Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-12-16
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Feb. 12, 2016                                                   NEWS                                                            Thunderbolt
                                                                                       STREET                                      Feb. 2: Security forces responded to a war-
         DATE: 24 FEBRUARY                                                               BEAT                                   rant’s hit at South Gate Visitor Center and
           TIME: 1000-1400                                                                                                      detained a nonmilitary affiliate for failure to
                                                                              The 56th Security Forces Squadron handled         appear and exceeding wakeless speed. Security
       WHERE: CLUB FIVE SIX                                                the following incidents Feb. 1 through 7 at Luke     forces contacted Maricopa County Sheriff ’s
                                                                           Air Force Base:                                      Office who responded and took control of the
                             SPONSORED BY:                                                                                      individual.
           56TH COMMUNICATIONS SQUADRON                                                                                            Feb. 3: Security forces responded to a war-
                                                                              Security forces issued citations for 17 moving    rant’s hit at the South Gate Visitor Center and
    For more information and to pre-register go to  violations and 13 nonmoving violations.              detained a nonmilitary affiliate for failure to ap-
                            Please contact Lizzi Bollinger                                                                      pear and driving on a suspended license. Security
                                                                           7UDI¿FUHODWHGLQFLGHQWV                             forces contacted Phoenix police who responded
           for technology and company requests:                                                              and took control of the individual.
                                                                              Feb. 1: Security forces responded to a report
                                                                           of a minor two-vehicle accident in the parking          Feb. 3: Security forces responded to a wants
                                                                           lot of Bldg. 482. Security forces verified damage,   and warrants hit at the South Gate Visitor
                                                                           drivers exchanged information and security           Center and detained a nonmilitary affiliate
                                                                           forces issued a citation. There were no injuries.    for failure to appear. Security forces contacted
                                                                                                                                Buckeye police who responded and took control
                                                                           Emergency responses                                  of the individual.

                                                                              Feb. 3: Security forces responded to a report of     Feb. 5: Security forces stopped a nonmilitary
                                                                           a medical emergency in the commissary. An indi-      affiliate who was operating a vehicle with a
                                                                           vidual had fallen from a ladder and sustained a      suspended license. Security forces contacted
                                                                           head injury.The individual was treated by medical    Glendale police who took control. The individual
                                                                           personnel and transported to a nearby hospital.      was issued a debarment order memorandum.

                                                                           Nonemergency responses                               Alarm activations

                                                                              Feb. 2: Security forces received notification        Security forces responded to two alarm activa-
                                                                           from Scottsdale police that an active-duty Air-      tions on base.
                                                                           man was apprehended for driving under the
                                                                           influence of alcohol. Security forces notified the   Tip of the week
                                                                           individual’s first sergeant who took control of
                                                                           the individual.                                         Do not enter a domicile that appears to have
                                                                                                                                been broken into. Call law enforcement to report
                                                                                                                                the break-in and wait for them to determine if
                                                                                                                                the perpetrator is still on the premises.

                                                                                                                                                 Courtesy of Senior Airman Brian LeFevere
                                                                                                                                                                                             56th SFS

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