Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-12-16
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Thunderbolt NEWS Feb. 12, 2016 7
AAFES deputy director works AF implements DOD-wide maternity leave changes
to better Luke Airmen’s lives WASHINGTON — Beginning Feb. 5, active- medical authority deems that leave is warranted.
duty female Airmen will receive up to 12 con- A birth event refers to any birth of a child or
Mike Immler, Army & Air Force Exchange Service deputy director, is mak- tinuous, nontransferable weeks of fully paid
ing it his mission to ensure the Exchange is doing all it can to serve Airmen maternity leave in accordance with Defense children to a female service member wherein
at Luke Air Force Base. Department-wide changes to the policy outlined the child or children are retained by the mother.
in Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s Force of the Multiple children resulting from a single preg-
To better understand how the Exchange can best meet the needs of the Future announcement Jan. 28. nancy will be treated as a single event so long
community, Immler met with Col. James Kossler, 56th Mission Support Group as the multiple births occur within the same
commander, and Lt. Col. Tonya Mack, 56th Force Support Squadron com- This new policy applies to all Airmen in the 72-hour period.
mander, during a visit on Jan. 22. During his two-day stop at Luke, Immler also active-duty component, and those Reserve com-
toured the main Exchange, Express and food court and talked with Airmen. ponent service members on orders to active ser- The new policy also protects Airmen from any
vice for a continuous period of at least 12 months. disadvantages in their career, including but not
“The Exchange is committed to making Luke a great place to live and limited to assignments, performance appraisals
work,” Immler said. “We are dedicated to ensuring Airmen, retirees and their Airmen who are currently on maternity leave or selection for professional military education,
families have a place to shop and dine they can be proud of.” will automatically be granted a 42-day extension. as a result of maternity leave taken.
Those Airmen currently on approved ordinary
At Luke, the Exchange is dedicated to providing healthy options at restau- leave in conjunction with their maternity leave In addition, DOD is requesting legislative
rants and Express locations. In the food court, Subway, Charley’s, Popeyes are authorized to convert their regular leave to changes to paternity leave. “We will seek au-
and Burger King all have healthy meals available. The Express is stocked nonchargeable maternity leave, not to exceed a thorities to increase paid paternity leave for new
with salads, fresh fruit and snacks so Airmen can make healthy choices. An total of 12 weeks. fathers from 10 to 14 days, which they can use in
island cooler makes it easy to grab a fresh, healthy snack on the go. addition to annual leave,” Carter said.
Commanders may not disapprove maternity
“It’s important to be mission-ready in both body and spirit,” Immler said. leave, which begins immediately following a Airmen with questions can contact their chain
“Offering fresh, healthy choices in a convenient location makes it easier to birth event or release from hospitalization fol- of command or local force support squadron for
make the right nutritional decisions.” lowing a birth event for a continuous 12-week more details on eligibility, applicability and any
period. This policy in no way restricts unit com- other specifics related to the new benefit as the
Every time Airmen shop the Exchange, grab a snack at the Express or manders or medical professionals from granting Air Force begins incorporating the changes into
dine at an Exchange restaurant, they are generating funds that help make convalescent leave in excess of 12 weeks if a appropriate regulations and guidance.
life better at Luke.
Courtesy of
“For every dollar earned, historically 67 cents comes back to the military
community through Air Force Services dividends,” Immler said. “Last year,
sales at the Luke Exchange generated nearly $523,000 on behalf of services
programs. Every time shoppers go to an Exchange, they are improving their
entire military community.”
Immler is the first civilian deputy director of the 120-year-old Exchange,
which employs approximately 35,500 associates worldwide. In addition, 35
active-duty service members are assigned to the organization.
Courtesy of AAFES
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