Page 5 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, May 14, 2021
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4   May 14, 2021  news  Desert lightning news s. nevaDa  Desert lightning news s. nevaDa  news                                              May 14, 2021    5           

 Air Combat Command announces 2021 award winners  Thunderbirds announce new commander

 by Airman 1st Class Chloe Aaron Shanes  The commander of Air Combat Command,  Evaluation Squadron, to serve as Thunderbird 7,
 JB Langley-Eustis, Va.  Gen. Mark D. Kelly, has officially selected the next  the operations officer for the 2021 and 2022 season
 Gen. Mark D. Kelly, commander   Thunderbird commander to lead the United States  starting in June 2021. Yingling is an experienced
 of Air Combat Command, on April   Air Force Thunderbirds for the 2022 and 2023  A-10 pilot who has flown more than 3,000 flight
 29 announced the recipients of ACC’s   demonstration seasons.  hours, including more than 1,000 combat hours.
 2021 12 Outstanding Airmen of the   Lt. Col. Justin Elliott, commander of the 59th   Previously, Maj. Thomas Werner was selected
 Year, First Sergeant of the Year Award,   Test and Evaluation Squadron at Nellis Air Force  to fill the Thunderbird 7 position for the 2021 and
 Officer of the Year Award, and the   Base, Nev., will become Thunderbird 1, the squad-  2022 show season; however, due to unforeseen as-
 Civilian of the Year Award.  ron’s commander and lead pilot next year.  signment circumstances, Yingling will now fill the
 Included in the winners list is Capt.   As the two-fold duty title implies, Elliott will  position. He will replace Lt. Col. Kevin DiFalco,
 Chelsea L. Ross of the U.S. Air Force   command a force of more than 120 enlisted person-  who will become a commander of another Air Force
 Advanced Maintenance and Muni-  nel and 11 commissioned officers assigned to the  squadron in June.
 tions Operations School at Nellis Air   team, along with leading all of the demonstration   Thunderbird 12, the team’s public affairs officer,
 Force Base, Nev.  flights.                              will also be replaced and announced next month.
 These awards are presented to the   Elliott commissioned from Yale University in  By design, the position openings are staggered,
 Airmen excelling in specific acts of   2005 and became an F-15E pilot in 2007. He is a  allowing the squadron to maintain continuity of
 outstanding achievement, perfor-  graduate of the U.S. Air Force Weapons School and  experience and leadership.
 mance and exceptionally meritorious   logged more than 2,000 hours of flight time with
 service.  Air Force photograph by Airman First Class Zachary Rufus  more than 255 hours of combat pilot experience.  The commander of Air Combat Command, Gen. Mark
 The other Outstanding Airmen of   Capt. Chelsea Ross, U.S. Air Force Advanced Maintenance and Munitions Operations School, Nellis AFB, Nev., (third from right) was   “This is incredible news for the Thunderbirds,  D. Kelly, has officially selected the next Thunderbird
 the Year Awards were presented in the   recently named as the Air Combat Command Company Grade Officer of the Year.  Team Nellis and the Air Force,” said Brig. Gen. Mi- commander to lead the United States Air Force
 following categories:  chael Drowley, 57th Wing commander. “I congratu- Thunderbirds for the 2022 and 2023 demonstration
 Airman: Staff Sgt. Kaelob T. King,   Corie M. Hudson, 366th Fighter Wing,   Company Grade Officer: Captain  presented in the following categories:  late Lt. Col. Elliott on this huge accomplishment  seasons. Lt. Col. Justin Elliott, commander of the 59th Test
 325th Civil Engineer Squadron, Tyn-  Mountain Home AFB, Idaho  Ross, Nellis AFB, Nev.  Civ Cat 1: Melissa L. Nielsen, 482d   and have full confidence he will succeed in leading  and Evaluation Squadron at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.,
 dall Air Force Base, Fla.  First Sergeant of the Year:  Senior   Field Grade Officer:  Maj. Jessica  Attack Squadron, Shaw AFB, S.C.  the Thunderbirds in their mission to recruit, retain  will become Thunderbird 1, the squadron’s commander
 NCO: Tech. Sgt. Kelli A. Floyd,   Master Sgt. Chris Fabela, 633d Civil En-  Zembek, 379th Expeditionary Com-  Civ Cat 2: Meredith V. Schmieder,   and inspire around the globe.”  and lead pilot next year. As the two-fold duty title implies,
 20th Contracting Squadron, Shaw   gineer Squadron, JB Langley-Eustis, Va.  munications Squadron, Al Udeid Air  53d Wing, Eglin AFB, Fla.  Elliott will replace Col. John Caldwell following  Elliott will command a force of more than 120 enlisted
 AFB, S.C.  The Officer of the Year Awards were  Base, Qatar  Civ Cat 3: Frank W. Dannals, AF-  the 2021 show season. Additionally, the team also  personnel and 11 commissioned officers assigned to the
 Senior NCO: Senior Master Sgt.   presented in the following categories:  The Civilian of the Year Awards were  CENT A5, Shaw AFB, S.C.   selected Maj. Ryan Yingling, of the 59th Test and  team, along with leading all of the demonstration flights.  Air Force photograph

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