Page 11 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-12-16
P. 11

Thunderbolt                                                                                      Feb. 12, 2016

ht handles intricate things

 dle repairs and   detecting damages in aircraft parts. They also respond        Airman 1st
 e aircraft main-  to the flightline to test aircraft for structural integ-      Class Adri-
 selves.           rity. The metals technology, structural maintenance           ana Van
with all aircraft  and low observable sections are primarily focused on          Wyk, 56th
 sh us from the    manufacture and repair of aircraft and equipment.             EMS non-
e AMUs are re-                                                                   destructive
 ts replacement      “We perform repairs and inspections, check struc-           inspection
ady to fly. They   tural integrity and fabricate parts,” said Tech. Sgt.         technician,
 f aircraft while  Duane Coley, 56th EMS production supervisor. “We              performs an
uke. While there   create critical parts for aircraft and do repairs and         eddy cur-
nce themselves,    jobs that help save man hours, thus creating more             rent test on
  base that sup-   time for air availability of aircraft. We save time and       an F-16. The
 ht, nondestruc-   money by doing repairs locally instead of having to           test checks
the sections by    send aircraft or parts out or hiring a civilian contrac-      for problems
                   tor. Everything we do in the fabrication flight keeps         that may
                   aircraft flying at Luke.”                                     compromise
                                                                                 the aircraft’s
                                                                                 structural in-

                                                                                 Senior Airman Joshua Rose, 56th EMS low observable aircraft structural maintenance
                                                                                 journeyman, inspects a dispatch box. Dispatch boxes are inspected prior to signing
                                                                                 them out for use and upon return to track equipment and ensure cleanliness.

Force  Airman 1st Class Bernard Moskalis, 56th EMS nondestructive inspection     Senior Airman Cody Reyn-
       technician, performs a florescent penetrant inspection on an F-16 engine  olds, 56th EMS nondestruc-
       sink ring.                                                                tive inspection apprentice,
                                                                                 inspects an A-frame from
                                                                                 an F-16 Fighting Falcon
                                                                                 under a black light. The A-
                                                                                 frames are put through wet
                                                                                 fluorescents and dipped
                                                                                 inside penetrants prior to
                                                                                 black light viewing. The
                                                                                 penetrants cause a capil-
                                                                                 lary action when there are
                                                                                 cracks present in parts that
                                                                                 become visible under the
                                                                                 black light.
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