Page 27 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-4-15
P. 27

Thunderbolt                                                 SPORTS                                                                                                                                    Dec. 4, 2015

                                                                                                                                                         Levi Paul-Aydt,        Sports Shorts
                                                                                                                                                         61st Aircraft Main-
                                                                                                                                                         tenance Unit play-   FW golf tournament
                                                                                                                                                         er, dives into home
                                                                                                                                                         plate to score a        The 56th Fighter Wing Annual
                                                                                                                                                         clutch-run before    Awards Golf Tournament is Dec. 11 at
                                                                                                                                                         being tagged by a    Falcon Dunes Golf Club. Registration is
                                                                                                                                                         defender Nov. 17     7 a.m. and shotgun start is 8 a.m. The
                                                                                                                                                         at Luke Air Force    cost is $50 per person and includes four-
                                                                                                                                                         Base.                some scramble, green fee, cart, range
                                                                                                                                                                              balls, prizes and awards luncheon.
61st AMU sprints past 56th MDG for win                                                                                                                                        5DIÁH WLFNHWV ZLOO EH VROG SULRU WR WKH
                                                                                                                                                                              tournament. For more information, call
          6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\                        7KHÀUVWWKUHHLQQLQJVZHUHPDUNHGE\        but it felt good to get the run in,” he said.                              2nd Lt. Pablo Andrade at 623-856-7051.
            $LUPDQVW&ODVV                      a relative inability by both teams to make          The 61st AMU exploded off the bat after
               5,'*(6+$1                         VLJQLÀFDQWJDLQVRUPDNHKLWVELJHQRXJK                                                                                   Junior golf clinic
                                                  to score runs.                                   that run, making big hit after big hit. The
                56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                                                   56th MDG came back to the plate and                                           The Falcon Dunes Golf Course is of-
                                                     At times, runners would load bases enough     scored a couple of well-timed clutch-runs                                  fering a junior golf clinic 9 to 10 a.m.
   The 61st Aircraft Maintenance Unit             to leave the impression of an impending score,   of their own in an effort to make up for                                   Saturday and Dec. 19. The cost is $20
softball team charged to victory over the         but both defenses made a number of clutch-       the momentum shift, but it was too little                                  per clinic or $30 for both. Instruction
56th Medical Group team late in the eve-          saves and double-plays, quickly rotating         too late.                                                                  includes grip, stance, driving, chipping,
ning Nov. 17 at Luke.                             VTXDGVLQDQGRXWRIWKHÀHOG                                                                                              putting and golf etiquette. For more in-
                                                                                                      “They have a really good squad, but their                               formation, call the club at 623-535-9334.
   Through a combination of steadfast de-            “They’re probably the best team we’ve         batting just didn’t come alive tonight,”
fense throughout and heavy hitting in the         played out here since the season started,”       Paul-Aydt said.                                                            Youth b-ball coach
late innings, especially in the last inning       said Joel Bass, 61st AMU player. “Their
drive, the 61st AMU overtook the 56th             defense is pretty good.”                            The last inning alone witnessed nine                                       The 56th Force Support Squadron
MDG by a score of 13-4.                                                                            runs scored by the 61st AMU and saw                                        Youth Center is looking for volunteers to
                                                     The pace changed for the 61st AMU in          the team’s entire lineup cycle through                                     coach basketball for youth ages 5-14 for
   “We played some solid defense at the           the fourth inning when Paul-Aydt scored          home plate.                                                                the winter basketball season. Practices
beginning and then toward the end, the            a big run on a sliding dive after delivering                                                                                begin in January 2016 two days a week
bat started warming up,” said Levi Paul-          WKHEDOOGHHSLQWRWKHRXWÀHOG                     The 61st AMU advances with this vic-                                    for two weeks. For more information,
Aydt, 61st AMU player.                                                                             tory and hopes to re-enact their success                                   call 623-856-7470.
                                                     “It didn’t feel too great to hit the ground,  against their next opponent.
                                                                                                                                                                              Luke winter games

