverside, will be                                                        training and the exposure he gets to daily      so my goal is to be done with this series by
hosting an open house in honor         His first novel, “The Fallen and The             writing in the public affairs career field.      2017,” he said.
of the U.S. military on September   Elect,”was self-published about three and
19, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. No member-     a half years ago and falls into the fantasy/          “It has brought my own personal writing         Covington is also authoring a teen, ac-
ship is required. Join them for     science fiction category. Since then, Rog-          to another level. The history that I’ve been    tion, fantasy series called “The Caster
some fun, games, free gift bag,     ers has penned “The Legend of the Salad            able to learn about the world from traveling    Wars” about two sisters who are born
snacks and refreshments.            Traveler,” a short, light-hearted story remi-      in the military is something I would have       into a world of witches and hunters; and
                                    niscent of the best-seller, “The Hitchiker’s       never gotten from a book,” Covington said.      has written one children’s book, “The
      INSTALLATION                  Guide to the Galaxy,” as well as his third         “It’s invaluable.”                              Littlest Ninja,” for which he is in search
 VOTING ASSISTANCE                  book, a religious/suspense novel, which is                                                         of an illustrator.
                                    currently in the final stages of editing.              His first book, “Child of Atlantis-Ascen-
           OFFICER                                                                     sion,” is first in a seven-book series target-      As for the future of Think Kings Pub-
   With the onslaught of politi-       Rogers said he has seen the details             ed for pre-teens. The second book, “Child       lishing, Covington said they’d eventually
cal debates in the news, it’s time  of making sure you get everything right            of Atlantis-Destiny,” is also published, and    like to open it up to other authors and make
to consider your right to vote.     change since he started this journey.                                                              it a fully functioning publishing house to
Are you registered? Do you un-                                                                                                         give more control to the writers.
                                       “You want to make sure you get a quality
             See BRIEFS page 3      product out there for everyone,” Rogers said.
                                    “Book cover, back cover, epilogue, grammar,
                                    proofing, formatting.”

                                       He credits the changes to trial and er-
                                    ror, as well as to Think Kings Publishing,
                                    the brainchild of Capt. Perry Covington,
                                    452nd Air Mobility Wing; Michael Quibi-
                                    loy (formerly CAANG), and Kat Lang.
                                    Current members include Rogers as well as
                                    Master Sgt. Monika Ros and Senior Master
                                    Sgt. Michael Leocadio, both also with the
                                    CAANG at March.
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