Page 5 - March ARB Beacon 4-15-16
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb     April 16-17, 2016                                                5


   The Red Eagles fly the Russian-designed YAK-52 air-            400, 757/767 and MD-11 and operates                                                                     Courtesy photo/Kevin Joyce/Sidewinder Aviation Photography
craft, the basic trainer for Soviet forces. It is rugged, reli-  both domestically and internationally.
able and relatively straightforward to operate. Powered by a                                                                         Because aviation is a critical part of America’s his-
360 HP 9-cylinder radial engine (the Vendeneyev M-14P),             Darrell “Condor” Gary was a U.S.                              tory and its future, The Red Eagle Formation Team is
the fuel consumption is relatively modest (12.5 – 19 gal-        Navy fighter pilot for 11 years, complet-                         committed to inspiring youth and promoting aviation
lons per hour). This rugged performer is stressed to +7 to       ing four combat tours in South East Asia                         by safely demonstrating essential skills developed by
-5 Gs and can easily operate out of unprepared fields. The        with over 500 carrier landings and 170                           our military for use in operations around the world,
“green-house” canopy provides excellent visibility and the       combat missions. He also holds the dis-                          and to passing those skills on to the next generation of
tandem seating features dual controls. When used in the          tinction of being one of nine officers who                        aviators. This reflects the philosophy of their sponsor
training environment, the instructor occupies the rear cock-     formed the Navy Fighter Weapons School                           Allegiant Air, “to promote safety through discipline,
pit. The aircraft that you see today have been modified with      “TOPGUN,” and did two tours as an in-                            attention to detail and constantly striving to improve.”
smoke systems to enhance the performance for spectators.         structor there. “I fly with extraordinary pi-                     Nothing good is ever easy, and to be the best requires
                                                                 lots, engage in challenging events and fly                        constant effort. To learn more about the team, visit
   The team’s lead pilot, Andrew “Limey” Webb, started           on my own schedule and best of all… no                 
flying with the British RAF as a cadet at the age of 13, flew      night carrier landings,” he said.
his first jet at 17 (BAE Hawk – or T-45 as used for US Navy
and Marine corps advanced jet training) and achieved his            Duke “Maddawg” Molter is the
goal of becoming an instructor at 22. “Limey” has nearly         most experienced member of the
1000 hours on theYak 52, having first bought one in the UK        team with 26,000 flying hours, more
in 2000 and always regretted selling it – he bought another      than a 1,000 of which are in formation! He started
after moving to SoCal and joined the Red Eagles in 2011.         flying with the USAF in the ROTC and then spent
                                                                 five years as Instructor on T-33 and T-38 jets, teach-
   Paul “Trash” White, is new to the team this year. He          ing formation and instrument; was awarded a Certifi-
began flying at the age of 12 with his first solo at 16. He        cate of Master Instructor.
flew Tomcats for 11 years in the U.S. Navy, including
combat missions in support of Operation SOUTHERN                    Mark “Flex” McKinnon joined the team in 2014 and flies
WATCH and accumulated 237 carrier landings. He fin-               in the #5 position, #2 in aerobatics. He started flying with the
ished his active duty career at Strike Fighter Weapons           USAF in 1982 initially training on the T-37 and T-38 before
School Atlantic. “Trash” has more than 6,000 hours and           operational conversion to the F-15. “Flex” has 10,000 flying
is currently a First Officer with UPS on the Boeing 757           hours with nearly 3000 hours on the F-15, with nearly 20
and 767 aircraft. He is also type rated in the B737, 747-        years in the USAF andANG. When not flying with the team
                                                                 he is a Captain for UPS on 757 and 767 aircraft.
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