Page 7 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, January 2021
P. 7

6  January 2021  Desert Lightning News  Desert Lightning News        January 2021                                                                     7                                    
 Davis-Monthan at Work
 Generating aircraft for high-end fight

 355th EMS AGE maintains   Red Flag – Rescue maintainers  Confined                                                     Backshop for the Brrrt

 ground power                                          space training              F ARP training enhances
                                                       prepares Airmen            skill sets

                                                       for emergencies

                                                       Senior Airman Zachary
                                                       Watkins, 355th Compo-
                                                       nent Maintenance Squad-
                                                       ron aircraft fuels systems              Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens
                                                       troop, pulls a simulated   Senior Airman Jake Marquez, 355th Lo-
                                                       incapacitated Airman out   gistics Readiness Squadron forward area
                                                       of a fuel tank during train-                                                      Senior Airman Sari Seibert
 Senior Airman Cheyenne Powers                                                   refueling point operator, waits on aircraft   An Airman from the 355th Component
 Senior Airman Blake Gonzales  Airman 1st Class Phillip Schwoerer, 355th   ing Nov. 13, 2020. Wat-  to arrive during a FARP mission in sup-
 Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens                       kins took lead in the situ-  port of Bushwhacker 20-07 at Fort Bliss,   Maintenance Squadron Propulsion Flight
 Airman 1st Class Jackson Wagner, 355th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron A-10 Thun-  Senior Airman Andrea Sabillon, 355th   Aircraft Maintenance Unit crew chief, pre-  ation as he went through   Texas, Nov. 4, 2020. As the global climate   uses a flashlight to examine a General
 derbolt II crew chief, performs maintenance on an A-10 on the D-M flightline Nov. 3,   Equipment Maintenance Squadron Aero-  pares to marshal out an A-10 Thunderbolt   emergency protocol to   of war continues to change and become   Electric TF-34 turbofan engine at Davis-
 II for a training mission during Red Flag-
 2020. Wagner and other Airmen from the 355th Wing diverted operations from their   space Ground Equipment technician, re-  Rescue 20-2, Aug. 13, 2020. Red Flag-Res-  safely and effectively   more demanding, service members   Monthan Air Force Base, Oct. 15, 2020. The
 typical location on the flightline, while only taking limited resources as they simulated   plenishes the oil in a floodlight March 17,   cue trains all rescue and attack Airmen to   remove the Airman from   across the Department of Defense contin-  Air Force has used the T-34 engine for the
 what would be available to them in a contested and austere environment, as Airmen   2020, during an inspection. After verifying   prepare for the high-end fight potentially   the fuel tank, address any   ue to build and sustain an unprecedented   A-10 Thunderbolt II since the 1970s.
 the functionality of a piece of equipment,
 continue to train different scenarios to ensure their readiness for the high-end fight.   issues and treat for po-
 Sabillon confirmed it for operational use   located in contested and degraded envi-  tential injuries.  and unmatched level of readiness across   68th RQS trains to execute
                                                                                 the force through in-depth and constant
 on Davis-Monthan’s flightline.
 NDI – more than meets the eye   Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens                 training, to ensure critical capabilities that   no-fail mission
                                                                                 are required in the fight.
 563rd RQG trains for high-end fight                            An Airman looks   RQG saves four stranded teens
                                                                out of an HC-
                                                                130J Combat
                                                                King II over the
                                                                Pacific Ocean,
                                                                Oct. 1, 2020. Air-
                                                                men from the
                                                                563rd Rescue
                                                                Group constantly
                                                                train to main-
 Inspected aircraft screws lay on                               tain and build
 a table at the 355th EMD NDI lab                               on their state of                                                   Airman 1st Class Jacob T. Stephens
 at D-M AFB. The NDI lab inspects                               high-end readi-                                        A U.S. Air Force Airman assigned to the
 aircraft and equipment by use of                               ness.                                      Courtesy photo  Combat Team Member Course receives
 fluorescent penetrant, magnetic          LEFT: A U.S. Air Force HH-60G Pave Hawk   Airmen assigned to the 563rd Rescue   instruction during training June 26, 2020.
 particle, ultrasonic, eddy current,      receives fuel from a HC-130J Combat King   Group rescued four teenagers who were   CTMC gives combat search and rescue
 oil analysis and X-ray methods.  Photos by Staff Sgt. Sergio Gamboa  II over Arizona, Oct. 7, 2020. This helicop-  stranded on Mount Baldy in Dixie Nation-  Airmen the opportunity to train on a wide
 A special solution, containing iron, is                                         al Forest, Utah, Nov. 12, 2020.
 poured onto magnetized aircraft equip-   ter air-to-air refuel mission was part of                                    variety of skills over a two-month period.
 ment at the 355th EMD NDI lab. The       ongoing training across the 563rd Rescue
 solution makes deficiencies detectable   Group to ensure combat ready rescue
 by seeping into cracks not visible to the   forces anywhere, anytime.                         D-M Airmen rescue
 naked eye.
 Photos by Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens  Det. 1, 355th Wing activates at Nellis
 LEFT: Airman 1st Class Zachery Filson,   Two U.S. Air Force HH-60G Pave Hawks fly over Arizona, Oct. 7, 2020. The HH-60s
 355th EMD NDI journeyman, inspects   are assigned to the 55th Rescue Squadron and are tasked to execute personnel re-  injured Chinese mariner
 aircraft equipment for cracks. The NDI   covery and other rescue missions.
 lab evaluates and interprets aircraft and
 equipment deficiencies undetectable to
 the naked eye.  Bushwhacker 20-07 exercises

