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Train the world’s greatest F-35 and F-16 fighter pilots                                                                                       Feb. 12, 2016
                                                                                                                                                        Vol. 16, No. 6

„ Luke 1 sends message, 3
„ Tbolt gets Army medal, 4
„ Divorce difficult chapter, 5
„ Pilot lives two dreams, 6
„ Exchange gets visit

    from HQ, 7

                                                    Tests are conducted on the F-35 Lightning II egress trainer Jan. 15 at Luke Air Force Base. The egress trainer is designed to
                                                    simulate the mechanical layout of the ejection and emergency evacuation system of the F-35.

                                                    F-35 egress trainer arrives at Luke

                       Senior Airman James Hensley             Story and photo by                         Upon completion of the build, the third         When the live ejection system is acti-
                                                                 Airman 1st Class                      of its kind in the nation, the trainer will be  vated, the canopy of the aircraft’s cockpit
             FAB FLIGHT                                            RIDGE SHAN                          used by Detachment 12, 372nd Training           will detach from the aircraft. With the pilot
                                                                                                       Squadron instructors to train Luke’s first      strapped in, the seat will then catapult
                                       See Page 10                   56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  class of F-35 egress maintainers.               away from the rest of the aircraft before
                                                                                                                                                       deploying a parachute that will bring the
INDEX                                                  Over the past two months, major compo-             “The term egress denotes escape,” said       pilot safely to the ground. After activation,
                                                    nents of the new F-35 Lightning II egress          Staff Sgt. Edward Cunningham, 372nd             the entire process is automatic.
Action line ............................. 2         trainer, an advanced replica of the F-35           TRS, Det. 12 F-16 and F-35 egress in-
Briefs..................................... 3       cockpit designed to simulate the mechani-          structor. “For pilots, egress is the ability       “In the old days, separating from your
Spotlight ................................ 4        cal layout of the ejection and emergency           to survive when something goes wrong.           aircraft involved you climbing out of the
Diversions ........................... 16           evacuation system, have arrived at Luke            This is their process of separating from
Sports.................................. 19         Air Force Base.                                    the aircraft.”                                                                            See F-35, Page 4

QUOTE OF THE WEEK                                   Selective Re-enlistment Bonus program list triples

   “In our profession of arms, the key                 WASHINGTON — Air Force officials released details on the fis-       manning levels, re-enlistment trends, career field force structure
to progressing to the higher stages                 cal year 2016 Selective Re-enlistment Bonus program Feb. 1. This       changes, career field stress levels, and the cost levels associated
of moral development is through                     year’s program, consisting of 117 Air Force specialties eligible to    with training new Airmen.
pride, professionalism and passion.”                receive bonuses, is a substantial increase from the previous year’s
                                                    program where 40 Air Force specialty codes were eligible.                 “This year’s SRB list increased by nearly threefold as we focused
                     Senior Master Sgt.                                                                                    on retaining key experience while continuing our deliberate plan to
                         Javier Gonzalez               The program’s expansion coincides with Air Force plans to grow      grow our force,” Romer said. “We are increasing our accessions and
                                                    the force to meet mission demands in the face of changing geopoliti-   training pipeline to support the increased growth, but these new
  56th Security Forces Squadron                     cal situations, and to address key gaps in nuclear, maintenance,       enlistees won’t be seasoned for some time. Retaining the experience
                                                    cyber, intelligence, remotely piloted aircraft and support career      we have is critical to our success in reaching target end strength.”
WEATHER                                             fields through fiscal 2017.
                                                                                                                              All AFSC bonus changes became effective Feb. 1.
                 Today                                 According to Col. Robert Romer, the chief of military force policy     For more information, contact the local military personnel flight
                                                    for the Air Force, the criteria used to determine career fields        re-enlistment section.
             66°/35°                                eligible for re-enlistment bonuses includes current and projected
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Courtesy of
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