Page 11 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt – February 7 2025
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  Thunderbolt News
reveille, retreat, and Taps
February 7, 2025
Luke Air Force Base has resumed the time-honored tradition of playing Reveille, Retreat, and Taps Monday through Friday to start and end our duty day. Each week- day at 7 a.m., you hear Reveille followed by “To the Colors,” at 5 p.m., you hear Retreat followed by the National Anthem, and at 9 p.m., you hear Taps. During these times, all personnel on Luke AFB should be prepared to render the proper respect to the flag and to our country. Please refer to the informa- tion below for the appropriate actions to take during these events.
what do i do when Reveille or Retreat is played?
Whether in uniform or not in uniform: At the first sound of Reveille or Retreat, 7 a.m. or 5 p.m., stop where you are and turn to face the flag (if visible) or in the general direction of the music and, if in uniform, stand at parade rest. If not in uniform, protocol still dictates that you stop and face the flag or the music out of respect.
what if i’m driving at the time of Rev- eille or Retreat?
If in a vehicle during Reveille or Retreat, safely pull the car to the side of the road and come to a complete stop. All occupants should sit quietly at attention until the
last note of “To the Colors” or the National Anthem is played.
When do I come to attention and salute the flag?
In uniform: When the Reveille or Retreat music concludes, come to attention and render a salute when you hear the first note of “To the Colors” or the National Anthem.
Military personnel not in uniform/Civil- ians: Come to the position of attention and place your right hand over your heart. Remove your hat with your right hand and hold it at the left shoulder while your right hand is over the heart. Military personnel and veterans not in uniform may also ren- der a salute.
How long do i hold my salute?
Remain at the position of attention, saluting the flag until the last note of “To the Colors” or the National Anthem has finished playing
what do i do when Taps is being played?
Taps began as a signal to extinguish lights or lights out at the end of the day. Many bases across the Air Force play Taps to signify lights out or to begin quiet hours. For these purposes, saluting is not required.
Exception: Upon hearing Taps at a mili- tary ceremony (military funeral, memorial
U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Jason Colbert
Airmen at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, stop to salute as reveille plays before con- tinuing to look for foreign object debris during a Wing FOD walk, Sept. 27, 2012.
 ceremony, wreath laying, etc.), individuals in uniform and outdoors will salute at the first note of Taps and maintain that position until the last note. If indoors, individuals in uniform will stand at attention and ci- vilians should remove their headgear and
place their hand over their heart.
Feel free to contact the Protocol office at 623-856-5604 if you have questions.
Thank you, 56 FW/PA

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