Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-12-16
P. 19

Thunderbolt                                              SPORTS                                                                                               Feb. 12, 2016

CMS sweeps field against AGE                                                                                                             Sports Shorts

Story and photo by                                                                                                                     Spring Break camps
 Airman 1st Class
    RIDGE SHAN                                                                                                                            Youth ages 9 to 12 attend an all-sports
                                                                                                                                       camp 8 a.m. to noon, lunch noon to 1 p.m.
                56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  Israel Dominguez, 56th Component Maintenance Squadron aircraft electrical and        and adventure camp 1 to 5 p.m. March
                                                  HQYLURQPHQWDOVSHFLDOLVWSXOOVWKHÀDJRIDQRSSRVLQJUHFHLYHURQWKHUXQGXULQJ   7 through 11 and 14 through 18 at the
   The 56th Component Maintenance                 DÀDJIRRWEDOOJDPH)HEDW/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH7KHWK&06IDFHGRIIDJDLQVW   56th Force Support Squadron Youth
Squadron topped out against the 56th              and beat the 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron Aircrew Ground Equipment            Center. Camps are $35 each and lunch
Equipment Maintenance Squadron Air-               team 20-6 in a dominant showing.                                                     is $5 unless the youth is signed up for
crew Ground Equipment team 20-6 in a                                                                                                   morning and afternoon camps. For more
dominant showing during a flag football              CMS advanced up the field at a consis-  projections, deriving confidence from     information, call 623-856-7470.
match, Feb. 4 at Luke Air Force Base.             tent pace for the remainder of the game,   championship titles in previous seasons.
                                                  doubling their score before the half, and  The players hope their success and the    Start SMART soccer
   Both teams scored early, demonstrating         closing the game with a touchdown and      success of every team generates more
their play styles in the first quarter, with      two-point conversion.                      interest in later games.                     Children ages 3 to 6 and parents par-
EMS/AGE running wide and out long-pass                                                                                                 ticipate together in a program designed
plays with a quarterback scramble as a last          “Our opponent isn’t an easy team to        “No matter which squadron is play-     to help the children develop motor skills
resort while CMS played a wide variety of         beat,” Stark said. “They’re always a       ing, we’re always having fun out here,”   by learning soccer skills 5 to 6 p.m. Tues-
quick-release short-pass plays to nimble          good challenge, and we’ll see them in      Dominguez said. “It’s always a good       days through March 8. The cost is $25
receivers on both inside and outside routes.      the playoffs.”                             time when everybody comes out and         per student and includes a T-shirt. For
                                                                                             cheers us on.”                            more information, call 623-856-7470.
   “It was a clean game,” said Israel                CMS is optimistic about their future
Dominguez, 56th CMS aircraft electrical                                                                                                Horseback riding
and environmental specialist. “We held
them to six points, and the game went                                                                                                     Outdoor recreation is offering a two-
by fast. Everything went as planned, and                                                                                               hour horseback ride at 9 a.m. Feb. 20 at
everyone was clicking on all cylinders.”                                                                                               White Tank Mountains. The cost is $90
                                                                                                                                       per person. For more information, call
   The tipping point came as the CMS                                                                                                   623-856-6267.
defense adjusted in the start of the sec-
ond quarter to leverage heavier coverage                                                                                               Powerlifting competition
on EMS/AGE’s long passing game while
insuring pressure at the line of scrim-                                                                                                   The 56th FSS Bryant Fitness Center
mage to contain the quarterback. EMS/                                                                                                  is featuring a powerlifting competition
AGE’s defense was unable to show similar                                                                                               at 10 a.m. Feb. 26 at the combat PT
success, being thrown off-balance by the                                                                                               center. Weigh-in is 9:30 a.m. For more
CMS offense’s consistent mix of quick-                                                                                                 information, call 623-856-6241.
release passes in the mid-to-short range
and lightning-quick movement at the                                                                                                    President’s Day golf
quarterback position.
                                                                                                                                          The Falcon Dunes Golf Course is fea-
   “Our QB play was great and our defen-                                                                                               turing a President’s Day golf tournament
sive line stepped up,” said Trevor Stark,                                                                                              at 8 a.m. Monday. The cost is $48 per club
56th EMS egress maintainer and team                                                                                                    member, $53 per nonmember and $58
captain.                                                                                                                               per guest. Register by today. For more
                                                                                                                                       information, call 623-535-9334.