 Integrating to increase combat capabilities  capabilities, improves readiness

 A U.S. Air Force Airman loads cargo onto
 a C-130 Hercules from Little Rock Air
 Force Base, Arkansas, during dynamic
 wing integration training July 21, 2020.                 Senior Airman Blake Gonzales
 Airmen from units across Davis-Monthan   Lt. Col. Robert Rosebrough, Detachment
 worked with Little Rock Airmen to prac-  1, 355th Wing commander, folds the Det. 1
 tice loading cargo that deployed Airmen   flag after a squadron activation ceremony
 would need. This ensures the ability to   June 15, 2020, at Davis-Monthan Air Force
 get equipment to an austere location, as   Photos by Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens  Base. The detachment will serve to consol-
 the 355th Wing’s Dynamic Wing contin-  Airman 1st Class Brendan Connoy, 355th Com-  idate the 355th Wing commander’s intent,   U.S. Air National Guard photo by Master Sgt. Ray Aquino
 ues to address and execute on dynamic   munications Squadron client systems techni-  direction and advocacy with the 563rd   A U.S. Air Force HH-60G Pave Hawk rescue helicopter assigned to the 55th Rescue
 force employment and agile combat em-  A-10 Thunderbolt IIs sit on the flight line   cian, sets up equipment Nov. 2, 2020, during   Rescue Group at Davis-Monthan and the   Squadron, Davis-Monthan, AFB, stands by at Moffett Air National Guard Base, Cali-
 ployment. The Wing’s mission aligns with   An Airman from the 355th Wing   Nov. 2, 2020. The A-10s were moved to the   Bushwhacker 20-07. The purpose of the Bush-  563rd RQG operating location-alpha, 58th   fornia, Aug. 28, 2020. The helicopter and its crew were participating in a joint rescue
 the efforts of senior leaders in the Depart-  dons mission oriented protec-  flight line as part of Bushwhacker 20-07,   whacker exercise is to build multi-capable Air-  Rescue Squadron, 66th Rescue Squadron   long-range overwater operation with members of California Air National Guard’s 129th
 ment of Defense, as well as the national   tive posture gear during Exercise   as the 355th Wing continues to build on its   men to be able to establish, sustain and defend   and 855th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron   Rescue Wing for an injured crewman on board a bulk container vessel off the coast of
 Airman 1st Class Jacob T. Stephens  defense strategy.  Bushwhacker 20-07, Nov. 3, 2020.  state of high-end readiness.  the base with organic command and control.  at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.  San Francisco.
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