Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-12-16
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Feb. 12, 2016                                                                       NEWS                                                                               Thunderbolt

 PEOPLE                                           conflict with higher-end adversaries and                   implementation of restricted stratification         at least 120 days prior to their current HYT.
   FIRST                                          more technologically advanced threats in                   and forced distribution rules that also em-
                                                  the future.                                                phasize recent performance.                 
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is                                                                                                                  Article/648310/high-year-of-tenure-extension-for-
compiled from information from the Air Force         Carter said the men and women of the Air                   With the change from reviewing 10 years
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup-        Force — like the ones he visited earlier in                of reports decreased to five years, the Air                                               122-specialties.aspx
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness        the day at the 66th Rescue Squadron and                    Force is also transitioning to a single-phase
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel  823rd Maintenance Squadron — will be the                   process for the upcoming master sergeant            Biking brings hope to
office and armed forces news services. For the    keys to the direction the Defense Depart-                  evaluation board.                                   wounded, recovering vets
complete story, go to the web address listed at   ment plans to take the service in the future.
the end of the story.                                                                                     Members from Creech Air Force Base
                                                       Article/648557/af-announces-year-two-adjust-    volunteered as part of the Ride 2 Recov-
Carter talks budget,                                   Article/650778/carter-talks-budget-readiness-                                                             ery program and brought more than 20
readiness at Nellis                                                             with-nellis-community.aspx      ments-to-enlisted-evaluations-promotions.aspx    wounded and recovering veterans together
                                                                                                                                                                 for the Vegas Challenge Feb. 1 through 3 in
   Defense Secretary Ash Carter visited           Air Force announces                                        122 specialties get high                            Blue Diamond, Nevada.
Nellis Air Force Base Feb. 4 during the last      year two adjustments                                       year of tenure extension
leg of his defense budget installation visits.                                                                                                                      The challenge provided wounded veterans
                                                     Incorporating various observations and                     Eligible senior airmen, staff sergeants,         the opportunity to come together with others
   After meeting with service members at          assessments from the first year under the                  technical sergeants, and master ser-                battling some form of injury. Nestled in the
the California-based Naval Air Weapons            new enlisted evaluation and promotion                      geants in 122 Air Force specialties can             rocky mountainous terrain of the Nevada
Station China Lake and Marine Corps Air           systems, the Air Force is making several                   apply for a high year of tenure extension           desert, the veterans biked for more than 20
Station Miramar, Carter spoke to Nellis           adjustments for year two to ease execution                 and, if approved, will be able to extend            miles over a three-day span for team building,
Airmen to preview the fiscal 2017 defense         and strengthen processes.                                  between 12 and 24 months past their                 confidence boosting and physical therapy.
budget and discuss its impact on the Air                                                                     current HYT.
Force.                                               In 2015, the Air Force began execution of                                                                      Paul, a 799th Security Forces Squadron
                                                  the new enlisted evaluation and promotion                     Eligible Airmen who apply for an exten-          resource advisor, is a representative for
   “The key is readiness; that’s the key to       systems with the goal of ensuring perfor-                  sion should be approved by their unit com-          Project Hero, which is a local chapter of the
the Air Force today and tomorrow, and it          mance as the main factor when promoting                    mander or civilian leader, and should meet          R2R providing daily interaction and train-
happens here,” Carter said. “What I’m ask-        or evaluating Airmen. The new systems                      regular re-enlistment criteria as well. Air-        ing with the veterans. He said seeing the
ing the Air Force to do is maintain a very        also increased a commander’s opportuni-                    men with a re-enlistment restriction are            change in the veterans after participating
high level of readiness.                          ties to identify top performers and clearly                not eligible to apply for an HYT extension.         in the events is amazing.
                                                  indicate an Airman’s promotion potential
   The defense secretary spoke about at-          to the boards.                                                The HYT extension application window                “What this program does is exercising
taining a lasting defeat of the Islamic State                                                                is open through May 31, 2017.                       for rehabilitation through bike riding,”
of Iraq and the Levant, while also ensur-            Enlisted performance reports available                                                                      Paul said. “Not only does it help with the
ing the department is ready for potential         for review by senior NCO evaluation boards                    Eligible Airmen with a current HYT in            physical portion, it also helps with post-
                                                  will decrease from the previous 10 to five                 February 2016 should apply as soon as               traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain
                                                  years beginning with the calendar year                     possible to obtain approval prior to their          injury, and gets them out there socializing
                                                  2016 master sergeant evaluation board.                     current HYT. Eligible Airmen with a cur-            with other people.”
                                                  This change allows an increased focus                      rent HYT March 1 through May 31, 2016,
                                                  on recent performance and compliments                      should apply at least 30 days prior to their
                                                                                                             current HYT. All other eligible Airmen                 Article/652589/biking-brings-hope-to-wounded-
                                                                                                             should submit their requests for extension

SOUND                                                                         “My son was                    “Watching the                            “Having dinner                  “I’m taking my
 OFF!                                                                         born on Valen-                 ‘Walking Dead’                           with the family                 girlfriend out
                                                                              tine’s Day, and                midseason                                and watching                    for dinner and a
                                                                              we give cards                  premier.”                                ‘Downtown                       massage.”
                                                                              to our kids.”                                                           Abbey.’”

 What are your                  Retired Lt. Col.                                               Tech. Sgt.                     Capt.                                    Senior Airman
     plans for                  MARIO VALADEZ                                                                                                                          BRANDON REED
                                                                                               SCOTT SEEGER                   DENISE STOLL                             607th ACS
Valentine’s Day?

                                                                                               56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron 607th Air Control Squadron

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                                                                               Worship Service  11:15 am
                                                                                                             Sunday School
                                                                                                             Worship Service   6:30 pm
                                                                                                             Wednesday:        7:00 pm
                                                                                                             Bible Study
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