Page 20 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 6-19-15
P. 20



Homes for Sale                       Apartments for Rent                         Motorcycles                Garage & Yard Sales                           CRAIG W. DRUMMOND
 CRAIG & ALLEN                        678',2$3$570(176                         /,.(1(:                029,1*"3&6LQJ"
                                                No Lease                                                *$5$*(<$5'6$/("                  AUTO ACCIDENT & INJURY CASES
 Cul-de-Sac, Built 1991                                                          <$0$+$
   Approx. 2,000-Sqft.                     No Credit Checks              675$72/,1(56 FF.             ******************************    FORMER CAPTAIN, U.S. ARMY JAG CORPS
        4-Bedroom,                             No Deposits                                                 $WWUDFW0RUH&XVWRPHUV
                                                                            Recently Inspected By                                          DISCOUNTS FOR VETERANS, SERVICE MEMBERS & THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS
(1 w/Built-In Bookcase)                 ****************************    Authorized Yamaha Service.           :LWKD&ODVVL¿HG$G
2.5-Bath, 2-Car Garage,                       Casino on Site                                                    Call 877-247-9288           FREE CONSULTATION (702) 366-9966
                                                                               All Recommended
    Desert Landscape                     )LUVWRQ8V6HH             Maintenance Performed.          Aerotech News & Review             FIGHT CANCER.
         Front/Rear                    3OD\HU
                                                                              1,620 Original Miles                Real Estate               St. Jude is working to defeat childhood
    Stove, Fridge/DW                         Utilities Included!                   New Battery!                                               cancer and other deadly diseases.
  Furnishings Optional               Walking Distance to Shopping                                           All real estate advertised
Laundry Room, No HOA                                                            Must See/Hear to          in this publication is subject       		
                                                              Appreciate! 2%2         to the Federal Fair Housing
                                                                                                  Act of 1968, which makes it       A CFC participant – provided as a public service.
                                     Employment Opportunities                  Bert 702-283-4981
      702-658-0648                                                                                           illegal to advertise any      BUYING A VA HOME?
                                                                              Announcements                  preference, limitation or     NEED A VA LOAN?
    Homes for Rent                     /22.,1*IRUWKH                                                   discrimination based on race
                                      %(67$33/,&$17"                       '217)25*(7                   color, religion, or national          We will partner you up with some of the top
     029(+(5(                                                                                             origin, or an intention to             Las Vegas based highly experienced VA
   6WDUWLQJDW                 *****************************     CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE               make such preference
 ****************************                Place An Ad for                  78(6'$<#1221              limitation or discrimination.       mortgage officers that are also military veterans
   3-4 Bedroom Houses                                                             ($&+:((.              Real estate advertisements                                Tommy Leigh
All Full-Sized Appliances                Your Business Today!                                            that are in violation of the law
    Upgraded Flooring                        Aerotech News                          Services                shall not be accepted for                 Veteran – United States Air Force
                                              877-247-9288                                                  publication. All dwellings                  Broker/Owner of Vegas One Realty
     Pets Welcome w/                                                           $,5                   advertised in this publication
     Some Restrictions                'HVHUW$GXOW%RRNV                                                   are available on an equal            CALL: 702-460-8143
  Landscaping Included                                                     /LFHQVHGWR&KLOO
&DOO)RUDQ$SSRLQWPHQW              1/DV9HJDV%OYG                  A/C Service & Repair                    opportunity         

                             Immediately Outside                     Veteran Owned                                             FREE CREDIT ASSISTANCE
                                         Nellis-AFB Main Gate
                                                                                      License# 0079268                                      for all VETS and Military affiliated members
3-Bedrooms, 2 1/2-Bathrooms,                     WANTED                                                                                    LET’S GET YOU READY TO BUY A VA HOME
2 Car Garage, 2,100 sq. ft. Mas-                                                   Doug Brown
ter bedroom has sitting area w/             Clerk Full/Part-Time               Cell:575-812-9547
¿UHSODFH EDOFRQ\ ZRRG ÀRRUV                All Shifts                2I¿FH
master bathroom has separate
shower/tub, 2 walk-in closets and             Janitor Part-Time                 ',6+795HWDLOHU
his/her sinks. Community has 3                                                    6$9(RQ
pools & 2 parks. Durango/I-95         0LOLWDU\'HSHQGHQWV:HOFRPH
area. $1,500 monthly. Available                                             4XDOLI\LQJ3DFNDJHV
now. 757-288-9450                              Apply in Person                Starting $19.99/Mo.
                                            NO PHONE CALLS                       (for 12-months)
     Apartments for Rent                                                                FREE
    678',26%('5220                                                   Premium Movie Channels
     %$7+$3$570(176                        Cars & Trucks                    FREE Installation!
                                                                               CALL, COMPARE
             No Lease                  6(//RU%8<<285                          LOCAL DEALS
           No Deposits                    :+((/6+(5(                           1-800-279-1290
     6+257	/21*7(50
           Fully Furnished               Call Today, Place an Ad!               'LUHF79
        All utilities Included                 Aerotech News
           702-728-4935                         877-247-9288                 Switch & Save Event
                                                                                  from DirecTV!
"Senior Living                           


            at it's Finest"                                                   Packages starting at
                                           &DUV7UXFNV	6XY
V         $19.99/mo. Free 3-months of
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         %HGURRP                      All Makes/Models
       Many Nice Features                                                         FREE GENIE
                                            Financing Available!               HD/DVR Upgrade!
            Almost New!                        Henderson, NV               2015 NFL Sunday Ticket
  Washer/Dryer, All Appliances                                                Included with Select
                                         Contact Donald Schenkel
    Pool/Carport, Clubhouse                     213-327-5363                         Packages
        Exercise Machines                                                   1HZ&XVWRPHUV2QO\
                                IV Support Holdings LLC-An
                                                                         Authorized DirecTV Dealer
                                      5HVWRPRGV &ODVVLF              some exclusions apply
                                     0XVWDQJ, Completely restored,
                                     93,000 original miles, 289 V8 Au-            Call for Details
                                     tomatic, Black-Cherry, Garaged,             1-800-609-0109
                                     $23,500. Call 775-230-8006.

    Creative Real                      POSITION AVAILABLE
Estate Associates
                                        Catholic Youth Director for the Nellis Chapel
‡1RUWK/DV9HJDV                                        30 hrs/month | $17.95 p/hr
‡+HQGHUVRQ                               Must pass FBI background check. Must be eligible
                                        to work in the U.S. 1-Yr Ministry Experience Minimum.
   Rents from $                   Bachelor’s Degree Preferred. Equal Opportunity Employer.

       Contact us                                        For more information go to
                                                   to download job description and apply
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