                                                                                                                                                                                 The 56th Force Support Squadron
                                                                                                                                                                              Bryant Fitness Center is featuring the
                                                                                                                                                                              Luke Air Force Base Winter Games
                                                                                                                                                                              Tuesday through Thursday and ends
                                                                                                                                                                              with the Jingle Bell 1.5-mile Fun Run
                                                                                                                                                                              Dec. 18. For more information, call 623-

                                                                                                                                                                              Winter basketball leagues

                                                                                                                                                                                 Youth, sign up now. For more infor-
                                                                                                                                                                              mation, call 623-856-7470.

of the

                   NFL Thursday               Tech. Sgt.              Staff Sgt.                                 Civilian            Airman 1st Class                              Master Sgt.
           *UHHQ%D\YV'HWURLW           Mike Mavrakis             Sean Walls                              Michael Jenks            Winston Morris                            Jeremy Roberts
                                        56th Fighter Wing   56th Operations Group                  56th Mission Support Group   56th Maintenance Group                        56th Medical Group
                      NFL Sunday                                      *UHHQ%D\
                                              *UHHQ%D\                                                         *UHHQ%D\                 *UHHQ%D\                                 *UHHQ%D\
       N.Y. Jets vs. N.Y. Giants                                       N.Y. Jets
            $UL]RQDYV6W/RXLV              N.Y. Jets                $UL]RQD                                 N.Y. Giants               N.Y. Giants                               N.Y. Giants
                                                $UL]RQD                 Atlanta                                   $UL]RQD                  St. Louis                                  $UL]RQD
          $WODQWDYV7DPSD%D\             7DPSD%D\                  Seattle                                   Atlanta                   Atlanta                                    Atlanta
                                                Seattle                Houston                                    Seattle                 Minnesota
           Seattle vs. Minnesota               Houston                   0LDPL                                   Houston                    Buffalo                                  Minnesota
                                                 0LDPL                &LQFLQQDWL                                   0LDPL                     0LDPL                                     Buffalo
             Houston vs. Buffalo              &LQFLQQDWL             Jacksonville                                                          &LQFLQQDWL                                   0LDPL
             %DOWLPRUHYV0LDPL             Jacksonville              &KLFDJR                                  &LQFLQQDWL                Tennessee
       &LQFLQQDWLYV&OHYHODQG                &KLFDJR                  Denver                                  Tennessee                   &KLFDJR                                  &LQFLQQDWL
                                                Denver               .DQVDV&LW\                                                            Denver                                  Tennessee
   Jacksonville vs. Tennessee                  2DNODQG                 &DUROLQD                                  &KLFDJR                    2DNODQG
    6DQ)UDQFLVFRYV&KLFDJR                  &DUROLQD             1HZ(QJODQG                                   Denver                                                              &KLFDJR
                                            1HZ(QJODQG               Pittsburgh                                 2DNODQG                1HZ2UOHDQV                                    Denver
          Denver vs. San Diego                Pittsburgh                                                         &DUROLQD               1HZ(QJODQG                                   2DNODQG
       .DQVDV&LW\YV2DNODQG                                       Washington                               1HZ(QJODQG                                                             &DUROLQD
     &DUROLQDYV1HZ2UOHDQV                Washington               50 percent                                Pittsburgh                Pittsburgh                               1HZ(QJODQG
3KLODGHOSKLDYV1HZ(QJODQG                  SHUFHQW              SHUFHQW                                                                                                     Pittsburgh
    ,QGLDQDSROLVYV3LWWVEXUJK                             ³7KHWUXHFRPSHWLWRUVDUH                         Washington                    Dallas
                                              53 percent    WKHRQHVZKRDOZD\VSOD\                           64 percent                SHUFHQW                                Washington
                               Dec. 7  ³%XFNH\HVVRPHKRZ                                                      54 percent                53 percent                                64 percent
                                       VRPHZD\³5HSHDW´               WRZLQ´                          ³1RWDONQHFHVVDU\        “Scrubs cant get                              SHUFHQW
          Dallas vs. Washington                                                                           MXVWUHVXOWVEDVHG´       QRORYHIURPPH´                       ³*RELJRUJRKRPH´
      Last week’s percentage

     Year to date percentage

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