Page 7 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 7-10-15
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BULLSEYE                                                     News                                                               7July 10, 2015                                                                                   

HISTORY, from page 6 _________             “(The Weapons School) is                                                        will be excellent leaders for the (U.S.
                                          challenging, but it’s also the                                                   Air Force).”
Base, Nevada, June 27.                    best flying I’ve ever had the
   Armstrong also became the first        opportunity to participate in.”                                                     Her fellow classmates were essential
                                                                                                                           to Armstrong’s success. She advised
female F-15E weapons system officer       — Capt. Kari Armstrong, 389th Fighter Squadron                                   potential Weapons School students
and the second female student in a                                                                                         to “stay positive and lean on your
fighter platform — after Col. Jeannie     very proficient at your job, but also   erational conditions most students       classmates for support — look for the
Leavitt in June 1998 — to complete the    being willing and available to help     ever see.                                little wins.”
graduate-level school.                    those around you.”
                                                                                     “Going through the course, I didn’t      Small successes during the course
   While she appreciates the historical      Her skills and teaching acumen       feel singled out,” Armstrong said. “At   are important. They help counter the
aspect of her experience, Armstrong       resulted in her selection to the 17th   the end of the day, (gender) doesn’t     challenging hours of training and the
said her vision for the future goes be-   Weapons Squadron’s F-15E Weapons        matter in the briefing rooms. All that   constructive feedback from instructors.
yond her gender. Her ultimate goals       Instructor Course on her first appli-   matters is the quality of your brief,
are to be the best instructor she can     cation to the Weapons School. After     execution and debrief.”                     As she returns to the 389th FS
be and to inspire others to excel in the  arriving, Armstrong soon realized                                                and Mountain Home Air Force Base,
same way her mentors did. Those goals     she might be the first female WSO to       The 17th WPS leadership echoed        Armstrong said she hopes to encour-
motivated her to apply to the Weapons     graduate from the fighter weapons       that sentiment.                          age other Weapons School officers to
School in the first place.                instructor course; however, she could                                            apply for the school. She wants them
                                          not allow herself to think about that.     “Captain Armstrong’s accomplish-      to know becoming a Patch is an at-
   Armstrong did not have to put          She had to focus on the 260 academic    ments are notable simply because of      tainable goal; however, “It is not a
herself through Weapons School — a        hours, 28 flying missions and a course  her ability,” said Lt. Col. James Blan-  goal you can complete overnight; it is
rigorous school that selects only the     designed to contain the toughest op-    ton, the 17th WPS commander. “She’s      something you have to work hard at
top three percent of F-15E aircrew,                                               a very good aviator and instructor. Re-  every single day.
with an elimination rate of 10 percent                                            gardless of gender, all of our students
per class. However, Armstrong had                                                                                             “(The Weapons School) is challeng-
observed and admired the graduates                                                                                         ing, but it’s also the best f lying I’ve
— also known as “Patches” — at her                                                                                         ever had the opportunity to partici-
unit for some time.                                                                                                        pate in,” Armstrong continued. “Un-
                                                                                                                           less you go to a Red Flag, you won’t
   “I realized that the people I wanted                                                                                    typically see how all the platforms
to emulate the most happened to be                                                                                         work together. Getting outside your
Patches,” Armstrong said. “They real-                                                                                      own bubble helps you see the bigger
ly summed up the ‘humble, approach-                                                                                        picture of how we all play a role in the
able, credible’ motto of the Weapons                                                                                       overall mission.”
School. To me, a Patch means being

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