Page 11 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, February 2022
P. 11

10  February 2022  Desert Lightning News  Desert Lightning News       February 2022                                                                    11                                        
 PASSion  (from Page 5)  Grant’s  driving passion for the game of
 basketball made her stand out from her                                                        Dave Noel, Agent
 “Our team was so good, no one wanted to   peers when she was nominated to receive   Ride with the   With competitive rates and personal
 invite us to their tournaments.”  this special place in the hall of fame.                     7255 E Golf Links, E. of Kolb/KFC
 Every team has a star player: a player   “This game made me a better Airman   service, it’s no wonder more drivers   Tucson, AZ 85730 • Close to D-M
 that scores the most, moves the fastest   because I had a focus,” said Grant. “It has   #1 car insurer   trust State Farm®. Like a good  State Farm Mutual
 and gets a majority of the recognition.   ultimately been my drive in life and plays                                             Automobile Insurance Company
 Upon hearing about her placement into   a big part behind this achievement. I feel   neighbor, State Farm is there®.    State Farm

 the Military Basketball Association Hall of   so honored, almost like I don’t deserve it   in Arizona.  Find us on Facebook           Indemnity Company
 Fame, the overwhelming surprise and joy   because I always felt like a background   CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7.  Ph. 520-747-7777           Bloomington, IL
 was certainly expressed by Grant.  player.”
 “You don’t have to be the one who scores   Over the years, she has continued to
 all the points to be at the top of your game,”   inspire others, teaching kids not just the   We have you covered for your breakfast and lunch needs every day of the year!
 said Grant. “Play to the best of your ability.   game of basketball, but also valuable life
 Every position is valuable and helps lead   lessons and motivating tricks to keep their   Join us for dine-in, take your meal to-go, or DoorDash it home.
 your team to a win.”  head in the game.
                      LUNCH SPECIALS  7.49                                    *
 A Military Bas-
 ketball Associa-         Ask your server about today’s special
 tion Hall of Fame                 *M-F only, not valid on holidays
 plaque belonging
 to U.S. Air Force   Breakfast Specials*
 Chief Master Sgt.                                                                                       15% off
 Lashonda Grant   1 egg, 2 bacon or 2 sausage links or a slice of ham, hash                           regular menu
 sits on display   browns, or home fries and wheat or white toast.  3.29                                items with
 for a photo at                                                                                         Military ID
 Davis-Monthan   French toast, 1 egg and 2 bacon strips or sausage links  4.39
 Air Force Base,
 Arizona, Oct. 27,   2 pancakes, 1 egg and 1 bacon strip or 1 sausage link  3.69
 2021. After 13
 years of military   *M-F only, not valid on holidays                                                                                          MENUDO
 basketball ser-                                                                                                                                SAT-SUN
 vice, Grant was                    Pancake House                                                                                                $7.99
 nominated and   Joe’s
 accepted to the                                                                                    Serving Tucson 37 Years
 Military Basket-                       FAMILY RESTAURANT
 ball Association   Courtesy photo
 Senior Airman Kaitlyn Ergish  Hall of Fame.  U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Lashonda Grant receives a military basketball award.  2532 S. Kolb Rd. • 747-7536 •  Open Mon-Sat: 6am-2pm, Sun; 7am-2pm

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                             Publish Date: May 20, 2022

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