Page 9 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 5-20-16 Rev.
P. 9
BULLSEYE Feature 9May 20, 2016
aviators, from page 8 U.S. Air Force photo by Susan Garcia them to situations they would not see in their regular units.
radar theory and saw the defensibility and survivability of “The ATC course is a step in the right direction in a
different aircraft. Staff Sgt. Keon Miller, 66th Rescue Squadron special mission
aviator, watches pararescue personnel recover a simulated way that bridges the gap in training between a unit’s MQT
For the TE phase, the students traveled to Gowen Field downed service member during the 34th Weapons [mission qualification training] and to being selected for
and the Orchard Range Training Complex in Boise, Idaho, Squadron’s Terminal Employment phase at the Orchard instructor SMA. The ATC provided an avenue for exposure
for two weeks where they tackled aircraft and weapons Range Training Complex in Boise, Idaho, April 20. Miller was and applicability to CSAR tactical doctrine most SMAs only
employment during the final stage of rescue missions. The one of two students participating in a concept course on get to read about,” Cosca said.
students knew the survivors’ location but had to eliminate advanced tactics for HH-60G Pavehawk SMAs.
reactive threats in a contested area prior to recovering the The 34th WPS identified a need for advanced training af-
personnel. and TE to employ as part of a large-force exercise to recover ter the aerial gunner and flight engineer career fields merged
simulated downed aviators. Members of operational rescue into the current special missions aviation career field. During
Because of its dynamic nature, the TE phase is the most units seldom see a large-force employment of this kind, ac- visits to provide focused training to CSAR units, the 34th
difficult to execute, according to Maj. Michael Kingry, 34th cording to Lt. Col. Evan Scaggs, 34th WPS director of ops. WPS cadre was inundated with questions about advanced
WPS TE phase manager. The students learned to use tactics, tactics and procedures.
such as fixed forward fire of the .50 caliber weapon while Overall, Cosca and Miller found the prospective ATC to
in flight, and took control of certain planning aspects (also be challenging yet beneficial. They agreed the course exposed “At the end of every sortie, I’d have a line of enlisted flyers
known as white-cell academics) for the TE phase. 15 deep who wanted to talk about what had happened, what
they’d heard, etc.,” said Master Sgt. Michael Miller, 34th WPS
“The students had to do a factor threat analysis to dis- SMA. “There was a thirst for knowledge from SMAs who
criminate between targets in a threat density they’ve never wanted to get better.”
seen before,” said Staff Sgt. Kevin Holland, 34th WPS SMA.
“They had to make decisions in a dynamic environment with The 34th WPS is moving forward in the approval process
little time for deliberation. They also took the lead and made for the ATC. Although the Combat Air Forces has requested
the call to orient the Pave Hawk from the back at an increased this training, a challenge will be continued sustainment
operations tempo, all while still manning the weapon.” from units dealing with manning challenges due to high
operations tempos.
In the final CSAR phase, the students applied everything
they had learned during the ATC in a capstone integration “It’s hard for units to allocate manning for seven weeks,”
with 66 WPS A-10 Thunderbolts pilots specifically trained in said Tech. Sgt. Joshua Martin, 34th WPS TE phase NCO
search procedures, authentication techniques and helicopter in charge. “But, in the end, the units get back SMAs who
support tactics. The students combined the lessons of SAT have learned from mistakes in a realistic environment and
have gained knowledge they can pass on to the Combat Air
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