Page 3 - March ARB Beacon 12-18-15
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb     December 18, 2015                        3

From BRIEFS page 1                         - Mindfulness and a Positive State        for informal complaints concerning       Special orders for Callaway, Odyssey,
                                                                                     discrimination. Applicants should be     Cleveland, Never Compromise, Nike,
consists of a 90-minute class each day, of Mind                                      at ease with oral and written commu-     Bag Boy, Sun Mountain and Staff golf
and then the technique is practiced for - Yin and Yang of Resiliency                 nication to all pay grades, and have     equipment are also available. Down-
20 minutes, twice a day. No change in - Yoga & Journaling                            the ability to remain neutral while      load the full equipment rental price list
beliefs or lifestyle is needed to learn - Social Connections & Communi-              performing his or her duties. The addi-  at, call 951-655-2816
TM. cation                                                                           tional duty will not exceed 20 percent   or come on by for more information.
                                           Time and Location:                        of the counselor’s primary job duties.
Statics                                                                              Applicants range from GS-05 to GS-          FITNESS CENTER NEWS
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