Page 2 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 2-19-16
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2 February 19, 2016                                             Commentary                                                                                                                                 BULLSEYE                                                                                                                                                    

Clergy Day:

Nellis Chapel team’s got your back

By Chap. (1st Lt.) David Jenkins                                   Now, like my sister had my back so many years ago,        clergy members are from the Las Vegas area. Some at-
                                                                the Nellis chapel team’s got your back.                      tendees come from various Christian traditions while
99th Air Base Wing Chaplain                                                                                                  others are Muslim, Buddhist and Jewish.
                                                                   Of course, we aren’t here to protect you physically;
    NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — Growing up I                  we will leave that to our defenders! Rather, we have your       By meeting with these various leaders we hope to de-
was one of the smaller guys in my neighborhood.                 back when it comes to ensuring you are able to exercise      velop a stronger relationship so that we can better serve
                                                                your First Amendment right of freedom of religion. This      the spiritual needs of Airmen. In addition to building
   Being the runt in my school lent me to getting into          is hugely important to us and it’s really the reason why     contacts and resources, we hope to better equip these
fistfights and being bullied.                                   an Air Force Chaplain Corps exists. Freedom of religion      religious leaders when it comes to ministering to Air-
                                                                is one of our country’s highest freedoms and we want         men. Here’s where you can help: if you would like us to
   Fortunately, I had a powerful ally that always had           to make sure you are able to freely practice your faith      make sure we invite your religious community leader,
my back. This person was my older sister Laura. She             in the Air Force. Moreover, chaplains and chaplain as-       please send me their contact information and the name
would stick up for me. Now, she wasn’t great with witty         sistants will go to great lengths when it comes to helping   of the faith community they lead. In the future we plan
comebacks and her physical demeanor was anything                Airmen practice their faith.                                 to have more Clergy Days and we would love for them
but frightening.                                                                                                             to be a part of it.
                                                                   Presently, the Nellis chapel team is working on an
   No, her power laid in her ability to make friends            event that will help us develop more religious contacts         We are having Clergy Day because we want to serve
and woo members of the opposite gender. All the guys            and resources.                                               Airmen with excellence. We want to help them live out
in my neighborhood wanted to date my sister and she                                                                          their faith. When a person joins the Air Force they don’t
used this to her advantage. Thankfully, I was the happy            This event is called “Clergy Day” and it will take        have to give up what they believe. If you need resources,
recipient of my sister’s popularity and good looks. Her         place Feb. 23.                                               contacts, or help living out your faith, then turn to the
boyfriends would become my bodyguards. It was so                                                                             Nellis Chapel Team. We’ve got your back.
cool! Bullies in the neighborhood would definitely think           For Clergy Day we have 30 religious leaders in at-
twice about messing with me.                                    tendance from various faith backgrounds. All of these

Honored to serve in Honor Guard

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Christopher Thornbury  By Senior Airman                                             of technical school, I had no idea how                            During my time in honor guard,
                                                                                                                             much more there was to learn while                             honoring fallen veterans was an intense
                                                                David Bernal Del Agua                                        doing the job.                                                 feeling that taught me respect for those
                                                                                                                                                                                            who served.
                                                                22nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs                          When I arrived at McConnell, I asked
                                                                                                                             my first sergeant if I could go to Honor                          Performing details is not just about
                                                                   McCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE,                                 Guard. My request was denied because I                         honoring those who served and died,
                                                                Kan.—”Bearers, Attention.”                                   hadn’t finished my upgrade training, but                       but it is also an honor to be the last
                                                                                                                             I was promised I would get my chance.                          people who carry the casket and fold
                                                                   Standing motionless on the side of                                                                                       the flag over it.
                                                                a cemetery road, rendering a perfect                            Ten years ago, 15-year-old me
                                                                salute, waiting for the hearse to pass us                    watched the Air Force Honor Guard                                 Showing last respects to fallen heroes
                                                                and stop just paces away. The family,                        Drill Team perform in a crowded school                         is something that takes more than put-
                                                                close behind, tries to remain together                       gymnasium. I was part of Junior ROTC                           ting on the uniform. I learned to stand
                                                                one last time before their loved mem-                        and knew I would be in the Air Force                           tall, look the family members in the eye
                                                                ber is lowered to eternal rest. Not many                     one day. I looked forward to being part                        and tell them how proud we are to pres-
                                                                things compare to the intense feeling I                      of honor guard in the future.                                  ent them the flag for the service their
                                                                experienced on my first detail as a Mc-                                                                                     loved one provided for our country.
                                                                Connell Base Honor Guardsmen.                                   Fast forward to now, and I just fin-
                                                                                                                             ished honor guard and earned Honor                                “On behalf of the President of the
                                                                   Two weeks before my first detail, I                       Guardsman of the Quarter Honors. I                             United States, the United States Air
                                                                arrived at the honor guard building,                         did my first detail early August and the                       Force and a grateful Nation, please ac-
                                                                anxious and ready to represent the base                      last one late November before I trained                        cept this flag as a symbol of our appre-
                                                                in the community and honor veterans                          the flight replacing me. More than 40                          ciation for your loved one’s honorable
                                                                who had served our Air Force. Two                            details in-between taught me a lot of                          and faithful service.”
                                                                weeks of nothing but practice and drill                      lessons about respect, military bearing
                                                                inspired even more pride for the job I                       and traditions, but the most important                            We render a last salute and share a
                                                                was preparing to perform for the next                        lesson was about honor.                                        bond knowing we eased the pain of a
                                                                four months. But just like coming out                                                                                       fellow Airman’s family.

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