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LAW ENFORCEMENT APPRECIATION DAY $65 for four classes per month Payment due on or before the first class of
Jan. 9 • 6:30-9 a.m. Adults - Ages 13 & older each month. Register online at:
Law enforcement personnel receive $1 off a Tuesdays • 7-8 p.m. • Adults, ages 13 & older
breakfast burrito, waffle, or bagel. $85 for four classes per month
ARM-KNITTING CLASS Tues. & Thurs. • 5-6 p.m.
Jan. 10 • 5 p.m. • Free Cost is $50 for eight classes per month, ages
Limited to six participants, ages 18 & older 10-17 yrs. old.
Knit a blanket using one of the latest trends. Tues. & Thurs. • 6-7 p.m.
$60 for eight classes per month. ages 18 yrs.
Jan. 29 • 5-9:30 p.m.
$70 per person - Permit $60 (additional) AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE CLASSES
Active-duty, 19 yrs. & up Weds. • 5-7 p.m. • Ages 10 yrs. old & older
All others, 21 yrs. & up Cost is $50 for four classes per month, ages
Sign-up at: 17 yrs. & younger; $60 for four classes per
This is a non-shooting course. Learn firearm month, ages 18 & older.
safety, selection, and laws. Fingerprinting,
and submission of CCW application included. SENIOR SILVER DANCERS
Thursdays • 10-11 a.m.
NATIONAL HOT CHOCOLATE DAY Ages 50+ • Four classes - $20
Jan. 31 • 6:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Ballroom, 60’s jazz, 50’s sock hop, and more.
Stop by the Blitz Lounge and get a 12 oz. hot
chocolate for only 50¢. “TWINKLE TOES” PARENT & TOT DANCE
DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING COURSE Thursdays • 11 a.m. - noon
Sundays, Feb. 9 - Mar. 8 • 5-6 p.m. Parent & child, ages 2-5 • Four classes - $25
$150 for five classes per pet Enjoy one-on-one time with your little one.
Classes include training in basic commands,
loose-leash walking, taking treats nicely, and “THE GRID” VIRTUAL REALITY GAME ROOM
focus. Limited to eight dogs. Mon. - Fri. • 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Games include Batman Arkham, Rush of
KRAV MAGA SELF DEFENSE CLASSES Blood, Valkyrie, and more.
Tuesdays • 6-6:45 p.m. • Ages 6-12