Page 3 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 3-25-16
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BULLSEYE Feature 3March 25, 2016
CHOI, from page 1 _____________ Capt. Min Choi, 99th Choi has been instrumental in further
Inpatient Operation strengthening the ties between Nellis
her family and the sacrifices her mother Squadron clinical nurse in AFB and the VA by heading up this pro-
made for the family. the critical care unit, poses in gram and training nurses so they can in
front of the critical care unit turn also work at the VA.
“In the Asian and Korean cultures we sign at the Mike O’Callaghan
are very family centered,” said Choi. “You Federal Medical Center Another part that makes Choi such
get a lot of inspirations and motivation at Nellis Air Force Base, a great nurse is her caring personality
from your family. A lot of my motivation Nev., March 17. Critical care and genuine love of people are additional
to be successful came from my mother, Ja nursing is a complex and features that make her a great nurse.
Yeon, and my older sister, Lucy. My older challenging nurse specialty
sister is very intelligent and she really to which many registered “I enjoy interacting with the patients,”
tried to give me her thoughts on how I nurses aspire. Also known said Choi. “My philosophy as a nurse is to
should be and what I could do.” as intensive care unit nurses, treat my patients like my family should
critical care nurses use their be treated or how I would want to be
“My mother is 78 years old so when advanced skills to care for treated. When you think that way your
we just talk about the older generation patients who are at high risk patient feels that.”
of mothers in the Asian culture the girls for life-threatening health
are influenced so much by the mother U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Nathan Byrnes problems. “Nothing is more rewarding than see-
because we are so close together,” said ing a patient that you took care of who
Choi. “You kind of learn things from that nursing was a passion of hers. working so much that I didn’t even get was so sick come up to you weeks later,
the life experience from the mom. They “It was during my clinical rotations to ask my kids how they were feeling, looking like a totally different person,
always sacrifice themselves and really what was going on at in their lives and and say ‘Hey Min, I was your patient do
don’t have their life. They sacrifice their when I realized that this was really some- how things were going at school,” said you remember me? Thank you for taking
ambitions in order to raise the children thing that I wanted to do,” said Choi. “I Choi. “I barely got to see my husband. care of me during that rough time,’’ said
and to support the husband. They do did my clinical rotation at Desert Re- Family means everything to me so that Choi. “Seeing them completely healthy
everything for the family.” gional Medical Center in Palm Springs, was really hard. The military is much makes it all worthwhile.”
California. I rotated with a trauma ICU more family oriented and has allowed
“I didn’t want to live that way,” said and I got to shadow all the nurses. I re- me to spend more time with my family “Working in the critical care unit
Choi. “I wanted to build a life of my own ally loved talking to the patients and I which means a lot. you don’t see a positive outcome 100
and chase after my own dreams. I knew was really impressed and shocked with percent of the time so having former
that I needed a good profession to be able how professional the nurses were and the Since coming to Nellis AFB Choi has patients come up to you and thanking
to accomplish this so I started asking my- amount of knowledge they had. It really been the embodiment of the Air Force you is very rewarding,” said Choi. “You
self, ‘What can I do to support myself?’” made me want to be a nurse.” core values and has been a great leader do everything you can to try and rescue
and mentor to the people she works with. all your patients, but sometimes it just
Choi wasn’t sure on what she wanted to After nursing school, Choi and her doesn’t work out. It hurts my heart
choose as a career but knew that she needed family moved to Los Angeles where she “She is very driven and very smart,” when that happens, but that’s part of
to further her education to reach her goals. worked two full-time jobs as a nurse and said Maj. Leila Pasignajen, 99th IPTS the job.”
as a teacher at a nursing school to help flight commander of the critical care
“I started attending college in Korea,” support her family. unit. “She is passionate with her care and Choi is grateful for the opportunity
said Choi. “I first went to school for interior everything is always on time. Patients that was awarded to her in coming to the
design butmysisterencouraged me to come “I was physically and mentally ex- never miss their medications. As a charge U.S. and pursuing her dreams. Always
to the U.S. and experience what the U.S. had hausted,” said Choi. “I was working six nurse, she makes sure all her nurses meet looking for a way to volunteer and give
to offer. She encouraged me to see what the days a week and I rarely got to see my kids all their patients’ needs. She is on top of back to those who are less fortunate, she
world had to offer outside of Korea.” and husband. I only had one day off and everything. Her decision making skills, devotes her spare time as a remote area
sometimes I didn’t even have a day off. judgement, leadership and knowledge are medical clinic volunteer. The RAM pro-
“I started coming to the U.S for short what make her such an asset to the team.” gram treats more than 900 patients over
trips and it was a different from anything “One day at work, a family of a pa- a three to four day span.
