Page 5 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, June 11, 2021
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Air Force releases updated fitness test score breakdown VanHart Wins Secretary Award for Excellence burdENS, from Page 2
What if I told you that it has been proven
throughout science, nature and history that
By John Archiquette there is strength in numbers? Just as the
The Air Force will resume physical Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, VA Southern Nevada
fitness testing July 1, 2021, with only Jr. “More testing options will put flex- strength of the wolf is the pack, and the
three components: push-ups, sit-ups ibility in the hands of our Airmen — A VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System nurse re- strength of the lion is the pride, the strength
and the 1.5-mile run. where it belongs. We know not all Air- cently won the Secretary’s Award for Excellence in Nurs- of mankind is the community. Individually,
Without the waist measurement as men maintain their fitness the same ing and Advancement of Nursing Programs for helping to each person is capable but when collaborating,
a scored component, push-ups and sit- way and may excel in different areas. improve health care services for veterans. the potential is unlimited.
I remember being in a gym doing a bench
ups will increase from 10 to 20 points Alternate components provide choices Emergency Department Nurse Maria VanHart was one press and not being able to finish the last rep.
each, while the 1.5-mile run will while still providing a mechanism to of six selected to receive the 2021 award, announced by I was always annoyed by how little support
remain at 60 points. Scoring will fall determine overall fitness.” Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough. VanHart my spotter needed to provide for me to push
into five-year age groups, as opposed These changes align under the Air was recognized for demonstrating leadership, selfless dedi- through the finish. Despite my willingness to
to the previous 10. Updated charts can Force’s Action Order Airmen, people- cation to Veterans, and providing patient centered care in do it alone, at some point I had to accept that
be found at first approach. a safe, efficient, and cost-effective manner. I couldn’t carry that load on my own. I was
The waist measurement will no lon- “Physical fitness is an important “Over the past year, our incredible professionals have able to finish that last rep because someone
ger be required as part of the physical part of our everyday lives, it’s more answered the call to serve,” said McDonough. “Our recognized that the weight was too heavy for
fitness test but a separate assessment teammates, who have displayed superior performance VA photograph me to manage on my own and provided as-
of body composition, as required by than just a test — it’s a way of life, our throughout this challenging pandemic, not only cared for Maria VanHart (right) receives the Secretary Award for sistance and encouragement to help me push
readiness and ultimately our future
DOD Instruction 1308.3, will con- veterans enrolled in our system, but stepped up to support Excellence in Nursing from Acting Nurse Executive Dr. Desiree through. Life works the same way; sometimes
tinue starting in October. Testing for success,” said Chief Master Sgt. of VA’s Fourth Mission efforts to care for civilian patients in Crawford on May 12. we need to rely on others to push through.
body composition may continue to Courtesy graphic the Air Force JoAnne S. Bass. “July communities across the nation. In the face of uncertainty, The beautiful thing about life is that we get
use some form of waist measurement 1st is a chance to refocus on building they cared for our most vulnerable and saved lives.” handling equipment. She has trained and validated the to experience it together. We all have unique
and may be administered during PT cular testing exercise options, with which testing options they choose for a lifestyle of fitness and health, and I The VA established the award in 1984 as a way to honor competencies of staff on various mobility equipment im- experiences that equip us to share in each
testing to reduce scheduling and ad- plans to announce them in the com- their physical fitness assessment com- know our Airmen will be ready.” nurses and executives across its health care system. proving the safety of patients and staff during transfers. other’s burdens.
ministrative burdens, but body com- ing weeks. Once announced, members ponents. The six-month timeline will For additional information, Air- In her role as an ED nurse, VanHart performs compre- “In line with VA’s vision of quality care and service, In closing, I hope this final excerpt from
position will not be a component of and fitness monitors will have ap- help ensure fitness assessment cells men can visit myPers or the Air hensive physical, psychological and spiritual assessments Maria VanHart works tirelessly as a Registered Nurse in a letter written several thousand years ago
the PT test itself. Further details on proximately six months to familiarize are prepared to train physical training Force’s Personnel Center’s fitness to a wide variety of patient populations with complex our Emergency Department to ensure our team and the provides you encouragement as you continue
the body composition program will themselves with use and execution of leaders to administer tests using the program page. medical and surgical conditions requiring emergency care. Veterans who depend upon us for care have the very best your journey: “Let us not become weary in do-
be released at a later date. the alternative testing options, prior new options. The Space Force will follow these She applies the nursing process to systems and processes experience,” said William Caron, VASNHS director/CEO. ing good, for at the proper time we will reap a
The Air Force has also worked on to having them available in January “We are moving away from a one- policies until service-specific fitness at the unit, team, and workgroup level to improve the care “We are so proud of her and of all our nurses who have harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we
alternative strength and cardiovas- 2022. Members will have a choice of size-fits-all model,” said Air Force policies are developed and fielded. veterans receive. She is a unit peer leader for safe patient performed with selfless dedication during this pandemic.” have opportunity, let us do good to all people.”
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