of the

                      NBA Feb. 19           Staff Sgt.        Airman 1st Class                             Staff Sgt.           Senior Airman      Airman 1st Class
               'DOODVYV2UODQGR        Jason Wright          Kevin Easterling                       Gabriel Castillo           Terrell Dortch        Myron Little
         Detroit vs. Washington       56th Fighter Wing   56th Operations Group              56th Mission Support Group  56th Maintenance Group
         1HZ<RUNYV%URRNO\Q                                                                                                                    56th Medical Group
             7RURQWRYV&KLFDJR             2UODQGR                   Dallas                               2UODQGR                  2UODQGR                Dallas
                                          Washington                   Detroit                            Washington               Washington              Detroit
3KLODGHOSKLDYV1HZ2UOHDQV                                         1HZ<RUN
       &KDUORWWHYV0LOZDXNHH              1HZ<RUN                 &KLFDJR                               1HZ<RUN                  %URRNO\Q            1HZ<RUN
            +RXVWRQYV3KRHQL[              &KLFDJR              1HZ2UOHDQV                               &KLFDJR                  &KLFDJR              &KLFDJR
                                          1HZ2UOHDQV                &KDUORWWH                           1HZ2UOHDQV              1HZ2UOHDQV          3KLODGHOSKLD
    San Antonio vs. LA Lakers               &KDUORWWH                Houston                               &KDUORWWH                &KDUORWWH             &KDUORWWH
        'HQYHUYV6DFUDPHQWR                Houston               Los Angeles                              Houston                  Houston              Houston
                    NHL Saturday          San Antonio                 Denver                             San Antonio              San Antonio            LA Lakers
                                          6DFUDPHQWR                                                         Denver               6DFUDPHQWR               Denver
 1HZ-HUVH\YV3KLODGHOSKLD                                       1HZ-HUVH\
          %RVWRQYV0LQQHVRWD             1HZ-HUVH\                 Boston                             3KLODGHOSKLD              1HZ-HUVH\           1HZ-HUVH\
           2WWDZDYV&ROXPEXV                Boston                                                         Boston                   Boston               Boston
         Toronto vs. Vancouver                                      &ROXPEXV                                                          2WWDZD
           $UL]RQDYV6DQ-RVH             &ROXPEXV                  Toronto                              &ROXPEXV                   Toronto            &ROXPEXV
           $QDKHLPYV&KLFDJR               Toronto                  $UL]RQD                                Toronto                                       Toronto
            1DVKYLOOHYV)ORULGD           6DQ-RVH                 &KLFDJR                               6DQ-RVH                 6DQ-RVH               $UL]RQD
          NBA All-Star Sunday                &KLFDJR                  )ORULGD                               &KLFDJR                  &KLFDJR              &KLFDJR
                                              )ORULGD                                                      Nashville                  )ORULGD              )ORULGD
            :HVWHUQYV(DVWHUQ                                       (DVWHUQ
                                             Western                SHUFHQW                              Western                  (DVWHUQ               (DVWHUQ
     Last week’s percentage                SHUFHQW               63 percent                            SHUFHQW               SHUFHQW            SHUFHQW
                                           55 percent    'RQ¶WSUD\IRUWKHDQVZHUV                     SHUFHQW               SHUFHQW            SHUFHQW
     Year to Date percentage                             3UD\IRUWKHNQRZOHGJHWR                     ³:LQVIRUPH            ³6R\RXWKLQN          “Let’s go
                                              ³,VWKDW       NQRZWKHDQVZHUV                          FDQ\RXVD\            \RXFDQSLFN"´           3LVWRQV´
                          Trash talk      DOO\RXJRW"´                                              WKHVDPHIRU\RX"´
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