that I had seen in Korea,” said Choi. “I tient of mine who was retired Navy told “When there is a ‘Code Blue’ she is
loved it and started to learn English.” me that I should look into joining the always there grabbing the bag and going “First of all, it’s a community service,”
military,” said Choi. “They talked to me where she is needed and training new said Choi. “I serve the hospital and I’m
The desire and vision that she had to about how good of an opportunity it nurses how to handle the situation. She paid for that, but I feel that you need to
have a career that would allow her sup- would be for me.” doesn’t hesitate to speak up when she sees serve the community and help those
port herself came to fruition when her things that could be improved. She is a who can’t afford medical treatment. I
sister convinced her to look at attending “I began researching what the military little person with a very strong voice.” didn’t start volunteering until I joined
nursing school. In 1999, Choi took a leap had to offer and saw the benefits that it the military. I saw a lot of organizations
of faith and permanently moved to the could provide for me and my family,” said Recently, Choi became the director of that work with the homeless and people
U.S. so that she could pursue her dreams Choi. “My husband served in the South the peripherally inserted central catheter who don’t have insurance and provide
of having a career. Korean air force and he was all for me program. Nellis AFB is the only base that free medical care to these individuals. I
joining. He was very supportive and even has a registered nurse led PICC program. feel honored and it’s very rewarding to
“I didn’t really think about being a quit his job to take care of the home and Also, Nellis AFB is the only base to have be a part of these organizations and help
nurse until my sisters talked to me about children so that I could pursue my career.” the joint Veterans Affairs Hospital and these people.”
how good of a job it was in the U.S., I Air Force PICC team.
thought, ‘Maybe that would be my per- “After I joined the military everything Choi says that her method to success
fect job,’” said Choi. started to work out,” said Choi. “I only A PICC line is a long, thin, flexible revolves around using her time wisely,
have to work three to four days a week tube used to give medicines, fluids, nu- setting goals and taking the steps neces-
She was accepted and enrolled in the now. The first year when I joined the mili- trients, or blood products over a long sary to achieve those goals.
nursing program at the College of the tary I remember my kids coming up to me period of time, usually several weeks or
Desert in Palm Desert, California but and saying, ‘Mom, how come you don’t go more. A specially trained nurse or doctor “If you do nothing, time still goes,”
faced some unique challenges that most to work anymore?’ They were so used to will use an ultrasound machine to find said Choi. “If you do something, time
other nursing students don’t. seeing me work all day all the time.” the veins in one’s upper arm and insert still goes. Why are you wasting your
the PICC line. A catheter is threaded time? Use that time to do things that will
“When I was in nursing school I “Now I only work about half the days through this vein until it reaches a large help you achieve the goal that you have
wasn’t really good with English,” said I used to work. I have more time to spend vein near the heart. set for yourself.”
Choi. “The language barrier was the big- with my kids so that really works out per-
gest challenge for me. I could read and fectly for me. I really enjoy the extra time I Patients benefit from the use of a PICC Choi has taken the road less traveled to
write English but I couldn’t speak it or get to spend with my husband and kids and because it has less risk for infection and get to where she is at today and even though
comprehend the listening part very well. we are able to talk more and get along more.” has a high patient satisfaction rate. Also, it the journey has been a long and strenuous
I had to put a lot of effort into my studies is very cost effective and saves the hospital one, it is a journey that is far from its last
to pass. Everything was a new word for As a mother of two, it was a welcomed resources that can be utilized in other ways. chapter. She will be embarking on the next
me. Luckily, I had a lot of support from change of pace for Choi. chapter in her life by pursuing her doctorate
my professors and classmates and I was degree this summer as she was accepted into
able to get through it pretty well.” “Before joining the military, I was the Doctor of Nursing Practice program.
It didn’t take long for Choi to realize