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Vol. 80, No. 30                       March Air Reserve Base, California                                                               Friday, July 31, 2015

    NEWS BRIEFS                       Commander shows off Team March at Capitol Hill

   Are you aware that if you
plan on transferring any or all of
your educational benefits to your
dependents, you MUST have a
minimum of four years left in the
military at the time of the trans-
fer? The exception is if you are
getting out due to reaching your
high year of tenure or something
else that is beyond your control.
Contact the education office or
the local Veteran’s Administra-
tion office for specific details.

REGISTER FOR YELLOW                                                                   U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Russell S. McMillan

   The August 14-16 and Septem-
ber 25-27 Yellow Ribbon events
are now open for registration for
eligible members. For more for-
mation, contact 1st Lt. Shelley
Lawrence, your 452nd Air Mobil-
ity Wing Yellow Ribbon represen-
tative, for details at 951-655-4615.

   MILITARY DENTIST                   (From left to right) U.S. Rep. Mark Takano, who represents the 41st District of California, and Julia Steinberger, senior legislative
Friday prior to the A and B
UTAs through the September            ers to discuss base-level issues and opportunities in person with Congressional members, and to advocate top priorities of the Air
joint UTA. The dentist’s hours
are 8 – 11 a.m. and 1 – 3 p.m. If     Force Reserve Command.
you or anyone in your squadron
needs a military dental examina-      by Senior Airman Russell S. McMillan            add base capability and create efficiencies,      advocate top priorities of the Air Force Re-
tion, please go to the dental clinic  452 AMW public affairs                          such as the new Joint Regional Deployment        serve Command.
during the hour of operation. In-                                                     Processing and Cargo Facility, a fire station at
dividuals must be on military sta-       Col. Russell A. Muncy, commander,            the north end of the base to respond to emer-       “It’s one of the most impactful ways we
tus to be seen. No appointments       452nd Air Mobility Wing, March Air Re-          gencies faster and the potential movement        engage with [Capitol Hill],” said Lt. Col.
accepted. Walk-ins will be seen       serve Base, visited with seven lawmakers        of existing mission partners such as the U.S.    Will Vaughn (left), legislative liaison offi-
on a first come, first served basis.    on Capitol Hill Tuesday to discuss base         Department of Homeland Security’s Air and        cer, Policy Integration AF/REI at the Pen-
                                      mission priorities and to communicate the       Marine Operations Center’s investigations        tagon, District of Columbia.
  HAP ARNOLD CLUB’S                   important impact our active duty, Guard         unit inside the base perimeter.
     BONANZA BINGO                    and Reserve members make in support of                                                              The AF/REI staff has more than 100 in-
                                      national defense.                                  During each of the congressional visits,      dividual directorates, from planners to pro-
   The Hap Arnold Club invites                                                        Muncy articulated the cost-effective capa-       grammers, who help support the program
you to play Bingo for prizes. Visit      During a meeting with Sen. Barbara           bility citizen Airmen provide to mission         so wing commanders may have annual ac-
the cashier’s cage or a bartender at  Boxer and Rep. Mark Takano’s delegations        sets while also advocating the priorities of     cess to tell the Air Force Reserve story.
the club or call 951-655-4920 for     Muncy spoke of how the 163rd Attack             base tenant partners.
details. Winning numbers for the      Wing, formerly the 163rd Reconnaissance                                                             The list of congressional offices Muncy
week of July 27 throughAug 2 are:     Wing, provided unprecedented support to            The program that enabled these meet-          visited, in order of first visited include:
B10, I28, N44, G52, O61. (Win-        incident commanders of CAL FIRE by al-          ings to occur is known as the Air Force
ning numbers are displayed weekly     lowing access to 24/7 real-time video from      Reserve Capitol Hill Visit program. The             Rep. Mark Takano – District 41
                                      their MQ-1 Predator to help battle the Rim      AFRCHV program provides an annual                   Sen. Barbara Boxer
             See BRIEFS page 3        Fire in Yosemite National Park, Calif.          opportunity for wing commanders to dis-             Rep. Norma Torres – District 35
                                                                                      cuss base-level issues and opportunities in         Rep. Ken Calvert – District 42
                                         Muncy also explained some of the impor-      person with members of Congress, and to             Rep. Darrell Issa – District 49
                                      tant military construction projects that would                                                      Sen. Feinstein
                                                                                                                                          Rep. Raul Ruiz – District 36
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