Page 3 - March ARB Beacon 7-31-15
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb July 31, 2015 3
From BRIEFS page 1 details or to sign up. Circuit Training GRILL NIGHT
Wednesdays: 6 a.m. — Virtual Fusion AT SALLY’S ALLEY
on the information screen in the lobby next RIDE A BIKE ON UTAS Every Wednesday night starting at 4
to the Grande Ballroom.) Good luck! Outdoor Recreation, in conjunction Yoga; 11 a.m. — Zumba; 12:15 p.m. —Vir- p.m., Sally’s Alley is open for business with
with the Fitness and Sports Center, offers tual Fusion Yoga; 12:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. — Grill Night. Sally’s Alley is also now open
FREE UTA MOVIES FREE bike rentals to UTA members from Battle Ropes Circuit Training every Pre-UTA Thursday at 4 p.m. For more
FROM OUTDOOR REC now through September. Male and female information, call them at 951-653-2121.
Outdoor Recreation is pleased to an- beach cruisers, including helmets and locks Thursdays: 11 a.m. —Virtual Spin; 12:15
nounce their summer movie series.All mov- will be located in front of the Fitness Center p.m. — Virtual Strength “Fit for Duty;” MOTOWN REVIEW
ies are free and start at dusk on the “A” and and issued by Force Support Squadron fit- 12:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. — Circuit Training AUGUST 29
“B” UTA’s. Bring your own chairs, blankets, ness personnel. Due to a limited supply, only
snacks, etc., and join us on the lawn behind 10 bikes will be made available each UTA Fridays: 10 a.m. — Zumba; 10:30 a.m. The Hap Arnold Club presents The
weekend. Mountain bikes are available by and 5 p.m. — IntermediateTRX; 11:15 a.m. MoTown Review dinner and show, fea-
special request only through Outdoor Rec- — Virtual Cardio turing the Men of Motown, Saturday,
reation. For more information, call ODR at Aug. 29, 6 p.m. Call the club at 951-
951-655-2816 or the Fitness Center at 951- UTA Saturdays: (A UTA) 5 p.m. — Vir- 655-2121 for more information.
655-2292. tual Strength “Fit for Duty;” (B UTA) 5-7
p.m. — Pick-up Basketball THE 452ND AIR MOBILITY
the Outdoor Recreation/Tickets and Tours BACK STREET CAFÉ WING’S 2015 MILITARY BALL
- Bldg. 434. Be sure to take all of your be- UTA SCHEDULE For more information, visit the Fitness Cen-
longings and properly dispose of your trash ter, or call 951-655-2284. The 452nd Air Mobility Wing’s 2015
before you leave. Movies are open to anyone The Back Street Café has begun renova- Military Ball is scheduled for Saturday,
with base access. For more information, call tion of the dining area. Food operations have CONSTRUCTION AT CACTUS November 21. This year’s location re-
Outdoor Recreation at 951-655-2816. relocated to the Wright Brothers Bar located AVE & RIVERSIDE DR: mains the Riverside Convention Center,
on the east side of the Hap Arnold Club. En- and this year we will have a Holiday
Aug. 8: Woman in Gold (PG-13) - trances fromAdamsAve. can be used as well The City of MorenoValley has removed Theme. This will be a fantastic evening
Maria Altmann, an octogenarian Jewish as available parking across from the Ball- the “No Right Turn” sign at Cactus/River- and one you do not want to miss. Ticket
refugee, takes on the Austrian government room entrance. side (east bound) and will see how it goes. prices dropped to $60 per person. See
to recover artwork she believes rightfully They warned that during construction, the your first sergeant to purchase tickets
belongs to her family. Stars: Helen Mirren, Monday – Friday there will be buffet turn radius is not enough for tractor trailer/ or contact SMSgt. Griffin at 951-655-
Ryan Reynolds, Daniel Brühl style food service in theWright Brothers Bar delivery trucks and it will be a problem for 3999. There are 40 rooms available
at 6:30 – 10 a.m. for breakfast and 11-1:30 those vehicles. Please have your delivery at the Marriott for $110 each, and 50
Aug. 22: Insurgent (PG-13) - Beatrice p.m. for lunch. No dinner will be served dur- trucks use the Heacock/Meyers entrance rooms available at the Hyatt Place for
Prior must confront her inner demons and ing the week. to the area to avoid problems with the con- $105 each (the Hyatt Place price in-
continue her fight against a powerful al- struction crew. If a problem arises with the cludes breakfast). When you call to
liance which threatens to tear her society All UTA food operations will continue vehicle traffic while the construction crew make a reservation, mention the 2015
apart with the help from others on her side. throughout the renovation. A limited menu is relocating the traffic signal and install- Military Ball to get the correct rate. You
Stars: Shailene Woodley,Ansel Elgort,Theo will be available with most of your favorite ing traffic modifications at the Riverside/ can contact The Marriott at 1-800-228-
James items, excluding pizza. An express food ser- Cactus intersection the “No Right Turn” 9290 or (951)784-8000 for reservations
vice will be available in the Atrium as well sign will be put up again and enforced. and The Hyatt Place at 1-888-553-1300
Sep. 12: McFarland USA (PG-13) - A as breakfast, lunch and dinner in the dining Hopefully this will make things easier for or (951)321-3500.
cross country coach in a small California room. The UTA operating hours are 5:30-9 all while the street widening project is go-
town transforms a team of athletes into a.m. for breakfast; 11-1 p.m. for lunch, 4-8 ing on. If you have any questions contact
championship contenders. Stars: Kevin p.m. for dinner. the March Community Planner and Liai-
Costner, Maria Bello, Ramiro Rodriguez son at 951-655-2236.
In addition, Sally’s Alley and Aces Sports
AUG/SEP TRIPS Bar will be open on UTA Fridays and Satur-
OUTDOOR REC days from 4 p.m. to 1 a.m.
March Outdoor Recreation plans the fol-
lowing trips for the remainder of the fiscal The newly renovated state-of-the-art
year: facility will feature new lighting and furni-
August 1 – Hang Glide in Devore for $45 ture, an improved serving line, digital menu
per person boards, a revamped menu, and new stations
August 15 – Couples hot air balloon rides such as a self-serve salad bar and Starbucks
in Temecula for $20 per person coffee stations.
August 29 – Bungee jump of the Bridge
to Nowhere in Azusa for $32 per person We appreciate your patience during this
September 5 – Three-hour couples sun- renovation and are committed to continue
set sail in San Diego for $35 each to provide quality service and support to the
September 19 – Skydive in Perris for $50 Team March community. Visit MarchFSS.
per person com or “Like” them on Facebook at
September 26 – Three-hour Alpine “MarchFSS” to stay up-to-date.
horseback tour in Big Bear for $42 per per-
Call them at 951-655-2816 for further The March Fitness Center has received
the Wellbeats Virtual Group Fitness Kiosk.
This kiosk allows members to participate in
virtual fitness classes.
Daily Fitness Schedule is:
Mondays: 6 a.m. — Virtual FusionYoga;
10:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. — Intro TRX; 11
a.m. —Virtual Spin
Tuesdays: 11 a.m. — Virtual Strength
“Fit for Duty;” 12:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. —