Page 11 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-14-15
P. 11

Thunderbolt                                                                       NEWS                                  Aug. 14, 2015

Bite down on summer tooth health                                                  Not a pretty sight …

            E\6WDII6JW                Academy of Pediatrics, while sports                                                                                                                                             Senior Devante Williams
   $6+/(<67$//:257+                     drinks can be helpful for young ath
                                         letes engaged in prolonged, vigorous     A sandstorm with heavy winds hit Luke Air Force Base around 9:30 a.m. Wednesday
                     56th Medical Group  physical activities, in most cases they  completely obscuring the view of the White Tank Mountains normally seen from the inter-
                                         are unnecessary.                         section of Marauder Street and 140th Drive. The dust storm was followed by a downpour
   As you may know, during the                                                    RIUDLQ7KH$UL]RQDPRQVRRQEHJLQV-XQHDQGHQGV6HSWEXWWKHVWRUPVSHDN
summer it can be extremely hot. We          $GYLFHBefore the next sip, check    between July 15 and Aug. 15. Monsoon season also brings high humidity to the normally
want to stay cool and keep hydrated;     the label to make sure the drink of      dry desert.
however, sometimes we can harm           choice is low in sugar. Not sure?
our teeth in the process.                Drink water instead

   )RU H[DPSOH FKHZLQJ RQ LFH RU  Trade carbonated
consuming sugary sports drinks can       beverages for water
cause tooth damage. The American
Dental Association recommends the           When sugary foods or drinks are
following tips to avoid damaging         consumed (energy drinks or soda),
the teeth.                               for long periods of time, plaque bac
                                         teria use the sugar to produce acids
,FHLVIRUFKLOOLQJQRW                that attack enamel, the hard surface
                                         of teeth. Most carbonated soft drinks,
chewing                                  including diet soda, are acidic and
                                         therefore, bad for teeth. Caffeinated
   Many people think ice is good for     beverages, such as colas can also dry
teeth. It’s made of water, after all,    out the mouth.
and doesn’t contain any sugar or
other additives. But chewing on hard        $GYLFH When consuming carbon
substances can damage enamel and         ated beverages, drink water too.
leave teeth vulnerable to a dental
emergency.                               Watch citrus intake

   $GYLFH Break the habit and enjoy        Drinking fruit juice might seem
water in its liquid form.                like a healthier alternative compared
                                         to soda; however, this is not the case.
Watch out for sports                     )UXLWMXLFHKDVDORWRIVXJDUDQGLV
                                         very acidic which can erode teeth
drinks                                   and make them more susceptible to
   Sports and energy drinks sound
like they’re healthy. Many of those         $GYLFH: To prevent damage to
GULQNVKDYHVXJDUOLVWHGÀUVWLQLQ     teeth, swap out fruit juice with water.
gredients. According to the American

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