Page 12 - March ARB Beacon 4-15-16
P. 12

12 April 16-17, 2016                                                    


                                            RIDDLE EXTRA 330LX

   The Extra 330LX is a two-seat, tan-      the Men’s Team to a silver medal.     a respected airline captain with tens of                                      courtesy photo
dem arrangement, low-wing aerobatic         Along with this impressive finish      thousands of flight hours.
monoplane with conventional (tail drag-     came the coveted Hilliard Tro-                                                  business, with a reputation for safe-
ger) landing gear, offering exceptional     phy, awarded to the highest fin-          In addition to all that, Chapman       ty and diligence. He enjoys building
aerobatic performance. It has a wing-       ishing U.S. pilot at the WAC. He      is a respected voice in the airshow       and flying radio-controlled aircraft
span of 26.3 ft., is 22.8 ft. long and 8.6  also won the prestigious Interna-                                               of all types.
ft. high.                                   tional Aerobatic Club Champi-
                                            onships in 1994 and the Fond du
   Chapman is recognized as an ex-          Lac Cup in 1995.
traordinary aerobatic pilot who thrills
millions of airshow fans each summer.          Chapman’s exciting competi-
He began flying aerobatics in 1984 and       tion aerobatics led him to air-
quickly worked his way up to the high-      show performing. He is both a
est level of competition aerobatics – the   solo performer, and flies forma-
Unlimited category. Recognized for his      tion in a thrilling show with fel-
skills, he won one of only five slots on     low performer Mike Mancuso.
the U.S. Unlimited Men’s Aerobatic
Team in 1996 and 1998.                         Chapman has flown in front
                                            of millions of fans at airshows
   At the 1998 World Aerobatic Cham-        all over. He has appeared on ESPN,
pionships, Chapman was the highest-         ESPN2, Fox Sports Network, Real TV,
ranking American pilot, finishing third      The Learning Channel’s “Amazing
in the world with a bronze medal. He led    America” and SpeedVision. He is also


ΣΑςΕ Α ΛΙΦΕ. ΔΟΝ∏Τ ΔΡΙςΕ ΗΟΜΕ ΒΥΖΖΕΔ.       Inland Empire Campus
ΒΥΖΖΕΔ ΔΡΙςΙΝΓ ΙΣ ΔΡΥΝΚ ΔΡΙςΙΝΓ.            951-653-4074
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