Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-12-16
P. 9

Thunderbolt                                                             NEWS                                                              Feb. 12, 2016       9                                                                                  

            Qatar                                                       Japan

                             Training concluded Feb. 3 at Al Udeid       Paci¿c 'efender Security Forces International
                             Air Base with a scenario testing Gulf       Subject Matter Expert Exchange was held Feb. 1
                             &ooperation &ouncil /iaison Of¿cer pro-     through 5 at Andersen Air Force Base to help build
                             cedures and connectivity to host nation     partnerships and promote cooperation across the
                             air operations centers. Participants from   Indo-Asia-Paci¿c region. Participants learned new
                             Qatar, Oman, United Arab Emirates, and      approaches to combative and weapons training.
                             Saudi Arabia used the knowledge during
                             exercise Arabian Gulf Shield.              Afghanistan

                                                                         In a windowless room, illuminated        Guam
                                                                         only by the light of computer screens,
                                                                         455th Expeditionary Operations Sup-       Paci¿c 'efender Security Forces Inter-
                                                                         port Squadron intelligence Airmen at      national Subject Matter Expert Exchange
                                                                         Bagram Air¿eld gather intelligence        was held Feb. 1 through 5 at Andersen Air
                                                                         from multiple platforms to create up-     Force Base to help build partnerships and
                                                                         to-date reports from which command-       promote cooperation across the Indo-Asia-
                                                                         ers make critical decisions where lives   Paci¿c region. Participants learned new
                                                                         are may be on the line.                   approaches to combative and weapons

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