Page 2 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-14-15
P. 2
Aug. 14, 2015 COMMENTARY Thunderbolt
!% $ Communication:
FISH-FRY FRIDAY! So what you’re saying is …?
E\&DSW across an instance that I consider the perfect example
'$9,'086*5$9( of the effects of miscommunication.
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56th Logistics Readiness Squadron During an impromptu discussion with Saddam Hus
sein, a representative from the U.S. State Department
$10.95 - Club Members “Genuine leaders have the abil- gave a vague response. When he inquired into the U.S.’s
ity to articulate, initiate and potential response if actions were taken in the border
$12.95 - Nonmembers follow-through on their vision.” dispute with Kuwait, that U.S. Ambassador told Sad
623-856-6446 This quote from King epito like your border disagreement with Kuwait.”
mizes the importance of develop
%&' ing our communication skills as Although our intent was never to give the green light
leaders and managers. for Iraq to invade Kuwait, the ambiguity in our response
Capt. David Musgrave As we get older, many of us get definitely gave the impression we would not interfere.
What happened next, of course, was the invasion of
set in our ways and live by the Kuwait by Iraqi forces and the United States dominant
phrase, “This is who I am.” That mindset can easily military response of the first Gulf War.
ACTION LINE stagnate our growth, because what we are selfishly
WHOOLQJRWKHUVLV´)LJXUHRXWZKDW,DPWU\LQJWRVD\µ This is an extreme example, but the lessons learned
What we should do instead is ask ourselves, “Am I are applicable across various leadership levels. clearly articulating my message?”
623-856-7011 While studying political science in college, I ran Think of any conflict you are currently experiencing
and ask yourself these questions. Is the solution to the
The Commander’s Action
Line is your direct line to me
with questions or suggestions
about subjects of concern to the
entire Luke Air Force Base com-
I appreciate your feedback. Be honest ... choose to not lie
Your ideas and concerns help
build a stronger foundation on
which we can successfully com-
plete our mission and take care E\0DVWHU6JW take care of our children, hold a mar it to our
6$5$$%(/ riage together, write enlisted personnel selves. I
of our people. Brig. Gen. Scott Pleus reports and plan for retirement. With have seen
To receive a response, leave 56th FW commander 56th Operations Support Squadron all of this absorbing the majority of our people de
time, we can lose sight of our values, fend their
your name and telephone num- “Whoever is careless with the truth in which in turn affects our honesty, even dishonesty
small matters cannot be trusted with if we didn’t mean for it to happen. solely on the
ber. Action Lines of general interest are printed in the important matters.” grounds that
We all need to have a good under the truth may
7KXQGHUEROW5HPHPEHUWKHTXLFNHVWDQGPRVWHIÀFLHQW ~ Albert Einstein standing of who we are as individuals, hurt others. I would offer that it is bet
:KDW LV \RXU WUXHVW GHÀQLWLRQ RI and what each of us stands for. We all ter to be honest upfront with someone
way to resolve a problem is to talk directly to the respon- honesty? Is it simply telling the truth? have strong feelings concerning cer rather than them learning the truth
Is that all there is to honesty? If hon tain issues, such as the new enlisted from someone else.
sible agency or through your chain of command. esty is simply telling the truth, do performance review system, retire
you understand what telling the truth PHQW EHQHÀWV SK\VLFDO ÀWQHVV DQG Anyone can lie, but we can choose
The Action Line isn’t just for complaints. Send along entails? We all know it’s wrong to lie, so on. These are issues that you are QRW WR ,W LV SRVVLEOH WR ÀE \RXU ZD\
but isn’t not telling the entire truth either on one side or the other. to the top; however, remember you
your kudos when someone provides exceptional service, or not telling the entire story wrong? cannot go back to that place and time.
I ask these questions because people Where do you stand in the small Knowing who you are and what you
goes out of their way to help or deserves a kind word. have grown careless on the truest GD\WRGD\VWXII"7KHUHPD\EHWLPHV stand for will help you live your life
GHÀQLWLRQ RI KRQHVW\ DQG WKH YDOXH when speaking the truth may create centered on honesty and values. En
PHONE NUMBERS it holds. If honesty is something you conflict and tension, but there are sure that on a daily basis you are not
value, I would offer that you are an ways to recover. If you deny someone GRLQJDQ\WKLQJWKDWPD\FRQÁLFWZLWK
Airman and Family Readiness Center ....................... 623-856-6550 individual who refuses to lie, steal or portions of the truth, it is the same as your values.
