Page 6 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, December 2020
P. 6

6                                                         December 2020                                  Desert Lightning News                             Desert Lightning News                                        December 2020                                                                     7
     Bushwhacker 20-07

       exercises capabilities, improves readiness

         by Senior Airman         practice agile operations with in-                                                                                                                                              Airman 1st Class Brendan Connoy, 355th Communi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  cations Squadron client systems technician, sets up
      Cheyenne A. PowerS          novation and training to build a                                                                                            Col. Joseph Turnham, 355th Wing commander, briefs   equipment Nov. 2 during Bushwhacker 20-07. The pur-
                                  lethal, agile and resilient force,”                                                                                                                                                                                                Capt. Hayden Fullam, 354th Fighter Squadron A-10
          355th Wing Public Affairs                                                                                                                           Airmen during Bushwhacker 20-07 Nov. 2. Turnham     pose of the Bushwhacker exercise is to build multi-ca-
                                  said Lt. Col. Rodney Dwyer, 355th                                                                                           briefed Airmen on the importance of this exercise as it   pable Airmen to be able to establish, sustain and defend   Thunderbolt II pilot, drives a stake during Bushwhacker
       The 355th Wing conducted an   Wing Plans and Programs chief.                                                                                           aligns with the priorities of Air Force and Department of   the base with organic command and control.  20-07 setup Oct. 29. Fullam, alongside other pilots and
     iteration of its Dynamic Wing   “Incorporating AMC and the                                                                                               Defense senior leaders, as well as how building multi-                                                 maintenance personnel, created a simulated environ-
     exercises, Nov. 2 through 6.  U.S. Army, this iteration allows                                                                                           capable Airmen meets the needs of the ever-changing                                                    ment for the 355th Wing’s Dynamic Wing exercise.
       Davis-Monthan units worked   further flexibility and opens the                                                                                         climate of war.
     alongside Air Mobility Command   aperture to new possibilities. We
     and the U.S. Army in this exercise   are getting after the Dynamic
     to build on high-end readiness   Wing by building readiness, re-
     capabilities the 355th Wing has   siliency and relationships here in
     developed to meet warfighter   support of the direction given by
     requirements defined by the Na-  CSAF in his article, ‘Accelerate
     tional Defense Strategy.     Change or Lose’.”
       The purpose of the training is   This is the third exercise dur-
     to better prepare Airmen for near-  ing which the 355th Wing trained
     peer competition and to improve   dynamic force employment. The
     their readiness to rapidly deploy   wing refined lessons learned
     and execute the wing’s rescue   from its previous exercises in the
     and attack missions in austere   series — conducted in April 2019
     environments.                and November 2019 — to improve
       “Davis-Monthan continues to   adaptability and effectiveness.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  An Airman builds a tent during Bushwhacker 20-07
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Nov. 2. In order to meet the needs of the ever-changing
     Right:  Airman 1st Class Jack Brownsey, 355th Security Forces                                                                                             An Airman from the 355th Wing dons mission oriented   climate of war, the 355th Wing is forging a state of high-  Airman 1st Class Michael McKinley, 355th Security Forc-
     Squadron  defender, helps an  Airman clear their weapon during                                                                                            protective posture gear during Exercise Bushwhacker   end readiness where large-scale dynamic force employ-  es Squadron defender, issues weapons to Airmen during
     Bushwhacker 20-07 Nov. 2.                                                                                                                                 20-07 Nov. 3.                                      ment and agile combat employment are mission critical.   Bushwhacker 20-07 Nov. 2.

                                                                                                                                                                                            Airmen from the 355th
                                                                                                                                                                                            Wing check in during
                                                                                                                                                                                            Bushwhacker 20-07,
                                                                                                                                                                                            held here Nov. 2-6.

     Airmen from the 355th Wing get briefed during Bushwhacker 20-07 Nov. 2. Bushwhacker 20-07, the 355th Wing’s dynamic force employment
     and agile combat employment exercise, demonstrates the ability to wield combat power and rapidly deploy forces to an austere and con-                                                                                                                                              Photos by Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens
     tested location anywhere, anytime.                                                                                          A-10 Thunderbolt IIs sit on the flight line here Nov. 2. The A-10s were moved to the flight line as part of Bushwhacker 20-07, as the 355th Wing continues to build on its state of high-end readiness.
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