Page 9 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 6-19-15
P. 9
BULLSEYE Sports 9June 19, 2015
BLUES, from page 8 ___________ peted in the Las Vegas Men’s Senior unaware of any other base teams in the Waldrop and I handle all the team
Baseball League. After a rough first sea- region until a couple of days ago when I responsibilities, to include filling in
of baseball to include division one ball.” son where we only won three games, we was introduced to the coach of the Luke the roster and batting order, mak-
The Blues were started in early 2014 made it to the championship game the AFB team,” O’Neal said. “In the future, I ing pitching changes when necessary,
following season,” O’Neal said. “We de- will schedule multiple games with Luke handling the equipment, and keeping
with only one Airman on the team. cided we wanted to be a part of a league and Davis-Monthan AFB, making those track of team and individual stats,” said
“I started the team back in February that was run more efficiently than the teams regular opponents on our yearly Donald Irwin, Blues assistant coach
MSBL. The Blues joined the Las Vegas schedule.” and senior airman in the 57th Aircraft
2014,” O’Neal said. “The team was not chapter of the National Adult Baseball Maintenance Squadron Raptor Aircraft
originally a military team. It began as a Association this past February.” When the season commences, the Maintenance Unit.
regular adult team lead by me, with the Blues are subject to player loss, as mul-
intention of becoming an all-military By switching over to the NABA, tiple factors like permanent change of While playing baseball, Irwin knows
team the following season. I wanted to O’Neal said the Blues were ready to face stations, deployments or temporary even though winning is enjoyable, hav-
get a feel for coaching a team in one of a higher level of competition. duty assignments affect the roster. ing fun is the top priority.
the local leagues before I started an of-
ficial base team.” “The track record of the NABA is well “The biggest obstacle with players is “Our team is a competitive group
known, and we felt we would be able the Air Force work schedule. During the of individuals. We enjoy winning just
O’Neal said as the season went on his to face better competition. The overall season deployments and temporary de- as much as anyone else, but we do not
intentions became reality when more league is made up of 12 teams spread ployments can take a toll on the roster,” get discouraged or defeated by losing,”
Airmen began to fill the team’s roster. out into two divisions, the Paramint and O’Neal said. You may start with 12 guys, Irwin said. “The main goal is to have
Tonopah division, each with six teams,” but by season’s end you may only have fun and enjoy our Sunday mornings
“In the first season, I was the only O’Neal said. “The Blues are members of half of those guys left. But out of the (or) afternoons.”
military member out of the original the Tonapah Division. Each team plays a people we have had, I enjoy seeing the
nine,” O’Neal said. “I started to need regular season schedule of 11 games and spirit of competition the guys have and Airmen interested in joining the
additional players as the season went on, the playoffs are single-elimination style their pursuit to improve themselves.” Blues can check out the team’s website
so I decided to open spots up to Nellis until a champion is crowned.” -- www.
and Creech AFB players. (Now) we have O’Neal’s position with the Thunder-
one civilian on a roster of 13 players. The In addition to the adult league, the birds takes him all around the country Editor’s note: The mention of the Las
rest (of the team are) military members.” Blues play other bases around the south- during their show-season. When he’s Vegas Men’s Senior Baseball League and
west United States. out of town, the Blues’ assistant coaches National Adult Baseball Association
As the team moved on from its first step in and take the reins. does not constitute endorsement or af-
season with new players, things began “The only base we have scheduled this filiation by Nellis Air Force Base or the
to change. summer is Davis-Monthan AFB. I was “As the assistant coaches, Dustin U.S. Air Force.
“For the team’s first season, we com-
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