Chapel ................................................................... 623-856-6211 deceive in any way. lying and not being honest.
Child Care Center ...................................................623-856-6339 As we work our way through life, we Mark Twain once said, “If you tell
Community Center ............................................... 623-856-7152 often lose sight of our values. We pay If we choose to be dishonest, we will the truth you don’t have to remember
Computer IT service desk .................................. DSN 945-2900 bills, immerse ourselves in social media, not only have to justify our dishonesty anything.”
Eye Clinic ............................................................. 623-856-7965 to others, but we will have to justify
Fitness Center ....................................................... 623-856-6241
Flight Medicine .................................................... 623-856-2273 Luke Editorial Staff 7KH7KXQGHUEROWXVHVPDWHULDOIURPWKH$UPHG)RUFHV,QIRUPDWLRQ6HUYLFH$LU
Fraud, waste and abuse hotline ............................ 623-856-6149 )RUFH1HZV6HUYLFH$(7&1HZV6HUYLFHDQGRWKHUVRXUFHV$OODGYHUWLVLQJLVKDQGOHG
Hobby shop .......................................................... 623-856-6722 Commander.......................................................... Brig. Gen. Scott Pleus E\$HURWHFK1HZVDQG5HYLHZ7KH\FDQEHUHDFKHGE\FDOOLQJ
+RXVLQJRI¿FH Public Affairs chief ...................................................... Maj. Matt Hasson
Law enforcement desk ......................................... 623-856-5970 Public Affairs deputy chief .................................... Capt. Ryan DeCamp 7KH7KXQGHUEROWLVSXEOLVKHGE\$HURWHFK1HZVDQG5HYLHZDSULYDWH¿UPLQQR
Legal assistance .................................................... 623-856-6901 Internal information........................................ Staff Sgt. Luther Mitchell ZD\FRQQHFWHGZLWKWKH86$LU)RUFHXQGHUH[FOXVLYHZULWWHQFRQWUDFWZLWKWKHWK
Library .................................................................. 623-856-7191 Editor ........................................................................... Deborah Leuthold )LJKWHU:LQJ/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH$UL]7KLVFLYLOLDQHQWHUSULVH$LU)RUFHQHZVSDSHU
Marketing ............................................................. 623-856-3245 Designer .................................................................................Tinna Sellie LVDQDXWKRUL]HGSXEOLFDWLRQIRUPHPEHUVRIWKH86PLOLWDU\VHUYLFHV&RQWHQWVRIWKH
Military Equal Opportunity ................................. 623-856-7711 7KXQGHUEROWDUHQRWQHFHVVDULO\WKHRI¿FLDOYLHZVRIRUHQGRUVHGE\WKH86JRYHUQ
Military pay .......................................................... 623-856-7028 Editorial Information PHQWWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI'HIHQVHRUWKH'HSDUWPHQWRIWKH$LU)RUFH
2I¿FHRI6SHFLDO,QYHVWLJDWLRQ .............................623-856-6821
Outdoor Recreation .............................................. 623-856-6267 For past issues of the Thunderbolt, go to 7KHDSSHDUDQFHRIDGYHUWLVLQJLQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQLQFOXGLQJLQVHUWVRUVXSSOHPHQWV
Pass and registration ............................................. 623-856-4880 and click on PDF edition GRHVQRWFRQVWLWXWHHQGRUVHPHQWRIWKHSURGXFWVRUVHUYLFHVDGYHUWLVHGE\WKH'2'
Public Affairs ........................................................ 623-856-5853 7KXQGHUEROW7KHHGLWRUZLOOHGLWRUUHZULWHPDWHULDOIRUFODULW\EUHYLW\RUWRFRQIRUPZLWK
Vehicle Maintenance ............................................ 623-935-6576 /XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH$UL]RUWKURXJKHPDLOWR):3$7KXQGHUEROW#XVDI WKHSXUFKDVHUXVHURUSDWURQ
Veterinary services ............................................... 623-856-6354 PLO7KHHGLWRUFDQEHUHDFKHGDWDQGWKHID[QXPEHULV
Wellness Center .................................................... 623-856-2273 (GLWRULDOFRQWHQWLVHGLWHGSUHSDUHGDQGSURYLGHGE\WKH3XEOLF$IIDLUVRI¿FHRI
Youth Center ......................................................... 623-856-7470 /XNH$)%$UL]$OOSKRWRJUDSKVDUH$LU)RUFHSKRWRJUDSKVXQOHVVRWKHUZLVHLQGLFDWHG