Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-14-15
P. 19

Thunderbolt                                  NEWS                                                                                                                                                        Aug. 14, 2015

STREET BEAT                                                                                                                  COMMUNICATION (from Page 2)                                    100 percenters
                                                                                                                                                                                             score at Luke
   The 56th Security Forces Squadron         to a report of narcotics found during                                           problem complicated? Have you truly
handled the following incidents Aug. 3       a vehicle inspection at the South                                               looked at it from all aspects? Have                     The following individual scored 100 per-
through 9 at Luke Air Force Base:            *DWH VHDUFK SLW 7ZR QRQPLOLWDU\                                           you clearly made your expectations,                  cent on their physical training exam in July:
                                             affiliated civilians were detained                                              requirements, desires or limitations
Tickets                                      and issued immediate debarment                                                  known?                                               56th Civil Engineer Squadron
                                             orders for a period of two years.
   Security forces issued citations for      Both civilians were escorted off the                                               If you are able to be clear, concise              6HQLRU0DVWHU6JW&KDG/HSOH\
eight moving violations.                     installation, cited and released by                                             and accountable then you are on
                                             Glendale police.                                                                your way to being an effective com
7UDI¿FUHODWHGLQFLGHQWV                                                                                                     municator. The next step is learning
                                                Aug. 7: Security forces responded                                            how to package your message for
   Aug. 7: Security forces responded to      to a report of shoplifting at the base                                          various audiences, but I’ll save that
a report of a minor vehicle accident in     exchange involving the spouse of a                                              for another time.
YROYLQJDJRYHUQPHQWRZQHGYHKLFOHYV      retiree. Security forces examined the
a privately owned vehicle at the inter      $$)(6VHFXULW\YLGHRWDSHDQGYHULÀHG                                             /LIH LV D MRXUQH\ DQG HIIHFWLYH
section of Kachina Street and Glendale       the individual departed the exchange                                            communication is its secret pass
Avenue. Glendale police arrived and          without rendering full payment. The                                             word to getting the things you want
took control. There were no injuries.        spouse was issued a suspension of                                               or need.
                                             exchange privileges letter. Glendale
Emergency responses                          police arrived and took control.                                                BRIEFS  (from Page 3)                                Hispanic Heritage Month

   Aug. 6: Security forces responded to      Alarm activations                                                               )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFDOO7HFK6JW'RQ              Hispanic Heritage Month is Sept. 15
DUHSRUWRIDPDMRUWZRYHKLFOHDFFLGHQW                                                                                    nie Roos or Staff Sgt. Anthony Sanchez at            WKURXJK 2FW  )RU WKRVH LQWHUHVWHG LQ
DW WKH LQWHUVHFWLRQ RI %RQJ /DQH DQG     Security forces responded to six                                                                                     being on the Hispanic Heritage Month com
Eagle Street. The driver and passen         alarm activations on base.                                                                                                           mittee, call Staff Sgt. Deborah Rutledge at
ger of one vehicle sustained injuries                                                                                        Renaming AFA newsletter                              
Hospital for further evaluation. Both                                                                                        contest                                              Book club
vehicles sustained disabling damage             Remember to always buckle up while
and were towed from the scene.               driving.                                                                           7KH)UDQN/XNH&KDSWHURIWKH$LU)RUFH             7 K H    W K  ) L J K W H U  : L Q J  / L E U D U \
                                                                                                                             Association is holding a contest to rename           Adult Program Book Club is meeting at
Nonemergency responses                               Courtesy of Tech. Sgt. Samuel Jalomo                                    WKH9LSHU9LJLODQWWKHLUTXDUWHUO\SXEOLFD         1:30 p.m. Sept. 10 at the library to discuss
                                                                                                                             WLRQ WR UHÁHFW WKH QHZ PLVVLRQ RI WUDLQLQJ  +HUPDQ 0HOYLOOH·V ´0RE\ 'LFNµ )RU PRUH
   Aug. 3: Security forces responded                                                        56th SFS                         WKH ZRUOG·V JUHDWHVW ) DQG ) SLORWV    LQIRUPDWLRQFDOO
                                                                                                                             suggestions by Aug. 19. The new name will            Golf course closure
                                                                                                                             be selected Aug. 20 at the chapter meeting
                                                                                                                             $XJDW&OXE)LYH6L[)RUPRUHLQIRUPD             7KH )DOFRQ 'XQHV *ROI &RXUVH ZLOO EH
                                                                                                                             WLRQRUWRVXEPLWDVXJJHVWLRQFDOO        FORVHG 7XHVGD\ IRU DHULÀFDWLRQ )RU PRUH
                                                                                                                             7483 or email                     LQIRUPDWLRQFDOO

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