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BULLSEYE                                               News                                                       11February 19, 2016                                                                          

210th RQS brings CSAR to desert for Red Flag 16-1

By Senior Airman Jake Carter                           aircraft handles different in the cold, where it has          “The biggest takeaway is seeing everyone come
                                                       a ton of power and our focus is on snow and ice to         together from the states and around the world,
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs                      make sure we don’t get iced up. Here it is warmer and      where it is pretty amazing to see everyone working
                                                       we fly at high altitudes, so we really have to manage      in unison,” said Chester. “My understanding is that
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — This time of          our fuel and how many people we can pick up.”              over 3,000 people are participating in the exercise
year, Alaska is usually blanketed in snow and has                                                                 and for as many things to go right as they have are
temperatures so low that you will want to wear an         While in Alaska, the 210th RSQ is in charge of          amazing. We are at 100 percent for all of our sorties
extra pair of socks.                                   locating and rescuing both Airmen and civilians            where there are no negatives to take away.”
                                                       from all over the state.
   Usually you will see evergreen that are still full
of life, the occasional moose or elk walking down         “Back home, we are on a 24/7 search and rescue
the road and can usually stand in one place and        operation for the state of Alaska, so we always have
hear absolutely nothing.                               people ready for that role,” said Senior Master Sgt.
                                                       Eric Chester, 176th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
   At Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, this time of    helicopter production superintendent. “Here we
year is where units from around the world attend a     don’t necessarily have to do that, so it’s actually a
Red Flag exercise in a desert environment.             little easier then back home.”

   For the 210th Rescue Squadron from Joint Base          At Eielson AFB, Alaska, the state is no stranger
Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, switching up the         to participating in Red Flag exercises as four are
training from a colder environment to a warm           annually held there. But for the 210th RQS, their
desert has helped in their training.                   role is a little expanded while at Eielson.

   “Red Flag has been a good learning experience,”        “Most of the time, the Red Flags that we par-
said Staff Sgt. Anthony Guedea, 210th RSQ mem-         ticipate in are at Eielson AFB,” said Chester. “The
ber. “It’s a really good insight into doing the fast-  difference from our perspective is that up at Red
paced combat search and rescue which is what our       Flags in Alaska, we are also covering CSAR (combat
job is about without going in country and doing        search and rescue) for the state of Alaska for the
it. It’s awesome to see how the big picture works      11th Air Force, plus the civil search and rescue for
with fighters and the guys on the ground working       people around the state that might be involved in
together as a whole to make the mission work.”         a crash.”

   Coming to Nellis, Guedea has noticed how differ-       Chester is participating in his first Red Flag at Nel-
ent the mission back home can be compared to here.     lis and is amazed by the amount of people that make
                                                       the mission happen and by how successful they are.
   “The mission here is way different than back
home, where it is cold and snowy,” Guedea said. “The


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