Page 1 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, May 14, 2021
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vol. 5, no. 10                   Serving Southern Nevada’s military community, including Nellis, Creech and NTTR             may 14, 2021

                             An Aerotech news And review publicAtion •
          DOD tests CBRN aircrew protective suit upgrade at Nellis

                                                                                                                             Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Dwane R. Young
          Airmen assigned to the 88th Test and Evaluation Squadron, pose for a photo in full Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear flight gear during a developmental test at Nellis
          Air Force Base, Nev., April 21, 2021. The Airmen participated in on-going testing of the new Uniform Integrated Protective Ensemble Air two-piece system.
          by Senior Airman Dwane R. Young      developmental testing of the new Uni-  Biological, Radiological and Nuclear  all air crews across fixed wing, rotary
          Nellis AFB, Nev.                     form Integrated Protective Ensemble  protection to air crews in a toxic en-  wing, ejection seat and large frame air-
                                               Air system at Nellis Air Force Base,  vironment.                           crafts across the Defense Department.
            Representatives from across the  Nev.                                      The new system will update CBRN      “This item will service air crews for the
          Department of Defense, in conjunc-      UIPE Air is a layered clothing  defense for aircrews, replacing the  U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, Army and Air
          tion with the 88th Test and Evaluation  system; gloves, respirator, undergar-  current 66P legacy system.
          Squadron, participated in ongoing  ments, etc. that provide Chemical,        Once approved, it will be fielded to   										  See tests, on Page 6

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