Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-12-16
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Thunderbolt                                                  NEWS                                                                                                                                         Feb. 12, 2016                     5                                                                                                                                                   

Divorce difficult chapter in life Mini-Bolts cardio at Luke …

                         by Capt.                            spousal maintenance, distribution of community                                                                                                 Airman Pedro Mota
               JHEREMY PERKINS                               property and other domestic relations issues. The
                                                             consent decree is formulated by both parties and both    The 56th Force Support Squadron Annex Fitness Center on
                            WK)LJKWHU:LQJ/HJDO2IÀFH    parties must agree to the terms. Once a Judge signs      the east side of the base has a parent and child workout room
                                                             the consent decree, the decree becomes the divorce       in which Thunderbolts can work on cardio while watching
   Divorce, though a difficult chapter in many people’s      decree and both parties must abide by its terms.         their children. The Luke Air Force Bryant Fitness Center is
lives, happens. Divorce comes with both financial and                                                                 undergoing changes in 2016, which will include a parent and
emotional burdens for everyone involved.                        If both parties are unable to agree that the mar-     child workout room. There will be no weights just cardio for
                                                             riage is irretrievably broken or the parties disagree    safety purposes.
   In order to file for divorce in Arizona, one of the par-  on the handling of child custody and parenting time,
ties must reside in Arizona for 90 days. In Maricopa         child support, spousal maintenance, distribution of
County the court currently applies a $338 filing fee         community property, or other domestic relations is-
for a petition for dissolution of a marriage. The court      sues, the divorce is a contested divorce. A contested
charges a $269 filing fee for the response or answer         divorce is a lawsuit that is conducted in court and
to the petition for dissolution of marriage. Fee waiv-       a judge determines the contested issues. Contested
ers are an option for individuals who cannot afford          divorces are often lengthy, costly and emotionally
court fees.                                                  tiring for all involved. If the parties have any mu-
                                                             tual understandings or agreements, the best course
   Arizona is a no-fault state, meaning the court may        of action is to inform the court of these agreements
dissolve a marriage if the marriage is irretrievably         and to attempt to come to these agreements before
broken. The defense to such a claim would be that            filing (if the situation allows).
the marriage is not irretrievably broken down.
                                                                For those unsure of what their options are, the 56th
   The petition must include a plethora of informa-          FW Legal Office recommends seeking legal advice
tion from birth dates to addresses to occupations            which will help guide individuals through this often
to relief sought to the details of any agreements            daunting process.
between the parties involving support, custody and
parenting time of the children, and maintenance of              For more information, walk-in legal assistance
a spouse. The divorce process can be completed in as         is available on 3:30 to 4 p.m. Thursdays. Same-day
little as 60 days, but that will depend on a number          appointments can be scheduled for Tuesday and
of circumstances.                                            Thursday by calling 623-856-6901 from 7:30 to 8:15
                                                             a.m. Active-duty service members take precedence
   There are two basic types of divorce: contested           over retirees and dependents.
and noncontested. Noncontested divorce is by far the
easiest, quickest and least expensive method of di-             For dissolution of marriage forms, Maricopa
vorce. Essentially, both parties sign a consent decree       County has a self-help website at: http://www.supe-
which details how the parties intend to handle issues
of child custody and parenting time, child support,

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