Page 18 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 6-12-15
P. 18
18 June 12, 2015 Lighter Side BULLSEYE
GRAPHIC 1. Who was promoted by air Force
Vice Chief of Staff as the 22nd air
Locate a part of the graphic to force Surgeon General?
the left somewhere in this week’s
paper. Identify the page, include 2. What activity will be taking place
your rank & duty station. July 2nd at the Warrior fitness
Last week’s graphic was
located on page 17. Last Weeks Answers
1. No — TRICARE does not pay for exercise programs.
2. 1943 — Retired U.S. Air Force Maj. Jobie Hammock joined the
Army Air Corps in 1943.
Last Week’s Winner: Master Sgt. Roland Bekis-Salt Last Weeks Winner: Pete MacHott
The rules: E-mail your entry by 9 a.m. Monday to A winner will Rules: E-mail your entry by 9 a.m. Monday to A winner will
be selected through a random drawing of correct answers. Entries must include applicant’s full be selected through a random drawing of correct answers. Entries must include applicant’s
name, organization and base. The winner’s name will appear the following issue. The winner full name, organization and base. The winner’s name will appear in the following issue. The
must take a copy of the paper, or show government military or civilian/retired identification, to winner must take a copy of the paper, or show government military or civilian/retired
the sponsor directly to receive the award. identification, to the sponsor directly to receive the award.
+,*+3527(,1/2:)$7/2:&$5% Hours:
Win a
Monday - Saturday
FREE 8am - 8pm
MEAL Winner can only win one Winner of the week receives
(Good at Craig Rd. & Centennial locations) $10 of FREE FOODtime during a 30 day period. From the
Not to be combined Lunch Menu.
Text “TMAD” to 90210 Up to $15
For Special Offers Winner can only win one with any other offers.
time during a 30 day period. 7 0 2 - 8 3 4 - 7 9 9 8 Just 5 minutes away north of the main gate at Craig and Lamb.
)5(6+*5,//('+($/7+<23(1'$<6 4348 E. Craig Rd. Ste 150, Las Vegas
Do you have a funny military photo you would like to run? Last week’s photo
If so, please e-mail it to
and we would be happy to consider it for future publication in the Lighter Side.
This week’s photo The rules: Last Week’s Submission
Write a humorous caption to this photo. 1. Write a creative, printable caption for the “AT&T’s 2015 Top Lineman competition.”
photo to the left.
FREE Meal Winner
2. E-mail your entry by close of business Monday
to Entries are Elizabeth Parker
limited to one per submitter, and become
property of Bullseye, subject to editing.
3. Entries must include full name, rank, and duty
station/installation, but not specific organi-
zation; telephone/duty phone numbers are
not required.
4. Captions will be judged by Aerotech News
Staff for their appropriateness and humor. One
winner will be announced in the following
week of the Bullseye newspaper.Winner must
present copy of newspaper with their name in
it,indicating the date they won the meal, and
show a valid I.D.card.
+,*+3527(,1/2:)$7/2:&$5% *RRGDW&UDLJ5G
F R E E M E A LCaption Contest up to $15 TEXT “TMAD” TO 90210 FOR SPECIAL OFFERS
winners receive a SERVING THOSE WHO SERVE US!
Winner can only win one time during a 30 day period.